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Albion A10 Photo

lynx42 Rick Cove

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A mate of mine sent this to me a few days ago.


There are between 35 and 37 Albion A10 3 tonners in this photo.


I have permission from the source to publish it and to try and locate which unit they belonged to and where the photo was taken.


("Yes, that's quite ok to publish it - maybe someone can figure out which transport unit they belong to. I'd much rather these sort of images were shared around a bit, as it helps preserve them for the future. Sorry I can't help much with the location. It would be in one of the regions in which the 5th. Light Horse Regiment served in the time frame that my great uncle was there - 1916 to 1919. The photos he has are all of Egypt ,Sinai & possibly Gaza, Palestine and some in Syria. I'd have to check the 5th. Light Horse history to find out more. There's no official stamp or marking on the back, so it's unlikely to be an official British war photograph of the type purchased by troops. It may have been taken by my great uncle, but my best guess is that it might have been taken by a regimental photographer. There's no real clues in the photo.")


So over to you all.


Regards Rick.



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