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Everything posted by fv1609

  1. Ok thanks Tim, just wondering when or what the MVT National Show was going to be or if indeed there was going to be one.
  2. Eryk fair enough, I think the owner of a new vehicle is particularly enthusiastic to embellish it all he can. Take for instance the amateurish stencilling about the shackles on this camo vehicle. I don't think I have ever seen an in-service camo ambulance where the markings have not been painted out. Originally the shackles warning was a transfer but this turned rather dull & orangey & was prone to crack with time. But the owner here has struggled with the stencilling & he also got carried away with Chalk markings that it never had originally. Oh yes my ambulance 30 years ago :-D PS Got that wrong amazing what you can't remember after 30 years, it was on the nearside rear!
  3. Eryck sorry, the shackles info is above the rear off side door (adjacent to one of the shackles) I have a drawing somewhere. Yes its your vehicle & you can paint whatever you fancy, but to many eyes it will look a bit peculiar to have a yellow bridge plate with a 1980 disruptive camo. Yellow was done away with in late 1977 in favour of grey & that was soon replaced with the plate the same colour as the surrounding paintwork with the introduction of IRR paint schemes.
  4. Eryk for the era you are depicting the bridge plate would be the same colour as the adjacent colour. It would not have a bridge class marked if it was only in the UK. That also applies to the Union Jack decals, but if you want to use them it is front nearside & rear nearside. If you are depicting a Para unit the Chalk no marking would seem in order. But just be a bit cautious not to overdo the markings on what after all is meant to be a camouflaged vehicle, yes I know the Red Crosses! Also in white above the door on the offside "SHACKLES TO BE USED FOR LASHING PURPOSES ONLY" If you are depicting an IRR paint scheme. You should expect to see a stencil mark around a lower sill "IRR JUNE 1980" for example, being the date the paint was applied as the IRR pigment had a fairly short life.
  5. You can't doodle in an e-book! The doodle below is of a young lady who looks contemporary to the publication & brings the reading experience alive that an e-book never can. You can't recreate the feel of the well thumbed paged, the rusting paper clip, the patch of old mildew, the smell of musty paper etc. What a shame I no longer have any proper second-hand book shops in Salisbury. We have one bookshop of a major charity that only seems interested in sanitised modern books, saturated with Gulf War fantasy novels & the THREE second-hand bookshops are no longer there. Anyway from Queens Regulations 1859 this soldier's delightful dream lady.
  6. Well 2 years ago I bought my wife an e-book reader from the well known chain of newsagents. The promise was 5 million free books (plus new releases that you would have to pay for). In reality it meant there were 50 or so classics like Dickens that were complete. Other "free" books were only bits of books & that only became after discovering the missing chapters had to be paid for. So some very underhand marketing there. So now it just gets used for youtube clips & a few solitaire games. The MOD is well into e-AESPs, e-JSPs etc rather than the printed form, now doing what they thought fiche was once going to achieve. Electronic is obviously cheaper to produce and logistically instant. Not so good if you like collecting these documents. As far as convenience goes, I thought having pdfs of lists of my books, EMERs etc would avoid having to carry round a large file at shows to cross check to see if I had a particular book in my collection or check a parts list. It has not really worked because on most occasions the sun is too bright to read the screen & it can take a long time to search an electronic document & in the hustle & bustle of bargain hunting it is far easier to flick through the pages of my printed files. The only benefit is if, on some unexpected occasion, I spot a book of interest or a MV part I always have the phone with me that I can search through when I wouldn't be expecting to carry the big index around..
  7. The same periscope & gun linkage was used on the Shorland, in that they overcame the problem by having a linkage to a spotlight.
  8. There are two: 24v ignition warning light relay 24v ignition warning light black out relay (Ignore the top arrow which is the ammeter of course) They are both under here:
  9. I would have thought stick a voltmeter across B1 & B2 When you established which is -ve (B2 I think) then put the +ve prod on WL the warning light terminal.
  10. Yes both working now. Well it did have a name its just that it wasn't being made public in 1957! Preceding Malkara it was known as Project J in direct opposition the the British weapon of the time Project 6 that became Orange William (which is my avatar). There were two launch trailers both based on the intended FV4010 Heavy Tank Destroyer. One was in the UK the other arrived in Australia August 1956. It wasn't formally adopted until 1959, when the plug was pulled on Orange William although the Secretary of State for War admitted was a more advanced weapon.
  11. That worked well. Although it took longer than I had expected because I filled out the form then realised I hadn't checked the Code of Conduct. I clicked on that, came back & my info had gone. But I'll get it right next year!
  12. Was it being launched from a white AFV with loads of aerials & wind speed indicators etc? If its the clip I think it is you can see that it is a Mk 1 missile as it has pyrotechnic flares. Of which only one of the two ignites.
  13. Have you checked the 50A fuse between the shunt box & the alternator? WL warning light B1 +ve B2 -ve I think If you have a go at the regulator Black -ve Red +ve Yellow WL Green Field
  14. Iain I'm afraid neither link is opening for me.
  15. The original Mk 1 Pig. What are called Mk 1 are really Mk 2 & those that have the contract plates that show a Mk confirm them as being Mk 2. But the Army forgot this detail & in Op Bracelet Sept 1972 - June 1973 those upgraded Pigs were designated Mk 2 which was error, they should have been designated Mk 3
  16. Yes I know Richard, I contributed a number of entries to the FV1600 list. You can tell that because the FV1624 is included as this variant was described to me by the EME who designed the FV1623 & the enhancement to FV1624. In fact I have the minutes of the design committee meetings. But the FV1624 does not appear in the standard lists that are around.
  17. Here are the Asset Codes old & new for truck & trailer mounted X-ray equipment in 1967. As for the EMERs for the vehicle mounted equipment they are in EMER MEDICAL & DENTAL O 020 - 029 Watson 90/400 man miniature radiography series 1 & 2 O 020 - 029 Unit, mass radiography Watson Odelca 70mm All other X-ray equipment & ancillaries of their various kinds are in section O.
  18. David somewhere I've got at picture of a restored civilian mass radiography unit, painted cream I think. It was taken about 30 years ago, problem is finding it!
  19. Simon distributor capacitors (condensers) are generally rated at 500 volts which gives a good operating margin as about 300 volts is the "Back EMF" released when the points open & the magnetic field in the coil collapses. It matters not to the capacitor what voltage was used to originally energise the coil.
  20. Mike this might help with making the holders. This was a Mod in July 1979 to increase the strength of the retaining bars Items 1 & 2. I have detailed measurements & drawings of those if you want.
  21. The crows foot or Pheon is to identify attractive (theft-worthy) items of Government property, but it is the wrong way up relative to the text. If this came from a farm & was branded on, could it not be the farmer just branding this wood demonstrating the different combination of marks he could use on his various animals. As for sleepers I have several here & there are deeply penetrated with years of creosote.
  22. Mike the Technical Description is covered in EMER WHEELED VEHICLES U 210/8 but it doesn't cover what you want. It does reveal that the User Handbook is not an Army one but a RAF one in the form of AP 4675E(UH) but I don't have that I'm afraid.
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