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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Not this month as I have deadline for an article. In fact I should be doing that now! Sometime in Oct? At least you saw the Hornet at GDSF.
  2. And then there were two: Any guesses where this was?
  3. Very strange back again when I view it now & the snapper picture has come back. Anyway lets see if this one works:
  4. Yes they must be. Don't know where the image went. Another post of mine has just lost its picture. try again. The photobucket image link, which is above this, won't even show in preview or post. Now I can't post smilies.
  5. Well just suppose it is a complete & genuine ambulance. You will derive far more satisfaction & prestige in restoring yours than someone with a fat wallet who buys one in a ready to go state. In a caravan
  6. Ah well must be an ambulance then Yes only 8 days in the rain but came back to 4,827 emails:-(
  7. Steady on old chap, are you suggesting we, sorry they, are stupid? http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/why-neanderthal-man-may-not-have-been-as-stupid-as-he-looks-908628.html
  8. The NSC 2510 indicates it is covered by vehicular cab, body & frame structural components. It was also made by Pearson Engineering & I suspect it is to do with their hydraulic jettison equipment systems. http://www.pearson-eng.com/products/viewProduct.aspx?id=15&type=m
  9. Yes nice to see a colour picture. Not quite the first Malkara firings, they were first fired in 1955. His other Hornet picture shows a TAC 2 over the RAC Badge making it from 1965 so this is Para Sqn RAC. The first desert firings from Hornets were in Libya 1961 with Cyclops Sqn 2 RTR with a TAC 32.
  10. It was made by Thorn EMI. If you measure the length of the folded dipole, allowing for the velocity factor of the metal, it will be a half wavelength & give you the frequency. (By length I mean the length that it is as you look at it, not the total length. "Folding" the dipole was just a matching ploy by altering the impedance, although goodness knows it is pretty poorly matched with the dipole being balanced going, it seems straight, into the unbalanced coax)
  11. Nick you are right it used to be a training aid. It was struck off on 28/7/94 to "Range Ams Training Group" whatever that was. Records show no mention of an ambulance role, possible it has been only painted in that role. Someone expecting to buy an ambulance needs to check out the inside first. Incidentally it was originally struck off on 22/5/67 & sold at Ruddington on 4/10/67 for £80.
  12. Class is the Reliability Classification & the dates give the period for which it applies. This is derived from the age of the vehicle from entry into service irrespective of the time spent in depots. Class 1 - for first 60% of planned life Class 2 - for next 40% of planned life Class 3 - over planned life These are laid down in EMER MANAGEMENT N 523. Where repairs are required the life is also influenced by average mileage, cost of repair & cost of replacement. These criteria vary in theatres & are laid down in EMER MANAGEMENT N 524 - Repair limits UK (incl NI, BATUS, GIB) EMER MANAGEMENT N 525 - Repair limits BAOR EMER MANAGEMENT N 526 - Repair limits FARELF EMER MANAGEMENT N 527 - Repair limits other theatres
  13. Yup. (Forum says "yup" is too short a message to send, but having said this it should be ok now!) PS Ah yes Paul do you have recent experience of this perhaps?
  14. Richard, well I felt a bit despondent. Visitors to steam shows over the last few decades years would feel a loss from the contribution by this lady who with her girls raised a lot of money for cancer relief. http://www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk/news/article-7680-much-loved-dancer-has-died/ The other thing that depressed me was to hear Fred Dibnah's widow describe, that as soon as he died his workshop was broken into & vandalised. And! Yes Nick the other thing that depressed me was conking out on top of steep hills getting there. I spent the best part of 2 days working on it, which including replacing the carb with one that worked a year ago. The trouble was this one flooded, so I dismantled & cleaned the original one & put that back again. The good news was that it allowed me to travel uphills without stopping & as the return journey progressed the carbon on the plugs that had built up in the flooding episode got burnt off (I have just checked them). Pepperbox Hill which is just outside Salisbury on the way there was a 1st gear 5-10mph effort. The return trip was 3rd gear only having to drop down to 25mph. Why did it take me nearly 2 days to sort? Well apart from the irritation of the gawpers & comedians who just get in the way. You cannot leave tools on the ground otherwise they will be nicked, played with or tripped over. So the tools (3 tool boxes worth!) were in the cab, the door has to be locked to prevent ingress of children, thieves & wanabee drivers. So it rather slows things up. Many thanks to the people who clearly have suffered the same sort of problems who quietly offered help but would stay out of the way unless help was asked for. So Jack you were probably wise to keep a safe distance. This afternoons problem was sorting out the wiring so that in the event of a breakdown I could be assured that the yellow beacon would come on with the rear lights. I was pleased that I eventually sorted it....but when I got home I found that not only had the beacon been inoperative but it's inclusion had fused all my lights! But at least I did get home in one piece & overall it was an enjoyable event. The rain at the end was dissappointing, but it did allow an earlier exit of vehicles of all types. I got home in record time from where I was exhibiting to arriving home it was exactly 60 mins. I know it was only 26 miles, but being part of a convoy of grockles, trade & exhibitors vehicles not to mention the odd steam vehicle through rural roads I thought it was good going.
  15. Neil they are lovely little Honda generators. I bought one last year at W&P. I see he still had some this year about £80. They were militarised by the Danish Army who sprayed them black & removed the carrying handle. This makes it awkward to carry, but presumably this was an anti-theft device!
  16. Yes but I must get some old fashioned cheese first. This isn't just an ordinary BR genny, this is a luxury Danish Army genny giving 6/12/24 VDC @ 20A. Its nice & quiet, you obviously didn't hear it at the weekend then.
  17. Well both batteries seem now to have recovered & hold up well on a discharge voltmeter. Need to see how well they hold up in general usage. I won't tempt fate with them in the Hornet as taking it to GDSF. I have already fitted two odd but good batteries to tide me over.....but I have my little Honda 24 v geny just in case!
  18. Many thanks to everyone for their welcome & courtesy shown to us out of area visitors. I travelled 95 miles, Nick Johns & CW travelled (independently) well over 100 miles each. Sorry no pictures (I didn't even take any pictures at W&P!) The camp seemed such a unique setup of clubhouse & facilities in a MV setting.
  19. allo sylvain are there any particular types of truck you are a fan of?
  20. I think its SIPP or something like that. Biggish thing with start facility & 3 levels of charge. I usually have it on the highest rate, but if it draws more than 5A switch it to a lower rate. Just looked at the second battery that has quite quickly perked up, after a few hours it has started charging at about 3A.
  21. Following the advice of Richard G & Degsy. I have left one battery on charge, it would draw no current at all. But on the third day it was drawing about 0.1 amps. I had hoped that this would have gradually increased as the days went by but not so. I checked it today (Day 6) & no current was being drawn at all, as I have now found it to be fully charged! Out of curiosity I put a discharge voltmeter on & found that it gave full output for 15 seconds & would have continued but the load resistor was getting rather hot. So what a dramatic recovery. Time will tell if it will perform properly but as it is only a year old it stands as good a chance as any. Needless to say the other battery is now on long term charge, although like the other one it appears to be drawing no current at the moment.
  22. I'm going to pushed for space in the Hornet to take stuff to GDSF. Yes I imagine your visit here would be in Sept sometime, could it wait until then? But it is yours. If it was holding you up I could try to push it in somewhere. So this is a Mk 1 seat base + foam, but has the lime green Mk 2 upholstery covering it. It has been used but has no cuts, tears or abrasions. PS I have got a brand new green PVC shroud that fits over the 4WD lever & auto disengage mechanism that was made specially for the Mk 2. Might even still have the label on it with that magic DMC of LV9/BOE.
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