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Ferret gear-box problems

Chris Preston

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. Greetings All,


The museum association I belong to has a Ferret with gear box isuesI think we've found the issue - we took the cover plate off the top of the gear-box (the one over the transmission brake bands), and discovered that in addition to a fluid change being required, the gear-box has been stuck in 4th gear, and probably for some time at that !!


The gear-selector lever will move easily enough, as will the transfer-case lever on the left side, but we can't get the vehicle into a lower gear. We'll be investigating further on Saturday. One of the more mechanically trained that myself has recommended that we take the cover plate off on the right hand side (with the gear-selector lever), and see what's going on inside the gear-box (if we can get it off). We're thinking that someone else has done that with the vehicle still in gear when they removed the cover plate, and couldn't get it out of gear after that, and replaced the cover and left things that way).


Any idea what oil or fluid people are putting in Ferret gear-boxes today? We have "OMD80" stencilled on the gear-box cover plate, which translates into 30wt oil. Your thoughts?




Chris Preston,

Victoria, BC,


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just a tip, don't touch the nuts that are painted red. From memory, their is a side plate that has been bolted down under pressure. If you undo the nuts you will end up with gearbox pinging around the hull. Is the Ferret running. If so, drive it around in second, third and fourth and then park the vehicle and see if it will then engage in first with the engine turned off. That's what I would do.



Australian Ferret


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. Greetings All,


The museum association I belong to has a Ferret with gear box isuesI think we've found the issue - we took the cover plate off the top of the gear-box (the one over the transmission brake bands), and discovered that in addition to a fluid change being required, the gear-box has been stuck in 4th gear, and probably for some time at that !!


The gear-selector lever will move easily enough, as will the transfer-case lever on the left side, but we can't get the vehicle into a lower gear. We'll be investigating further on Saturday. One of the more mechanically trained that myself has recommended that we take the cover plate off on the right hand side (with the gear-selector lever), and see what's going on inside the gear-box (if we can get it off). We're thinking that someone else has done that with the vehicle still in gear when they removed the cover plate, and couldn't get it out of gear after that, and replaced the cover and left things that way).


Any idea what oil or fluid people are putting in Ferret gear-boxes today? We have "OMD80" stencilled on the gear-box cover plate, which translates into 30wt oil. Your thoughts?




Chris Preston,

Victoria, BC,



Gear box same as engine oil 30 wt detergent...Transfer case EP90-GL4 not GL5 additive as it can cause harm to the bronze inside...

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Are you aware that the Ferret has a pre-select gearbox? It is recommended that if parked up, leave it in gear to prevent the spring in the 'box from weakening (in neutral gear it will be in compression).


The gear selector lever will move freely at all times (unless there is a really big problem!), the gear only being engaged when the Gear Change Pedal is depressed. With neutral selected, the GCP will "latch" in the depressed position when pressed; when a gear is selected and the the GCP pressed, it will rise up from this position. When the next gear is selected, when the GCP is depressed and released, it will rise up again.

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