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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Andrew Got any pics of your Humber 1-Ton Cargo? They are rarer than pigs these days. What's its mil VRN I can give you some history if you don't already know. Where in Devon are you? I spent the first 25 years of my life in Teignmouth.
  2. I think £15-£20 or if was in very good condition maybe £25. Better to pay up to that to be certain it is safe. But your pig shouldn't have one in its NI role :oops:
  3. Jack, I'm sure quite a lot of us were wondering if they were going to do a calendar 8)
  4. Jon Although I carry a vast amount of tools & spares with me. I have signed up to the under 7.5 tons scheme which is very reassuring and delighted that your company has seen this gap in the market. Reading the booklet/card that came, I am unclear which phone number to use to actuate the service. Should it be the car number or the commercial number? Then I can programme this into my mobile. Also what info do the helpline & recovery require? Just my name & address or membership no or a copy of the membership details? Just thinking on to next year, any plans for a Roadsure calendar featuring some of your representatives
  5. I try buy totty but too expensive for me, don't like U&K prices sorry to hear you have inconsinenance problem can be very embarrassing, special trouser will be very useful for you to keep it secret
  6. Yes the once regret is the hole in my suit is in embarassy place & people think maybe I couldn't wait to get for to the blue boxes that smell of fruit gums. I only have the once suit only it smell a little sweety by now as is made on Soviet cloth they call Draylon which very fashionable with us in the medias & TV. It cost me a year of wages, a bottle of vodkas and 20 applicators. But maybe next time Paul you buy me new suit as your sons earn you moneys they give you the moneys to bring you honour in your village.
  7. Paul. Yes is very nice meet you & all your sons. You must be very proud of some of them. We have good times, yes, I try not be seen by the Cliv in his wrong colour pig. I think he too old to notice I have been visit. You remember when I you sign me the check for the £500 for the orphanage, you forget to sign it. Maybe we both all drink too much of the wihsky, the local bank here only open once a month. But if you send me the money in notes is ok & we name one of the cisterns after your name. Is in your honour, It make proud to meet you as very generous man & enjoy your bonfire. Good bye bye. Chenque
  8. fv1609


    Jagshemash Tomorrow is new hunting season, like you in U&K we go shoot peasants. They arrive us from next village & show disrespect to my goat & make earth on my cabbages. If a man not have nice cabbage in his lawn how can he have respect from his womens & neighbours. Is like a cymbal, man with big cabbages can last longtimes. We also make soup off from cabbage & special shampon that stop hair looses. I like rub it in all over my places & especially by nice moustage. But this is near my nostriles that mean I smell the cabbage at often times. But it nicer smell than goat when is in the seasons. You have saying that the cabbages are greener on the other side of the fences. Yes is like we have saying, the neighbours wive is always prettier than you own. But cabbage also make easy with my movements of all types. I sometime do dance like locomotion & mashed potatoe but not yet learn do the fly or do the dog. Is not right thing I think. My mama mama like Glen Miller, she like dance & I think a jitterbugger. She like do bogey wogey but I use hanky. My mama mama work to keep fit for her dancing, so she still able to doos 3 days a week on plough. I know she seem lazy but she is 127 years old. So we make respect for our olders, not like in U&K who not care for old peoples & send them to places like houses of lords. But she still need to do this as it bring shame on a family if man have to do the womans thing with plough, so women all pull together on plough. This is so horse can have day off for shopping & having friends round. I am sorry is no picture this time. Local perty official from Ministry of Information is took it for take picture of my sister for money as she is pretty the places mostly. BTW (Borat Think Why?) Over here we need no entry form like in U&K. You have to get permission now? I leave you waiting for penny to click. Good bye bye. Chenque
  9. I agree that some of the most intriguing stuff is unseen. I did go round once with a group of Friends of the Tank Museum on an explore after an AGM. I am quite at home crawling around dust & rust and in fact it is more exciting than the sanitised display. It feels more like going into an Aladins cave/scrapyard or Father Christmas saying now which of these would you like to take home? There is a good view of this other collection on http://www.webshots.com/search?new=1&source=mdocsheader&words=bovington+unseen
  10. Yes I think booze was about £1 pint/glass/short but my memory is a bit fuzzzzed on the detail. Electronic ignition has been fitted to both. But not at the same time. That's the reason I may take it to Overload, saves having to change it over again.
  11. Yup, see http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/WWWFV1620.pdf I think I'll take to the Overload Show (but if the Vietcong are in the arena again it'll be the Overloud Show again)
  12. Yes reunion, airborne, raining, sgts mess door open, bar open til 0100 need I say more :wink:
  13. A wet weekend at Allenby Barracks, Bovington Camp. Para Sqn RAC reunion 30 years since disbandment. Hornet ran well now it has electronic ignition But it is far from waterproof
  14. Neil. Most certainly not (this has nothing whatever to do with it, but my wife shares my email address on her PC, so we can view each others messages)
  15. I pay them £130 for 2 Pigs, 2 Shorlands & a Hornet. Although I have just had the renewal for the Wolf, this is £284 but this is my everday vehicle. But despite no accidents they seem to have withdrawn my no claims bonus, so I'll have to see about that :evil: Then with the other 5, I found they had all changed into being made in 1960, all powered by engines of 200cc :shock: Or perhaps it is the influence of the Sisters of Roadsure, for that is what they are called http://www.sistersofroadsure.com/
  16. fv1609


    Jagshemash I like Freddy Murcurry very much & know all his numbers & things he wear. Also like the Village Peoples, I like one day to come to US&A may be to join navy & YMCA to make much friends with all the boys & have nice time. Then may be we go for some fun gambling & shooting craps, this I think is not fair as they don’t move around very fast! But dooes they let me keep on my moustage? Maybe I have join RAF instead, Tally Ho old chap, is right for English slung? I feel no well, headache in my stomage & make like soup of houses of windsor, which make me week & limp in the places. Sometime make me give dyorear which is not nice for my undertrouser. But is better than a frog in the throat or a toad in the hole. Dog complain if he try lick my face that I have pensioner breath! Well I not pensioner yet & what cheek has dog, who smell the same at both end I think! But look what retard boys draw on my wall is not nice! But soon maybe I am cured & I have surgery through my keyhole that sound not nice. So may be when we win Eurovision songs contest, you let us join E&U. Then I bring me & my family to do through my keyhole in NH&S. But may be NH&S send me to France as quicker it is done in case I complain you use up my human writes. Must go now meet an old friend, Ivan Toogovv. Is just my humours, there is no Ivan really. Good bye bye. Chenque
  17. The little folder you get has a number to call for car breakdown & one for commercial breakdown. So it must be fairly wide coverage. But I don't know what number a broken MV should call. But I have just had their larger catalogue & I see can now insure my helmet. Helmet cover is for £500 or £1,000. I might need to do that when you see a picture of one of those Roadsure members of staff sitting on a helmet. I think you need to see the brochure to fully grasp this.
  18. I don't know but you could compare like with like, the 12v cassette player equivalent is CR223 & the CD is CD423. Whether it is more or less doesn't really come into it in that, there seems to be nothing in the 24v line other than these ones made by VDO. The price of the 24v CD player was £111 which I thought was reasonable, carriage was £7.99. Particularly if you consider the cost of the rather unsatisfactory arrangement of buying a 12-24v converter on top of a CD player. Now all those 12 firms have them around £111 - £116. There were 2 independant firms who had them but they were another £50-£60.
  19. fv1609


    In the 1971 "Instructions for the repair of tentage & covers waterproof" patches are to be sewn on. The 1981 manual on tentage says they should be returned to RAOC for repair. I repaired an old 9x9 with patches that were held on by springling some powder stuff under the patch then ironing it on. So maybe a haberdashery shop would have something like that.
  20. From time to the problem arises in trying to run a CD/cassette/tuner which is 12v from a 24v vehicle. The suggestions have been: 1. Just tap into the 'lower' 12v battery. The problem is that one battery will be subject to drainage & the other will not. The charging system cannot differentiate & can only charge the batteries in series. ultimately you will ruin a battery. Then it will need replacing, then you have an older battery in the system & charging may not be equal. It is always better to have two identical batteries that are subject to the same aging & charging cycles. 2. Use some sort of 24v to 12v regulater. In its simplest force I have used types based on a transistor that is regulated down to 12v. Failure can sometimes mean the full 24v can appear at the output. 'Switching converters' tend to emit parasitic oscillations into the VHF spectrum & despite fitting lots of by-pass condensers, I had one oscillation that would wobble around Radio 4 (Oh what a giveaway!) The other problem is that if you want to set up preset station tuning you need a continuous 12v supply to maintain the memory. Most converters I have seen have a relatively high standing current even with no load & after some days could flatten the battery. Also there can be anxieties about the fire risk of having the converter left running unattended for long periods. 3. The ideal thing would be a 24v player/radio. For years I have hunted around to see if such things exist. But they do & I have just fitted one in the Wolf today. Do a Google for CD423-24V for the CD player or CR223-24V for the cassette. You will find lots of websites & firms selling them. It has multiply euro sockets on the rear so you will also need to get a set of multiway plugs for speaker & power supply. A word of caution though. My player arrived today 19 May, but I first placed my order on 1st May. This required a lot of chasing & pursuing, I had intended to take my custom elsewhere but I have found that 12 of these firms all have the same registered address!
  21. In about 1958 four International M5 halftracks were leased to the RUC at the cost of £60 per month. This was the result of the "1956 Border Campaign" which stimulated also the acquisition of 10 Humbers FV1609, a lot of Dingos (some fitted with 2" mortars) lots Bedfords MW & OY. The M5 was not liked as they were LHD, difficult to drive around country lanes, difficult to maintain & 3.5 mpg. In 1960 they were so disliked that they were withdrawn & aging Lancia armoured cars, which started off in WW1 & later served with the RIC & then RUC were pressed into service again. I believe the M5s passed to a scrapyard & were bought by Israel. In contrast the Humber Pigs were much liked & remained in service until 1970 when they were withdrawn from police service after the Hunt Report, then re-registered & issued to the Army. Here is one that survives:
  22. fv1609


    Its purpose is described as "Lightweight Accomodation" in 1973 Catalogue of Tents & Shelters in Service & Under Development. This is the purpose stated in JSP 361 Joint Service Handbook of Tentage 1981. But it states that its role was to be taken over by Tent GP 7' x 9' J1 8340-99-120-8579
  23. fv1609


    Yes you could well be right, there isn't much sag in the in service one, also note arrangement of main guys.
  24. fv1609


    Looks authentic, J1 8340-99-120-2985 Tent, Ridge Type, was listed as being in service in 1973. The details are: 7ft 8in wide 7ft 4in long 6ft 0in high 2ft 6in wall height 56 sq ft floor area 2.5 cu ft packed size 20lb weight of complete tent Erection 2 men - 10 mins Striking 2 men - 5 mins The only thing is the top cross bar does not appear in service photos, this may be a civilian adaptation as you can see the tent ridge sags. This maybe is not helped as the main 4 guys are not in their proper position.
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