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Maxims "Floating Gun" to be restored.

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Tiny bit more of info here



and here




On Google Earth someone has posted a pic of it at the site.


Known, I believe, as 'Trow Rock' gun. Just one of many bits of coastal defence in that area of the mouth of the Tyne. I'm pleased to see they are talking about preserving or even restoring it. As even in fairly recent times there was no hesitation to remove the various batteries in the area. The only time I've been to it my camera was playing up and so I dont have any pics. The BBC snippet pretty much sums it up though. One variation of the 'disappearing carriage' fortification gun. The Congrieve tends to be more widely known. Saw a pic of a muzzle loading one in an American fort in absolutely stunning condition. Dammed if I could find the website again!

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