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November edition of MMI


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Was in WH Smiths the other day and saw the November edition of MMI on the shelves. On picking it up and browsing through it I found it contained their report on Pas-War Armour at this years War & Peace show. It has some very nice photo's of my OT-90 in there and the reporter was quite complimentary about both it's performance and the displays given.. Just wish they would learn that it is an IFV, not an APC!!


Made me feel so good I went and bought a copy!! :D

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Was in WH Smiths the other day and saw the November edition of MMI on the shelves. On picking it up and browsing through it I found it contained their report on Pas-War Armour at this years War & Peace show. It has some very nice photo's of my OT-90 in there and the reporter was quite complimentary about both it's performance and the displays given.. Just wish they would learn that it is an IFV, not an APC!!


Made me feel so good I went and bought a copy!! :D


Boys and their toys... ;)

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