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What kind of interest might there be in this?....


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I have in my possesion a number of old RAF uniforms.....

They belonged to a distinguished Wing Commander who fought throughout the entire Second World War winning a number of Medals including a DFC in 1941 and another with a Bar in 1945 plus a load of others........ no medals are with the uniforms but the medal ribbons are all still there...


Now.... the fella in question flew throughout the entire war ending up with Bomber Command on Lancasters having flown in Burma, the Med & The Middle East and then back to the UK for the last year or so of the war.....he left the RAF in approx 1959 and stayed in avaiation for the rest of his working life flying with/ for the CAA.........I met him a number of times and grew very friendly with him and he was an absolute gentleman and a real delight to be around...his credentials and his record .....is impeccable.

I also have a a lot of fantastic aviation stories that he happily related to me over the years I knew him which I can attempt to write down or at least tell anyone interested in the uniforms history........

All of the above has been kept in his old fashioned pre-war travel chest that has his name stencilled on.

........the thing is....

I'm on the move again and for various reasons I think I should sell them on....they've been sat in the trunk for almost 10 years now so...... ...but .....what interest might there be in his uniforms.... and what sort of money is it seriously worth?

There's quite a bit of info on him on the WWW including a film that he made on his time in Burma which is held by the IWM in London ..so....my first question is.......Is anyone on here interested?

Obviously its worth something and I'm not in the manner of giving anything away...but.......I thought I'd start on here before doing anything else.......

Any ideas?........

Many thanks Bob.

Edited by RattlesnakeBob
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