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Everything posted by LeeEnfield

  1. Great pic's, Les. Not seen these before,.................tell us more; Cheers, Andy
  2. Very True, Tony;..............the way to do it, possibly, and if someone had deep enough pockets, :sweat: would be to buy some land and replicate what's been found, only building outer shell in concrete, then 'hiding', it with the shuttering;...........would still be a major attraction, methinks........
  3. Saw this item on the news,...........words fail me. SCUM like this forfeit the right to go on breathing.......... Lets JUST hope, that IF caught, they get a judge who lives in the real world, and who hands down a sentence worthy of the crime. (fat chance !!........esp as death penalty is no more.) My respects and best wishes to the gentleman concerned. Andy
  4. I was thinking of either,.......acknowledged wherever possible. How many of us have heard part's of poems, relevant to the ' military' theme;.............a case in point, being the poem I posted at top of page,........sure, I'd heard SOME of it before,...but not all of it. Some of the stuff written regarding WW1 is amazing. Just an idea......:idea: Andy
  5. Easy Company Living History Group, of which I'm a member,are supporting Help For Hero's, next year.
  6. Many Thanks for posting these pic's, David. All the best, Andy. Also many thanks for attending Hailsham event, Sun 9th.
  7. Good program,..............makes you wonder what was going to happen to it, once 'dig', was 'over',...........did they/are they going to try and clear the obstruction/cave in to see what lies beyond ??
  8. Fantastic pic's and commentry, Snapper,...................Many Thanks. Certainly a powerful statment to the FUTILITY of war. Andy. * the above statment is in NO way disrespectfull to those who fell fighting in ANY comflict.
  9. On sunday (9/11/08) whilst at war memoral, I found it amazing to see folk of the 'older generation',......NOT being ageist,..these folks looked to be late 60's, early 70's in years,......TOTALLY Ignoring what was going on,.........including observing the silence. :confused: Whilst I'll be the first to agree that freedom of choice has been a hard won privilige,and folk do have the right to choose to observe the moment,- or not,.....to see younger folk standing silent did make me wonder; Had the day off yeaterday, 11th,........almost EVERYBODY stopped in Hailsham high street at 11am. Did anyone else think there were loads more people wearing poppys, this year ?? Hey, Jack,................is there room for a war poetry section ?? Andy
  10. With proud thanksgiving, a mother for the children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill: august and royal Sings sorrow up into immortal spheres. There is music in the midst of desolation And a glory that shines upon our tears. They went with songs to battle, they were young, Straight of limb, true of eye, They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted, They fell with their faces to the foe. They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them. They mingle not with their laughing comrades again; They sit no more at familiar tables at home; They have no lot in our lobour of the day time; They sleep beyond Englands foam. But where our desires are and our hopes profound, Felt as a well spring that is hidden from sight, To the innermost heart of their own land they are known As the stars are known to the night. As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust, Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain, As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness........ .........to the end, to the end, they remain. WE WILL REMEMBER THEM.
  11. NICE ONE John and Pat. :bow::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: All the best, Andy
  12. I've provided biscuits, in past,...........STILL had to wait for a certain someone,:whistle:to make tea, though.........and to cap it all, I had to BUY me own mug.........:cool2:
  13. :rofl::rofl: Oh, Jack,..........we're NOT envious,.........just curious as to why you've all got your STEERING WHEELS on the WRONG SIDE. :cool2: Welcome Swill, as David and Graham have already mentioned, there are a growing band of 'east sussex-ers', lurking here. All the best, Andy
  14. Noticed these prog's listed,..............why, oh why can't they be shown at SENSIBLE times,........I mean, 10.35 start.......:argh: esp when the day starts at 5am fro me........ Pic's look good, though, Lee.
  15. Mines going on Bedford tomorrow,.....ready for Rememberance Parade, Hailsham high st, 9th November. Anyone local, with vehicle, (any era) wanting to join in, please get in touch. Andy
  16. Got mine from RBL stand at Military Mayhem, this year. Just the job for front of Bedford. Andy
  17. Have heard there is a good site, run by jehovah's witness's, although not yet tried it. Andy
  18. How do I delete my entry made on this,.......(easter 2009 salute to the forces event) which will not be happening at this date. ?? Andy
  19. Cheers Guys........ Will keep updating, as and when I know more. (If anyone DOES know of any similar type event, held in the south- ish, late sept/early oct, can they post dates,............please. :-D)
  20. Update on this subject,..........Easter has been deemed too near to a steam rally the site in question, hosts,.............so,..........another date needs to be sorted out, :sweat:............trouble is, loads of local (ish) shows haven't published next years dates,..........yet. Would fellow forum members/vehicle owners be interested in a LATE season show;.........thinking October '09. Andy
  21. Got mine today, as well;............only about 4 days later than nearest newsagents, :argh:......and yes, I DO subscribe. Phoned Kelsey towers on friday wanting to know why, AGAIN, the late delivery of mag, to be told that they'd been sent out a day later,.:???...........surely, if that was the case, the shop's wouldn't have got them THAT sooner,...........would they. :confused::confused: Seriously considering cancelling said subscription, and picking it up (after having a look at contents, :cool2:) from newsagents........... Andy
  22. :cool2: :rofl::rofl::rofl: Cor,.........its been a while since I did something like that. :-D
  23. Nah,..........a FULL jerrycan, should do it.......:whistle: along with a box of matches.........:cool2:;.......Only Kidding, Jack.)
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