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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Nope this has a military connection & has been going on I expect since the 1950s.
  2. I should get the nurse to lance it for you :-D
  3. Well you are correct it is nothing to do with QR. Clue? Possibly later lets just see if anyone gets it before making it too easy :-D
  4. Very plausible suggestion Jerry but not the answer.
  5. Andy I have had about 6 emails come from members of the Champ Yahoo forum & 2 from a Ferret Yahoo forum. They generally have a link (that I do not follow) & some random letters to presumably to throw spam filters off the scent. Yesterday I had similar messages from my sister who found her address book was hijacked. I don't think she uses forums but will ask if she has contact with Yahoo mail. Seems to be a lot of it about! http://thenextweb.com/insider/2013/03/06/despite-its-efforts-to-fix-vulnerabilities-yahoos-mail-users-continue-reporting-hacking-incidents/
  6. I was pleased that last year a sense of reality had sunk in as I thought the show officially closed after the prize giving to allow people to catch ferries & make their long journeys in their slow moving vehicles. That seemed a pragmatic & helpful policy which is now to be rescinded? Even the Great Dorset Steam Fair who know a thing about running shows (since 1968) have at last got real with this, so their show now ends at 1500 on the Sunday. Taking this into account the public pay less on a Sunday as there is less to see & less time to see it, not necessarily a loss as it encourages attendance on the main show days. So travelling home in the Shorland will become an after dark journey for part of the way, even assuming no breakdowns. So might just take the Wolf & zoom home in comfort in at least half the time. Yes I know I could spend the Sunday night on site, but in previous years I have experienced a descent into a form of lawlessness I don't wish to encounter again. I'm none too keen on the open plan camping. I can see the point of green & in period camping, but at other shows I have had the public & their children entering tentage either because they genuinely thought it was part of the display or for thieving "oh sorry mate just looking". I find it quite easy to trip over my own guy ropes & I know where they are! Much easier for a visitor to trip over. At some shows to make my tent more risk averse I have wrapped hi-viz tape on the guys, but we are not allowed to do this I assume. I'm none too keen on the prospect of boiling a kettle to worry if some child is going to go charging into it. So I'm definitely not not keen on taking a tent. So it will be a sleep in the vehicle effort. Spending a week inside a Shorland is cramped & uncomfortable. The Wolf is much more spacious, well illuminated & has many creature comforts. So it looks as if its going to be impractical to take the worlds oldest Shorland. Instead I shall be in a relatively modern vehicle which is not terribly interesting, just my every day vehicle. But on the positive side, I will have halved my travelling time & more than halved my fuel bill so I can spend more money in the stalls & be able to get home in good time in a not very interesting vehicle :-D
  7. Easy to read it that way, the stencilling is none too wonderful. G1098 stores sounds better than being FATSO
  8. Actually its not G MT13 but 6MT13, which is the Domestic Management Code for B & C vehicles covering coach materials, covers etc. It could have been used on more than one vehicle type, if it was unique the DMC would specific for that vehicle type. 6MT13 is a contraction of LV6/MT13 which was the old VAOS (Vocabulary of Army Ordnance Stores) Section. I have an AEC SPL in front of me & the item could be LV6/MT13/7894 Cover, hip ring I have no way of relating that to the NSN as the NSN itself is obsolete! Bear in mind that the stencilling on the canvas probably only relates to the cover, the hip ring itself no doubt has its own identity.
  9. fv1609

    SAS pink paint

    My understanding is that it was Light Stone (or similar) pinked up with Red Oxide, hence the variety of shades seen on in-service vehicles of the time.
  10. That's very generous Bernard. I did award Degsy the peuce lettering as well in recognition for it being an independent & near simultaneous answer. So you both did well although it was in the intro to MO 148 that had singled you both out (yes I know that's a contradiction) as being highly eligible for the non wireless objects.
  11. Well done Degsy because that was a virtual simultaneous post
  12. YES Bernard well done it is indeed! Although to be correct it is actually "fmall beer"
  13. Nope its two (sorry 2) words & none of them are in those three (3)
  14. Well that'll teach you to fall asleep in front of the television.
  15. Yes but how does that fit into the long red box
  16. Fair's fair there were two trusses as numerical 36 lb, it wasn't totally devoid of digits. It must have taken quite a bit of memory power to get that all correctly administered.
  17. Porter? I had to look that one up, so that's that's not what is blanked out I'm afraid. 1797 is the date of the original Regulations that these amended so this was 1807. In fact it is from the same book as the washer women rather filly really as thefe muft have taken fome time to write af you get towards the back of the book it all becomes simpler with normal speech
  18. Tony I'm not sure how that would work because of the interference with side contact. I think you have two things in mind. There are thread chasers for sparking plug threads. There were narrow wire brushes for poking & twisting up the sockets of caravan connectors, were you thinking of those perhaps?
  19. Another easy one! What is under the red box & what is the date?
  20. Richard I thought you might have been on the trail early on as I just wondered whether washer women were washing all the time!
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