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Hi All,


I feel that I can post now as I've just collected my first vehicle. It's a Honda XR250 motorbike. I would like something bigger but the overall plan is to make a collection that can be traded in at some future date for a nice Land Rover 101 Vampire.


I've been going to Beltring for years now; Gradually attending for more and more days each year. Then I added Bunker Bash to the itinerary, and I keep promising myself there will be even more.


Right at the beginning I started to collect uniform and general gear for the first Gulf War. I've found out some fascinating stuff about webbing too. (Alright, not fascinating, vaguely interesting. I'm fully aware how boring I can be when I get going!) Since then I have added to the collection and now made the leap to the bike.


I guess this is only the start of researching the history of the XR. In the meantime it is a runner and generally complete, so all it needs is an overhaul. (I know, I said "all it needs".) I shall then paint it in desert sand to go with the first Gulf Signals theme and, who knows, I might even be on display at Beltring one of these days!


I look forward to talking with you knowledgeable guys & picking up even more useless information.


Cheers for now,



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