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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Yup it was Israel, they know a thing or two about weapons to defend themselves & recognised the value of Vigilant early on. It seems a shame that the British Army had such difficulty in appreciating its potential as they rejected it twice! When it was finally accepted instead of using as intended as a man portable weapon they stuck it on a Ferret. I have heard both sides of the argument having been in contact with the man responsible for rejecting it & a man from the Vickers Vigilant sales team who provided me with the minature missile. HMG refused to allow sales ofl Vigilant to Israel as we were trying to sell tanks to the Arabs & sales would be lost if an effective anti-tank guided weapon was sold to their potential opponents. We had no problems selling Vigilant to: Kuwait 1961 Saudi Arabia 1964 Libya 1965 British Army 1965 (final & eventual acceptance) Finland 1963 There were two other countries that wanted to use it & manufacture it under licence. One to the east & one to the west any ideas?
  2. I retract my earlier response about Saudi Arabia they bought them in 1964. Another Middle Eastern country bought Vigilant in 1961 & another in 1965. If you get those countries you may see the pattern emerging about the earlier ban. The mystery country had been using the inferior French SS10 which they had used in action & wanted something better.
  3. Well there were three production missiles, the Vickers Type 891, 897 & 889. This is a model of a Type 897. Any ideas as to what this decorative item was originally fixed to? Vigilant was a very advanced missile for its time (velocity controlled) & superior to the foreign stuff that was on the market (acceleration controlled). This was recognised by a Middle Eastern country that was keen to buy. HMG blocked all sales to the Middle East. What was that country, anyone know?
  4. fv1609

    MVT Magazine

    That was not to imply any criticism of the MVT team for late appearance of the mag. I live off a non-tarmac lane and postal deliveries are erratic. Normal delivery time these days is 1400. For several days there will be no post, then suddenly a lot of mail appears, strange that :?
  5. Yes well done! But what type of Vigilant? There were 3 production models. No nothing as intricate as that related to a more odious activity
  6. So here it is: It is a silver plated minature not a working weapon. What weapon is it a minature of? Why has it been made? Not a pen or paperweight but good idea.
  7. As I said it could vary with the type of meter, but I get 20 volts. It will also depend on the coil because the No.1 Mk 2 resistance is 3.1-3.5 ohms, whereas the No.1 Mk 2/1 is 4.25-4.65 ohms. I can't find voltage readings in the RR book or EMERs but I would imagine if they are quoting a voltmeter to read as low as 12-16 volts with the engine running then it must be with the No.1 Mk 2. As this has lower resistance it will draw more current that will cause a bigger voltage drop across the resistors than the higher resistance coil. Doing a bit of scribbling & by ohms law there could be a difference of 2 volts applied to the coil depending on type. But it still seems a very low figure considering the voltmeter is average the reading from full volts to dropped volts. I wonder were they actually using a moving coil meter or was it a thermal voltmeter which is very slow in response & I would have thought in the circumstances might tend to give a lower 'averaged' reading?
  8. "Also the voltage given to the coil when running should be between 12 and 16 volts." This could vary with the type of meter you have. Assuming fully charged batteries. When the points are open you will read 28 volts, there will be no voltage drop as the the coil & hence the resistors are carrying no current. When the points close it with draw about 3.5 amps causing the voltage drop to 14 volts. When the engine is running the voltage is flipping from 14 volts to 28 volts. The moving coil meter will not be able to flicker up & down quick enough so it will hover & give a reading of 21 volts. Sort of mechanically averaging between 14 & 28 volts. Sometimes people have been caught out wondering why despite the resistors that the coil is seemingly running off 21 volts. It isn't but that is what the meter suggests. Goodness know what a digital meter would make of it!
  9. Neil there was a thread last year about this on: http://forum.emlra.org/viewtopic.php?t=417
  10. These people do reprints of most of the documents to carry: http://www.emlra.org/C&S%20Barrow%20index/barrow_index.htm I have got some REME inspection forms somewhere (forgotten the official designation). I made myself unpopular by filling them in indicating the vehicle was condemned & sticking them on vehicles at a show once. I've got a wad of them somewhere, but don't worry I can't reach up to your windscreen.
  11. Is this any help, think about the cuff links.
  12. 76mm or if you want it in UNF it's 3 imperial inches or 2.7 US inches :lol:
  13. Splendide cette est une voiture petite domestique pour les jeune filles n'est ce pas? Je n'aime pas les voiture domestique, j'aime les voiture militaire, j'aime beaucoup la voiture appelle la humbre une-tonne. Elle fait pour hommes vraix avec le grand satchel. Elle est tres splendide voiture, oui est vraix cette voiture est feminine, est pourquoi j'aime comment vous parlez? "yes nice time". Bardic is a 3-colour torch original used on the railways http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Bardic-Handlamp_W0QQitemZ290028455742QQihZ019QQcategoryZ4128QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem But the army had a similar version (green) They used to be made near here at Eastleigh.
  14. Army Book No. 562 Vehicle Record Book comprising: Binder Envelope Sect.1 Particulars of vehicle Sect.2 Mileage, Servicing, Check & Inspection Record Sect.3 Record of Technical inspections Sect.4 Authorised Modification F/MT/3 Traffic Accident Report F/MT/3A Traffic Accident Report on Disciplinary Action MOD Drivers Permit FMT600 & FT600A MT Drivers Handbook JSP 351 Standing Orders for Drivers of Mechanical Vehicles (Wheeled) & Motor Cyclists (Army Code No. 12551) Civil driving licence Service identity card or civilian pass Highway Code HMSO Breakdown/recovery instructions Toll Warrants F/Mov 269
  15. Good idea, but no. It is 2.0cm across 82 actually. That was a minimum, I think there were some sitting on top of each other. Where were the spiders then? Well one fell out of the paper towel dispenser, but it too had died.
  16. What an earth is a megan estate? Well it is almost a flat pack self assembly. The main frame comes up to hand height. To complete it you need a mirror cut to size, 3 furniture wheels & a Bardic torch.
  17. ummh no. does the view from the other end help Can someone have a guess at the number of dead flies in the light diffuser?
  18. Mmh sort of on the right lines, but no. Another quiz! Spent until midnight in A&E as I gazed up from the bed, I started counting the dead flies in the flourescent light above me. Anyone have a guess at how many I counted? (Given that hospitals are cleaner now than they used to be)
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