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Save RAF North Witham Control Tower **news**


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Hey All, not really MV news per-say but not sure where to put this. I got wind of news a few weeks ago that the control at North Witham was under threat from possible demolition, so far I've been able to raise enough profile to make the Forestry Commission sit up and take notice and stick to their guns of only placing secure fencing around the building to keep people out.




We need your support to make them realise that its a really bad idea to knock her down, so please sign the epetition and join the facebook page. The FC are fully aware of the FB page and epetition, as is the local MP and local news. I was able to get on the BBC on Friday just gone, we have the ABCT behind us and going for possible grants, the end goal I can see right now is to put the tower into solid/stable mothball status, allowing bats to roost, Aviation tourism, safety to those who wish to visit the building, add to the woodland experience of Twyford Wood, and make sure she remains standing unlike so many that have been lost


The airfield is of significant historical value as this is where US Pathfinders left England to set up the beacons in Normandy which guided the entire Airbourn invasion.


Facebook page 'Save RAF North Witham'





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