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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Hmm remind me not to stand in front of your Pig.
  2. Nope, but it could have been I suppose.
  3. Hmm bit on the large size. I have got a picture of a different shaped one I'll put on later sorry post later. Need to go & eat now.
  4. Nope it looks like that sort of danger area.
  5. Yes cunningly worded but no digging involved.
  6. Nope, but it could have been. Like the other suggestions sounds plausible.
  7. All the answers coming from Kent tonight. Nope not a range Richard.
  8. An easy one now. What's this all about?
  9. Ian welcome. It was a great shame that the ingenuity of G-W designs got throttled once you were taken over. Were you involved with the Hornet project? There was one in private hands in the area but not seen it for a while. I saw Kate Adie's one & the TFI one some years ago. Looked a lot more comfy than my Shorland.
  10. fv1609


    Yes because it pre-dates things like the Contagious Diseases Act & the deduction of pay whilst being treated for VD (which wasn't a great public health message). These Regulations were in the period (1851-1879) when deserters were branded. So it will be interesting to see what it says about that.
  11. fv1609


    As always you are on the ball Richard, not a moderator for nothing Some years ago I paid £5 for a 1959 copy, but this one 1859 & is indeed VR. It will be interesting to see how the Regulations & indeed penalties have changed. Although I suspect there have all manner changes from 1959 to now even.
  12. fv1609


    Wow adrenaline still flowing from an auction.:nut: Just bought a copy of Queen's Regulations, with postage about 70 quid. Never paid that much before for a book. I do have a copy of QR already but it is relatively recent, so hope the one coming has some significantly different content.
  13. Yes they are great, I've got three mounted in the Wolf. One in the cab, one halfway back & the other just above & inside the back door. They clamp nicely to the roll cage. What I like especially is after dark being able to just open the back door & turn it on without have to open the cab to switch on anything. Although these were new, I do find one emits a lot more RF interference than the others.:-(
  14. Had a rummage! I see I do actually have a Section W10, it was first published in 1937, reprinted in 1948. Although it has has items as early as VC0010 it does extend beyond VC1380 but does not actually include it. Then I realised although this VAOS is based on the 1937 publication it was revised in 1956. So one can conclude it was wartime & by 1956 was obsolete as far as an item of stores, though no doubt continued to be used.
  15. Rather thick doors :-D Credited as 4x4 but I believe the free-wheeling hubs had to be engaged externally, not good in an IS situation. The ground clearance was not too wonderful, as in steep kerbs. Officially designated: Truck Armoured Patrol Mk2 (APV2) 4x4 6.5Ltr Diesel GMC The AESP sequence was 2320-K-200 the only other vehicle listed in a 2320-K section at the time was 2320-K-101 Truck Sewage Disposal 6 Tonne 4x2 (Turbo) Bedford SJM2 BLO
  16. Looking for a Tavern then? I know a year or so ago Withams had quite a few, but all the armour had to be removed. Were you thinking of re-creating that to some degree or going to use the chassis for something else?
  17. Yes I'm sure you are right. As it happens BD, FD & AN are used in VAOS Section LV7 not MS though, ML is used for Morriss. (BTW These abbreviations differ from those used in LV6)
  18. I'd be tempted to do a compression test first of all.
  19. Yes & I might even get a clip of a snowgoose later, but they won't get out of bed! Although I've not known them not to resist an attack on a bit of flesh (hands, fingers, ankles etc).
  20. TS sometimes appears on the lower left corner on MoS initiated publications, but I've not discovered its significance. "Book No. 100/BD7A" follows no pattern that I am familiar with & yes the AP is the just RAF's own cataloguing of the same book. Is there an imprint at the last entry of the back page? In theory at least it should have an indication of printer (to comply with the Printers, Newspapers, Reading Rooms (Repeal) Act 1869)
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