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QandA or questions and answers

les freathy

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We all have photos of vehicles that we have questions on but can gather no answers. In all the years i have been involved with military vehicles i still a number of unanswered questions and thought that this thread would be the best place to start as it will probably cover a multitude of types and periods and military vehicles. If we can keep this to the vehicles only, we have a thread to handle the mechanics of equipment.

So to start a question that has bugged me for years, the Leyland 19H heavy truck, the RAF had a large number of them in service covering a multitude of roles and were used in the late 1950s to the 1970s. Question is where did they all go when surplused i have only seen a few tanker models on construction sites during my past travels and they were probably to far trashed when the company finished with them to be preserved, ive not seen any in preservation or photos of them in scrap yards. It seems odd that a number of the Hippo MK2 and 2A have survived but not these later 10 tonners, a tractor unit and two tankers on sites attached, over to you guys




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