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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Cheers for the above lads, is Rex Ward the only person in the UK that supplies spares for the jimmy :dunno: not that I have a problem with that.
  2. Austin Champ and depends how much you paid for it.
  3. Hi All Can anyone on here tell me what spares I should carry for a Jimmy, not that I think it is going to breakdown but just to be sure. Thanking you in advance. :-D
  4. Well I am now the owner of a 1944 GMC CCKW 353 with workshop body and it aint no Reo but an earlier one, feels a lot different, a lot quieter, skinny tyres (needs bargrips), and well spongy seats (new), but I am chuffed to bits with it and it will be an experience I am sure. So on to the FIRST question HOW DO YOU CHANGE BLOODY GEAR WITHOUT CRUNCHING :argh:
  5. Mark


    Is there an MV called a squirrel :dunno:
  6. How much for a stolly do you reckon, anyone know??
  7. Spoke to friends who went and they said it was busier in the Mv area this year more than any other, so the show is getting a good name for itself.
  8. Mark


    Nice one Tony I bet it was an experience look forward to the photo's.
  9. Shame on you Grasshopper, as spokes person for the TooTallMikeKnobblyKneesFanClub I must protest vehemntly, there is nothing wrong with those knobbles in the middle of those pins. Sir :-(
  10. Mark


    A Jimmy :whistle:
  11. Going to try and do that yes :-D
  12. Dont think so he lives in Kent :dunno:
  13. Got to get the blinking thing going yet mate :schocked:
  14. :-D Now there's a bright one, if I may say so :whistle:
  15. Further to your question of posting in picture of the week, I am afraid that only "Jack" can post in that forum, it was set up so that "Jack" can pick and choose which pictures "Jack" wants as picture of the week. Us on the other hand can post our pictures in the threads we start or the threads we participate in. I hope that answers your question as to why "Jack" can post. :-D
  16. He has already answered that there are no plans due to staffing and H & S issues etc.
  17. Time Jack........................................Time as always BUT I CANNOT WAIT :banana:
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