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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. fv1609

    Scrim nets

    Jack Its not defined really, they talk about "open mesh fishing net". Given the diagrams & the hessian strip being 2in I would guess 2.5in mesh. Available in: 35ft x 35ft 24ft x 24ft 35ft x 17ft But some applications required "shrimp nets", which was either 1cm knotted or 0.5cm woven these were available in brown or green. They were 25ft x 12ft or 35ft x 15ft were carried on AFVs for intense blocking of detail.
  2. fv1609

    Scrim nets

    2 inches according to: Camouflage, Military Training Pamphlet No. 46 Part 1, General Principles, Equipment & Materials (all Arms) Chapter 2, Section 13, Subsection 4 (1) 26/GS Publications/50, 1941. But what are you trying to cover up? Because that will influence not just the overall dimensions of the net, but the size of the mesh, the density of the strips, their pattern, & ratio of the colours AND the type of knots you use! Although it does describe other things like netting with wire wool & even mesh with chickens feathers or manes from cows & horses woven into the mesh. So next year your GMC could come disguised as a chicken with a pony tail! BTW I am not fooling this book really does say all this stuff!
  3. They got sold off real cheap. Champs, Land Rovers & Humbers would sell in late 1960s for about £80 at auction then sold on: Then they ended up like this appaling derelict seen 2 years ago I have to admit it, but that is in my garden, I've been nicking bits out of it for the other 3 humbers. It looks a bit worse now the roof has caved in. But the axles are still there, just the thing for someone with a broken pig axle, going very cheap!
  4. I used to have part(!) of one of Keith Moons drums. :evil:
  5. Provided you log in there is no problem. Then just see what is flagged up as new & go to it if it is in a category of interest. It all is done very quickly. I belong to some Yahoo forums & they can get swamped with just one subject & it is a bore having to sift through all the stuff to get to another subject. Usually it seems the off-topic subjects become very busy & jokey & dominate the site for days on end. At least on here there are places for people to go off & be off-topic & jokey etc as needed.
  6. For me it would be a Commer Water Cannon as built for the RUC in 1950s then modified for Army use in 1970. There are box-like, ugly, crude, improvised yet wonderful & fascinating. When the Army had them they were modified from 2 squirt to single squirt. There were two Triton 1 & Triton 2. Triton was the mythical son of Neptune & Aphrodite, he distinguished himself making funny noises by blowing water through sea shells. (The boy seems to have been easily amused).
  7. The basic vehicle as supplied by Land Rover was generally grey or white. The official regime for British post war AFVs was red oxide primer, Dark Admiralty Gret undercoat then 2 coats of high gloss DBG. The primer is easy enough to get & the undercoat is usually for sale at shows for £10 or so a tin. I don't know what colour finish green Shorts would have supplied to the Army. Mine was painted Rustoleum Green (Satin) but that was supplied to the Ministry of Home Affairs not the Army. But yours would have NATO IRR Green exterior sometimes with disruptive black sometimes not.
  8. There was the Trailer, 1 Ton, 2 Wheeled, which spawned: GS on chassis No.1 GS No.2 on chassis No.5 Mk.1 Water Purification on chassis No.1 Mk.2 Water Purification on chassis No.1 Mk.4 Pigeon Loft on chassis No.3 Mk.1 Pigeon Loft on chassis No.3 Mk.2 AA Command Post on chassis No.4 Mk.2 Gas Welding on chassis No.2 Mk.1 Gas Welding on chassis No.2 Mk.2 Gas Welding on chassis No.2 Mk.3 Gas Welding No.4 on chassis No.5 Mk.2 Petrol Pumping on chassis No.5 Mk.4 Pole Carrying No.1- not specified.
  9. also not forgetting... Alvis BMC Rover Sankey Shorts
  10. Well actually I was thinking of "Waltz for a Pig", because this is nearly what happened on the way to Overlord. But some of you are far too young to have head of "Waltz for a Pig". It was the B side of later versions of "Substitute" by The Who. There were contractual wranglings between Reaction & Brunswick I think. The original B side was "Instant Party" (but this was actually a different version of "Circles" that was on the "Ready Steady Who" EP) http://www.45-rpm.org.uk/dirw/who.htm Anyway this is all showing my age. The most horrifing sound in the Pig this year was on the M27 in the middle lane trying to get into the inside lane to turn off to the Denmead Show. It was the sound of the B60 going at 4,000rpm as the carb spindle jammed. My nearside mirror had been blown out of vision by the velocity of travel, I had to barge my way in, braking by foot & handbrake into the hard shoulder to nearly roll down the embankment & kill the ignition. A "foolish person" had pulled in front to the hard shoulder to have a chat on his mobile. I was very shaken, frightened (nearest near-death experience I have had) & bloody angry as I went to exchange nicities with the "foolish person" he sped off very quickly.
  11. fv1609


    My current beside reading, which I bought at Malvern, is "Field Service Hygiene Notes India 1940". Very absorbent, eh absorbing I mean.
  12. The only music I want to hear in the pig is the sound of the engine that is still running, particiular when I am in the middle lane of the M27. .
  13. Jack. You make it sound as if it,s the blind leading the blind! I am sure you are more technologcallyadvanced than most of us having had the umph set up this much needed & ever growing site (many thanks BTW) So for the dim, how does one blog? Are there message pads like this & images linked to a photobucket sort of thing or do the images go up direct with the text? Or do you send up things in a pdf, or Word format. Do you have to register to establish a blogging place or can you just do it. Is the blog place password protected so that jokers can't put inappropriate pics. I'm not thinking rude so much but a picture of a rusty chassis just when you are getting to the end of the restoration, could be someone's idea of a larf. Is there a place for suggestions & comments & chat as result of something seen? Or is it like reading a diary but not able to interject? So maybe a blog FAQ section would encourage people to be forward coming?
  14. Jack. I'm a bit technology dim with this blogging concept. Could individuals just up load stuff to their particular project as & when it happens, or would it have to go to a blogging manager to put it together & post it? Does this have to be as it happens from now or can it have a retrospective content? eg I have a vehicle that I have spent 6 years restoring most of the work has been done but I still have more stuff to do. If I posted what I had done so far is that contrary to the ethos of a running diary?
  15. That seems a good idea. In your experience would you say it would be pretty unusual for a condenser to go low resistance/short circuit? I would have said that was the case, as the leak/short tends to blow a short circuit open - as a design feature. But you see people putting a condenser accross an ohmeter & seeing it give no reading pronounce it as working ok I agree hitching in a parallel condenser is a uselful get you home expedient. Although the condenser used should be rated at 300v at least to withstand the voltage induced in the primary when the points open. I think you did mean any distributor condenser. A lot more elegant than in the REME Recovery Manual which talks about making a condenser from some wire, two old cans, some stiff paper & some insulating tape!
  16. I have several lighting issues I have wrestled with on my prototype pig. There are two rear red lights on each side. One pair is for tail lights & the other is for stoplights. But the turnlight when operated overules the brake light on that side so the brake light on that side flashes whilst the other side it role remains as a brake light. I believe some classic US cars function along these line. I have taken advice from DoT in Whitehall & this is ok for the era of the vehicle (1956) At the front each side there is a pair of opaque white lights. One pair sidelights the other pair turnlights. Given the average modern driver is unlikely to grasp what a flashing white light means I have painted the turnlight bulbs orange. So it looks ok at a show but when in use reveals the expected orange. Now you can buy orange bulbs, but not 24v 10w ones! So I have used glass paint from a craft shop & that works very well. Although I don't go out after dark. I do miss not being able to give a headlight flash to an overtaking vehicle. To operate my lights I have to pull the lighting switch then turn it 3 clicks then make sure my headlights are main beam by turning a large knob on the horn assembly. There is no way on knowing when I am main beam so I have cheated & fitted a blue main beam indicator bulb. Not authentic to the vehicle but in the place where it was done on production pigs. Without being able to give other drivers a quick flash I find some lorries behave with an appalling beligerance & cut me up. To punish me for being a slow vehicle & for not flashing them in. So I have a relay & push button I am going to wire in discretly before next season.
  17. Well it seems that Buckets, Water, Canvas, Mk.5 is still the latest version & used not just by UK but, Spain, Singapore, Malaysia & New Zealand. Even the RAF have a part no for it 21E474. It conforms to the specifications required in Defence Standard 72-3 Buckets, General Purpose & to Britrish Standard 3358. So the UK seems fairly commited to canvas buckets to this day :-).
  18. Right well you asked for it! Definitive evidence, I quote from: Complete Equipment Schedule Army Code No.33606 Launcher Guided Missile Truck Mounted Armoured Malkara (FV1620) 1 Ton, 4x4, Humber. Item No.195 J1-7240-99-943-8717 Buckets, Water, Canvas, Mk.5 So it looks if I should have to carry one of these damn things around as well!
  19. Here are the new regiments: http://www.modoracle.com/?page=http://www.modoracle.com/news/detail.h2f?id=9703&category=all&refresh=3B0BC985-C93C-43E5-BE41DB7B409595DE
  20. Paul surprising the wheelbase of the Pig is shorter than the LWB 109 Rover. The pig WB is 9ft ie 108. But what is this then? It is a Land Rover body on a Humber chassis, well really! Look on the bright side at least he didn't call it a Jeep!
  21. Richard that's a ridiculous suggestion, hold hands! You obviously have a poor understanding of etiquette & of what is required of participants. You have to grip the vertical rails throughout, otherwise you fall over. Ah I misunderstood I thought the fetish was buckets per se. I didn't grasp that it was canvas that was so special for you all. In which case, then you need this: Now you see why it is hung out at the back of the vehicle.
  22. This is what I use my buckets for:
  23. Do not trust anything that she says until you have everything in black & white. I remember her in her former job (DoH) & the misery that persists following polished spin is breathtaking.
  24. My clothing is base on practicality. Green lightweight trousers are cheap & comforatble. but for the middled aged are wonderful because you can keep your glasses in the side pocket without breaking them when you sit down unlike when you are wearing of jeans. For shoes again nice cheap green trainers or more correctly "Shoes, Training, Fitnes, MT002". So the trousers & shoes sort of blend in. To demonstrate that I am not trying to wear a uniform but didn't manage to get it right. I favour a T-shirt this usually is vehicle related, which acts as a sort of advert for the vehicles of interest, in that sometimes a trader or enthusiast might iindicate they have some bits for sale I might be interested in. Although I got caught once out when I was hunting for Vigilant missile kit. I had a shirt with "Vigilant kit wanted" Then several people asked me about it because they had not heard of such a kit, was it an Airfix one? When it gets cold I wear a denim tank suit which must be quite rare as I got lots of offers when I wear it. That is offers to buy it off me. It was actually given to me by a now deceased member of 2RTR who had last worn it on Hornet/Malkara trials. So when I am with the Hornet it is quite compatable with it. I have been given a Para Sqn RAC maroon beret to wear with the Hornet. but I will not wear it as I have not earned it. I am aware of the achievement that such a beret represents & regard it with respect.
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