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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Thanks all. The other factor is in the Wolf there is no obvious place to mount a radio that doesn't destroy the authenticity nor make in an obvious place for a thief. The present radio is bolted in an ammo box, where I can reach it but not see the display. It is operated by touch, so the less knobs & buttons the better!
  2. Ah but I don't have a MP3 player. With the player & transmitter then tuning it on the radio, just too many things to fiddle with whilst on the move & too much clutter. With just a radio/MP3 player (without even the extra buttons of a combined CD player) appealed as it is easier to operate.
  3. Mike, thank you for spelling it out, now that all looks like what I want. I think it was "folder back" etc that confused I was thinking CD rather than PC terminology. What do you make of "Programme entry play 10 secs". I don't get that, does it just play 10 secs of a track then skips to the next unless you decide to lock onto it? It worried me a bit that "Not all USB devices are compatible", so is that anything bigger or smaller than 8Gb really? Many thanks.
  4. The problem is that I like to retain a supply to the radio memory to maintain the station preset buttons. I don't like have a converter permanently connected & indeed all the ones I've looked at in the past took a standing current of about 100 ma. This is not so good for the battery if the vehicle's not be used for a week or two.
  5. For some years I've been using a 24v CD player in the Wolf. But CDs get scratched. lost & generally abused, the time has come to move on & load my favourite CDs onto a USB stick. I've found a supplier of a 24v radio that has no CD player but can play MP3 files via a USB stick. http://safemanuals.com/fullswf-VDO.php?type=.SWF&file=SWF/VDO/02-12-10-05-33-48-226026&langue=en&img_width=595&img_height=842&cat=vide The questions are if I load CDs onto a stick that I have converted into MP3 files. Will it allow me to play each CD in turn, maybe skipping a track if I get fed up with it? Can I skip a whole CD file & move on to another, or do I just have to listen to everything track by track CD by CD until I get to what I want? Or will it shuffle & randomly play tracks here & there because that is what it can only do or can I choose that option should I want to do that within just a CD file? Or will take it upon itself to bunch tracks in what it seemed to be called 'genres'. I'm not interested in that sort of nonsense, I just want to play what I want to play in a similar way as one might play a CD. I've googled around but nothing seems to give me those answers. Do the logos on the data sheet indicate if these facilities are available or does it just show the type of file that can be read? (Please don't anyone suggest I do anything with ipods. I have 2 of these irritating arrogant little devices & the software that assumes control of my PC when any sort audio file is used. Furthermore it likes to wipe what is on one ipod without allowing me to just add a few tracks. I found one of these things with a metal detector I just wished I had left it buried!) PS I've found a fuller description, which answers many of the points. But would appreciate any comments about any pitfalls of making files & negotiating music this way on the move. Or indeed anyone know of a better or easier to use 24 volt player. http://www.vdo.com/generator/www/com/en/vdo/main/hidden/downloads/special_oem_solutions/audio_products/aud_tr7322u_vdo_12_volt_rds_manual_en.pdf?redirect=false
  6. A number of updates: http://www.shorlandsite.com/WhatsNew.htm
  7. Wayne ah back in the public eye again. Didn't find a cable but there is so much stuff loaded into trailers ready for Newbury sortout, its hard to know if there is anything suitable. The priority yesterday was moving stuff & getting the Humber test truck running again.
  8. There's an Avo 12 with no bids so far. High starting price but it does have the 90A & 900A shunts. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110645758320&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT
  9. Alec, if you put the filters over the headlights obviously to the naked eye you will see nothing. If you put you hand there you will feel warmth. The domed IR filters were an improvement to the earlier type that were flat, but had an identical fixing arrangement. Up very close you will see a slight glow of the filament through the filter, particularly on the earlier type. After all it is just red glass & in fact for the first half of the war the code word Tabby had not been coined, the term was RG Equipment ie Red Glass equipment. That was not entirely secure, nor indeed was Tabby as the Germans coined most of their systems after animals that had good night vision. I would have thought it better to have called the systems something wholly unconnected with night vision like "boiled egg" or something to confuse the Germans & 5th columnists. In a Tabby viewer there is no amplification just an image converter tube with a cathode screen at 3,000 volts. Obvious there are lenses to focus the incoming IR in the same way as one would focus 'light' except that there are IR filters to restrict its bandwidth & limit damage to the screen from strong light sources (although these would have an IR content still) No tuning necessary the filters are very broadband. Your 36w bulb would give some useful coverage. I have a Russian hand-held monocular that has in effect a built in torch + IR filter. It is pressed to help illuminate dark spots that are shielded from ambient residual sources eg moonlight. Although moonlight is only reflected sunlight!
  10. Yes Yes Not sure what you mean. But an image intensifier will also detect actively IR illuminated objects & sources. There are some in the 3rd or 4th article, can't remember which. Use of active IR sources is no means outmoded. This set up is on my Wolf very recently on active service.
  11. National Hospital Service Reserve http://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/objects/display.aspx?id=4706
  12. I think you are referring to WOMBAT
  13. Dunno. Not aware of any modification like that for a Rover. There was an EMER issued in 1960 to fit them to 1 Ton trucks (Humber, Austin, Morris). In what context have you come across it?
  14. Many don't know the name of the Prime Minister at the time, all they know about is that confounded dog:argh:
  15. Don't know where it is Tony but here is what I posted.
  16. Some stuff about IR development in these: http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/Tabby01.pdf http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/Tabby02.pdf http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/Tabby03.pdf http://www.hmvf.co.uk/pdf/Tabby04.pdf
  17. Malcolm what I will come across will be a take-off. I think you will do best trying to source something newer, otherwise you may be buying into gremlins that may be lurking in an old item, which we have all agreed is so prone to some sort of deterioration. Yes John Richards seems a good source of things. (Humber/Ferret owners, I see he still has brake switches)
  18. Malcolm in a few days I will be rummaging where there may be such a thing. The problem is that it will be rather heavy to consider posting. So it would be a collect only thing, from Salisbury. Where are you? From time to time you do seem these cables as take-offs, I've never seen a new one. But if I had a vehicle that used one I would have bought one. Not just as a replacement but to use for diagnostic purposes. If you get fixed up with a replacement then it is worth repairing or rewiring the old one to some degree to use for diagnostic purposes for some future problem that may occur. Another truism of automotive diagnostics I would say that 90% of "carburettor" problems are electrical;)
  19. Hello Kit, you'll probably find there are far too many amateurs on here. de G4MBS :-D
  20. I weed out the worst with this at the top of an information board for the Shorland. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Is it ‘real’? – Yes 2. Does it float? – No 3. Is it home-made? – No 4. Is it the wrong colour? – No, it is a Police vehicle, not an Army vehicle. Having got those FAQs out of the way, I am more than happy to talk about other aspects of the history of this rare vehicle.
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