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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. And most certainly not doing that!
  2. Yes 1866 I think you've got some of those magic spectacles that you could buy from Ellisdons catalogue for 2/6. Mine never worked! No his not doing that.
  3. Taken from a military training manual. What is he doing? What does it do? What is it called? When was it used?
  4. I've noticed quite a few things written immediately after WW2 refer to it as Hitler's War. But that term doesn't get used nowadays.
  5. Good, I've always found him a decent & helpful person.
  6. Paul you have had a nasty & sobering experience, now we can see why it changed hands so many times on ebay. But what exactly is the diagnosis? Do you mean front & rear or both rear axles & what has failed? The shafts themselves or the tracta joints? I wouldn't contemplate having bodywork undertaken until the automotive issues are fully resolved. If you return it you have damaged it, if you sell it at some stage, you have destroyed the originality & hence value. Not a suggestion I really like but something that might have occured to you in the darker moments of owning the thing. What is the scrap value of the whole thing? If it equalled or exceeded what you paid for it then, you have to weigh up in ones personal circumstances whether to 'cash it in' & perhaps buy hardyferret's Mk 1 which is a runner & in good condition.
  7. Selling British components? It's John Walker. I'll PM you his tel no.
  8. Anthrax isn't caused by a virus, it's caused by the spore producing bacterium Bacillus Anthracis. So I think you'll be alright.
  9. Does anyone have experience of using these? I am not talking about illegal storage of fuel, but trying to see if I can prevent the remaining fuel in the vehicles going 'off' during the hibernation & prevent the carb getting clogged up. End of the season I syphon of what I can & use it up in the lawnmower. I always promise that I will take each vehicle round the block once a month but that doesn't really happen, just don't want what works now, to still work in the spring!
  10. Good news both the batteries that died & refused to accept a charge, have now held their charge after 4 weeks, I've just tested them on a discharge voltmeter. Obviously I am pleased but just wonder how many batteries I have thrown out unnecessarily! I shall remember to relax & just leave it on charge as Richard G suggested earlier & it will recover by itself.
  11. Anyone going? Never seen it advertised in previous years so don't know if it is new show & quite what to expect. But with recent weather I will ring before I set out to make sure its still on. September 20th & 21st Vintage Vehicle & Country Show, Farleigh Rd, Basingstoke, vehicles, steam & vintage bus service. Contact National Historic Vehicle Society 01256 428646 email: nhvsuk2001@yahoo.co.uk
  12. Several interesting finds. Bought a J.W.Pickavant brake bleeder kit. This is not an air pressure system but is dependant on the pressure (20psi) from the spring in the large syringe containing the fluid. Never seen one before. This was NOS circa 1960s I would guess. Anyone any experience of such a device? Saw a black cork "motorcyclists" helmet in near perfect condition. But this was not just any black cork "motorcyclists" helmet in near perfect condition. This was an RUC riot helmet based on a cork "motorcyclists" helmet introduced in mid 1969. But the give-away was that inside it had the officer’s name & number but crossed out was a previous officer’s name & number, it was made by ‘Skulgarde’, the rear had fasteners for the nape guard, at the front the old glue shows the outline of where the RUC badge had been fixed & the peak shows marks where the aluminium support for the visor was fitted. I have 3 helmets that are too small, 2 that are an exact fit & this one slightly too big. Larger helmets are particularly difficult to come by, so I had to buy it & I suppose if my head gets any bigger then I'll be alright! Oh and the seller from NI was unaware of its history, if he was aware I’m sure it would have cost me a lot more! Saw, some Tabby Type ‘E’ binoculars with face mask & all leads the, dimmer rheostat & power supply. Unfortunately it was not in its original wooden box & the spotlight was not original. There were no IR filters & none of the Meccano-like fixing kit. It was priced at £50, but on the advice of an “expert” who had just preceded me, the seller had modified the ticket to £150 - so thanks someone! Original power supplies are rare, it was very heavy but would have been nice to have for my collection. I have built a solid state power unit for my Type ‘E’ & that still has the MoS label on & it works after 65 years. But £150 too much. I never go early as too much queuing I aim to walk in & buy a ticket at 11.00. I take the lower route via the trader’s route. Then park in the field on the main road that means there is less walking & easier to make an exit. A nice day out jumbling in the sun with several MV people to talk with.
  13. Good bit of detection work there. On a pig thread Adam asked where I stayed, I rather unhelpfully said in a caravan, in case the detectives were working it all out! As for odd names which if you are local aren't odd. I am a couple of miles from Nomansland then a few more miles there is Lover.
  14. Yes, good man. As a small boy in the 1950s I was very enthralled by a pair of DUKWs that just appeared out of the water onto the beach at Westward Ho! round the coast. About 10 years ago I was metal detecting at Crow Point which is rather desolate place on the other side of the river. I noticed some tyre marks on the beach couldn't see any marks on the dunes though. I carried on then an hour later a grey DUKW drove ashore about 20ft away & sped across the beach then back into the water. Obviously faster on land. Each day I took a camera but no more sightings. This time I was further up river & saw a landing craft go for a spin before lunch. After lunch these two Hovercraft came out to play. A lot of the time they were in a fixed location, but revolving on a rough bit of river, no doubt for driver training in trying to keep in one place.
  15. PM sent. If I didn't have the one already, I would have bought this other one. Probably the only available one in the world at the moment. All the automotive stuff can be got be some means. I know of someone who has a number of alternators & I have some brand new generator panels. The biggest challenge is making the rear arm & hydraulics.
  16. The rotters didn't provide any of the 3 parachutes nor the stressed platform. So I don't know what else they expected!
  17. Yes. Although, but much of the automotive component is pure Humber. The control panel is from a Saladin, the 100A alternator from a Mk1 FV432, the inverters & rotary converter are either custom made or from aeronautical designs long since obsolete.
  18. Yes, that's a nope. I don't want to get into to deep waters with the Round Britain Race as I don't know if this place was on the circuit. But I don't even know how far the race extended I'm afraid. So no hidden clues there other than this place is in UK.
  19. Nope, getting like the round Britain race!
  20. Nope. I believe that Hitler had decided that when he came over here as it were, he was going to settle in Sidmouth.
  21. Range targets mainly! There were 32 or 31. 12 operational 12 in reserve 4/5 prototypes 1 wooden mock up One is on display at Bovy, one is at Saumur Museum, P4 prototype in Australia, one incomplete one is in Sussex - for sale (pm me if interested), one was rebodied as a pig in NI, 2 went to JATE (see below)
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