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Food, loos, showers & the 15 quid

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Please don’t shoot the messenger here but having read the thread and spoke to a few people can I propose a compromise. What I see is a little bit of unintentional unfairness creeping in. One tank owner gets his Tank low loaded to the event paid for buy the organisers there for he is happy to pay his very fair £15 a head. The second Tank owner transports his Tank and Vehicles at is own expense (in excess of a £1000) and therefore feels a little agreed of paying £15 ahead for his party.


Compromise. Offer the second tank owner a contribution to the movement costs at an equivalent cost to his camping fee and then pay it straight into that pot. This will be significantly less that his travel costs but for fills the camping payment requirement and tank owner two does not need to pay any cash. Every one is happy the event gets two more tracked vehicles for a very small sum.


Just an idea and every one is happy


I hope to get down for one day so see you then

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Please don’t shoot the messenger here but having read the thread and spoke to a few people can I propose a compromise. What I see is a little bit of unintentional unfairness creeping in. One tank owner gets his Tank low loaded to the event paid for buy the organisers there for he is happy to pay his very fair £15 a head.


Am I the 'one tank owner'? I have heard of a little complaining directed my way in the style of 'It's allright for him, he's getting his transport paid'. Well I'm not. As I understand it, Jack is hoping to make a contribution to costs for all tanks but it is subject to sponsorship. I have had to negotiate a good deal because it's coming from my pocket.


Not getting at you Keith, just thought I ought to put the record straight.

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