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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Paul I am about to send Jack the 4th in the series on night vision. So that should cover some of the things you're after.
  2. fv1609


    Paul The FVDD requirement from 1948 for AFVs was red oxide primer, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Pigred01-1.jpg[/img] Dark Admiralty Grey undercoat, then 2 coats of High Gloss Deep Bronze Green. Given the theatre/era of your vehicle it would then have ben painted NATO green all over. I am trying to save you money/time here. But when you see a pig that has not been restored, its paintwork is appalling & looks as if it has a sort of NATO green dematitis. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/pigside-1.jpg[/img] Given that the vehicles were regularly pelted with coloured paint from the crowds, there was a constant overpainting with NATO green sometimes in a hurried manner by hand. So don't make it look to pretty!
  3. Buster, thanks tried all those but bounce or mailbox full.
  4. I would have thought so, but it seems to vary with installations. Reference is made to "switch on or engage plug into socket" I agree with you that without a switch for the relay coil there is going to be a heavy current as you make & break the plug union.
  5. Graham It is covered in EMER ENGINEERING & MISCELLANEOUS D322. C (one end of thermostat) goes to the energising coil of a 60A relay, the other end of the winding to +ve D is the other end of the thermostat to earth -ve A is the heater element that goes to erarth -ve B is the other end of the heater element that goes to the normally open contact on the realy, the other contact of the relay goes to +ve "It is important that either at least twp pints of water should be in the water container or the inner container should be in position before the vessel is switched on. Switching on with an empty water container and no inner container in place will lead to a burnt out element." it says all this then talks about shallow frying, sausages (how many?) take 10 min, but eggs 1-2 min, bacon 2-3 min. DEEP FAT FRYING SHOULD NOT BE ATTEMPTED Water boiling Pints-Minutes 2 -9 3-11 4-13 5-16 6-19 7-25 Tea must not be made in it as it will clog the tap. AREA AROUND THE THE VENT MUST BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIONS It also says it is for 28 volts & should not be used on mains voltage
  6. Yes he was there quite a bit I think, he thought it was a dog shoot. But I explained we can't do that in the UK as it is not the shooting season. But sometimes he would go down the field to make a soil. He says back home they sometimes go in telephone kiosks to do that. But he said all the blue telephone kiosks around the fields had been vandalised by bad men who took away the telephones & made holes in the seat. So even if there was a telephone it not be very comfortable to sit down & make a phone call.
  7. I am a Fwiend as well. But last time I tried to go round the museum "free" I realised I had not had my new membership card. The debit still works & I get the mag. But how do you contact the membership secretary? There seems to be no such post advertiesd in the mag. The emails to other officials I have tried either bounce or a return as undeliverable as the mailbox is full. Any ideas?
  8. A big thank you to Sue & Jerry for upgrading the status of the MV section including the presentation of a cup for best vehicle. In the years before their involvement the few MVs that came were lost down the far end where people take their dogs to carp & children ride up & down on motorbikes. We now have the prestige position at the top of the field. I even met Jack & think I heard something of Borat
  9. Although the pig has had engine problems this year it has mainly revolved around getting a new head gasket back on & sorting out defective distributor caps & leads. The electronic ignition continues to impress, with smoother & quieter running, more power & very little smoke. Plugs on the engine used to soot up very quickly, but look at this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v684/fv1620/Sparkplug01.jpg[/img] I have not cleaned this plug, it is literally as removed from the engine after 200 miles! (I hope this doesn't sound like a commercial, I have no vested interest in the company that supplied the kit. It is just that I was very hesitant initially in forking out for the kit, but now wish I had done so earlier)
  10. Misdescribed, there were no Pigs made in 1954! What he means is that the chassis was build in 1954. 20 prototype pigs appeared in 1956 (I have one) but the production pigs appeared in 1958 & this would be the correct date of this Mk1. The pics are marked Jan 2004 so he seems to have lost interest in it a while back other otherwise it would be a bit more restored, anyway I am glad someone has saved it from the scrapman & if the engine runs someone has got a bargain.
  11. Steve I did take quite a few pics but I am afraid they were all of the Generator No.1 fitted to a Champ for an article I'm doing. But nothing else I'm afraid. Thinking about it it would have been a good idea. So that anyone who missed out this year could refer back to see the sort of venue/turnout when contemplating next years calendar. Sometimes when events clash provided the rival event is worthwhile, I try to rotate a bit & it would help having a preview for us all to get a feel of events we missed. But I take very few pictures at shows these days. Even at Beltring I took quite a few pics of just one vehicle (a very rare EOD Rover) I was apparently so engrossed in it that I failed to notice two Roadsure girls walk by :roll:
  12. Hello Jack, yes I did. I was just posting a comment for future reference as you popped up! The pig ran very well & the electronic ignition is an asset. The site was near a Tesco but it was not easy filling up. Apart from the maneuverability problems, the pump cut out on me I had to queue up to tell the cashier, who rather grumpily told me there was a timer & I had taken too long. I explained that I had two tanks & I was still on tank number one. When it cut on the second tank, I took the hint that it was nature's way of telling me I have spent enough on fuel. In case anyone considers it next year. It was worth going to, 35 MVs maybe, number of useful contacts made with the public & although I only knew one other exhibitor they seemed a friendly lot to mix in with, which makes all the difference. In evening a bonfire & good firework display, laid back & enjoyable except the problems that many shows have: 1. PA system, so we have to have music played down it most of the day. 2. Several exhibitors dogs just allowed to run around not on a lead.
  13. Why have you got one then? The radar system itself was covered in EMER RADAR & FCE P030-P039. The trailer & chassis was in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES U260/7-U269/7. Try asking for copies from the vast EMER collection at http://www.rememuseum.org.uk/index.htm I've got (somewhere !) close ups of a preserved one Neil Wedgebury had a decade or more ago.
  14. Still does it to me, don't get that on any other sites I visit :?
  15. Kent, good grief, that's almost in the North Sea, too far for an old codger to go. As for that Borat he wouldn't even share his sandwiches with me, so he's off my tent sharing list
  16. fv1609


    Jagshemash Jery You are a proud man I think, your nostrile hairs stand firm & you can hold your body high & once again be a man in your household now ferret barked in the yard. Is good to hear Sarah Sin & Sally Din come from Bovinjtonk. Maybe they meet my freind Sgt Jim Nayseum and Pte Parts, maybe they get romance, may bee we watch sometime! Cliv say his pig run smooth, but has been lying underneath it for most of day, so I think he desperate at his age! Well he tell me there are nearly 50 places to put grease on the pig. But I think that is just him be mouthy again, you no what he is like :roll: The nice lady you have mention, she do Servicing & Maintennance for you may bee? Good bye bye. Chenque
  17. fv1609


    Is grate honour Jack has pooped me the questions. So forgive is not good English (or dooes I say good United Kingdomish?) but I am a tiny nervous. Like this morning I make just no solid but like gravy, so please I hope you like. The HMVF 20 Question Interview 1. Who are you – what do you do and length of service in the military movement? My name Borat Sagdiyev but is like Barry, you can call me Steve. I first joined when I boy soldier to join the Revolutionary Peoples Freedom Army of Liberation. 2. Why did you get involved, how did you get involved, where were you before? I was no choice, I was conscriptioned by men in the navy, well they say me they were sailors. 3. What is the attraction to you about the whole of the military scene? I like the uniform. I like dress up & carry big gun make me feel proud like a man. But they say man who need to carry big gun really only has a small weapon of his own. But is not true for me, my weapon is big. I like also sometime meet boys in the navy & YMCA. 4. In your opinion, what are the strengths and weakness’s of the movement? Is two much corruption. 5. Depending on your answer, how do we build on the strengths and how do we strengthen the weakness? Pay bigger bribes. 6. The movement has changed dramatically in the last decade, where do think the movement will be in 5-10 years time? We be in the E&U then & come over & have your job for less money I think 7. Do you think fuel costs are going to severely limit the growth of the hobby? Is no because lot of oil now in Caspian Sea nearby, yes really is true. 8. How are we going to get around the cost of fuel or can’t we? Pay bigger bribes 9. What needs to be done to insure that history is kept alive and passed down to the next generation? Re-write the history books to make us a proud people again. 10. Have you a role model, if so, who is it? Jack 11. What was your scariest moment? Sharing a tent with Cliv 12. Your unhealthiest habit? Eating my boogies 13. Who would you least like to share a tent with? Cliv 14. Who would you like to share a tent with? My neices 15. What motivates you? My satchel 16. Name someone famous, who in your opinion, you look like?! Saddam Huissein 17. What is your ‘perfect’ weekend? Weekend in tent with my neices 18. Greatest ambition? Have every weekend in tent with my neices 19. Biggest regret of your life? Sharing a tent with Cliv 20. Thank you for taking your time for this interview, I will buy you a drink when I see you next, what do you drink? Vodka with splash of insecticide.
  18. Paul Is it for pigs or the whole FV1600 series? If not shame not include the soft skinned Humbers But you could have joined in at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HUMBER-FV1600/ Although I have to say the upholstery & colour scheme of your site is smarter :-D But when I visit your site there's an annoying little pop up each time & another very annoying one dumped on by desk top once I have come out :-(
  19. Ian So have you bought an ambulance? I see you are asking now about a Rover Series 3, but before you were asking about a Rover 11. Yes the Dutch one won't help even the circuit diagram will be different. I had a UK Lightweight there were 4 fuses, I later had a Dutch one there were 22 fuses, I think one for each light bulb! I don't have anything on Series 3, but have some EMERs on Rover 9 & 11. Like most of these variants, the User Handbook is pretty disappointing. There will be the ordinary GS book with a few supplemental pages stuck in at the end. Were there any specific queries or are you doing like me, after whatever was published about your vehicle type? I must do you that CES. Clive
  20. Anyone know how much metal there actually is in red oxide paint? Its just that I have been going through some B60 distributors, the caps are painted in a red/brown insulating paint. Unfortunately some the reconditioned ones have had the insides touched up with what seems to be red oxide paint :cry: The insulation between some sets of contacts is reduced to as low as as 10-20 megohms. Anyone come across this stupidity before?
  21. Fishbourne, Chichester Show 4/5/6 August is it worth going to? Info on their club site & entry form doesn't give much away. Its just that with a heavy vehicle one has to make judgements of worthwhilieness versus distance & fuel consumption. I don't have much info to go on, anyone been before?
  22. Yes is nice I meet you, Cliv is much asleep as he is very old 80, i think too much in the sun even when he ware his pith helmet, there is maybe not even pith to stop all helmet get hot too much
  23. fv1609


    Jagshemash Is very nice meet you again and hear from you my old fiend Jery. I hear now you have sort the beast out & she is performing well. It is also good that gaytime is here for you now because your ferret is also mended. With it not work it bring shame on your family but now you can stand proud in your village. Not like the Cliv who still have some of his old problem with his pig, but now he is 80 years old he think he is a has-been. But I say he is a never-was! All mouth & EMURs you know what I am mean. Is nice you speech to me Jery as sometime is lonely here but I think sometime I have 25-50 people look at what says each time I post a massage here. It make me proud & want to have a jerky, but not to many as give me brown water. Your wive has given berth to chicken? Yes is nice. It is the way things should bee. But you say you have 40,000 womens, yes? 2 minutes that mean non stop for 55 days, you must be very tyred. Or may be you have not counted properly? You have shortwave radio? Is not allowed! If party secretary find out will bring the polis take you away to work in the cardboard box factory or gulag. But there is no paper there, that is part of the punishment. But sometime is smuggle in a roll of pravda on visiting days.. I am please you like the emejency kit, but I have give the Dutch hat back to my wive who feel safer when she ware it ploughing as there is sometime no gypsy catcher on duty. So how can I recieve a Parisian letter? And how much gift I bring for have one? You say three more nets to make? Is this fishnets you make for waring at the Pubeck show? I look front very much me see this, as clothe is very important. It give me confident I ware my draylon suit for all the thing I do. But weave thin so never wash in case it unravel itself in the barrel. But I have leave you & live you, the dog is doing bad with my suit. Good bye bye. Chenque
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