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Posts posted by Brooky

  1. crikey as Tony said , the old girl did have the Chieftain moving backwards though ! I am amazed ..i really wouldn;t have thought a traction engine could overcome the grip a tank would have ..maybe the tank would have won once the driver had 'the clutch up and the gas down' but ...I'm mighty impressed :)

    and the 'model' is truly awesome ... a real feat of engineering, my hat is well and truly off Sir ! :)


    There was another engine Lord Roberts A Burrell road loco) driven by the late Steve Neville who did move the tank quite some distance. Gigantic was then put on the tank and I rather think the army wernt going to be beaten again!!!

    Will try to get that video uploaded!!

  2. Why was the front axle able to drop out? Was there a fault or is there nothing to locate the axle on the McLaren bar the weight of the engine?


    The video was taken in 1990

    The engine had just been restored (for the first time after coming back from the Southern hemisphere) The owner at the the time couldnt remove the front axle even after removing the pin that held it in place so didnt bother..................until he tried to tow a Chieftain!! I havent uploaded the initial attempts when the engine kept rearing up

  3. Glad its not only me that finds CMV doesn't quite hit the spot both with content and layout

    Mind you I am of an age where Wheels and Tracks set the benchmark, and nobody has come close since

    Think I took a photo of the Ford at Chatsworth last year, will have to have a look later

  4. Yes, but! What if you are putting the vehcile onto the register for the first time? Half of it is to ensure the vehicle is what it says it is.


    So will that still need inspection?


    There is no need to MOT (a form v112 will need to be completed when the vehicle is taxed)

    The vehicle has been inspected by an approved club, job done!!

  5. Currently filling out V55/5 for my recently imported early script GPW. Many questions refer to the Certificate of Conformity which I do not have. Do I need a CoC to complete the form? Does anyone have one for a GPW?

    Thanks. Steve


    Just leave it blank...............there isnt one!!

    I take it you have jumped through the NOVA hoop and got a dating letter from a club?

    If so then happy days and remember despite what some people will tell you (if the date of manufacture is pre 1960 and it should be) then you WILL NOT need an MOT to tax it

  6. Maybe its something to do with the vehicles that are for sale

    It is I would suggest a very niche market within a niche market

    People will have a Jeep or a Dodge or a Land Rover because they are easy to drive, maintain, store etc etc

    A DROPS and a Saladin are big, complex and not easy to store (thats before you get into the driving licence, taxation class discussions)

    And maybe do not inspire peoples imagination as other vehicles do, lets face it DROPS are still I believe in service

  7. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the Police can ask for an MoT test on an exempt vehicle if they suspect it of being dangerous and if it fails, charge the owner.

    Dont know about that, but the police can take the vehicle away to be examined either by themselves or a contractor or get DVSA to examine it

    Remember the DVSA can stop any motor vehicle and give it the once over. Seen this at Strensham services one morning when they were pulling cars and caravans

  8. I would be interested how the DVLA accept this companies source material when DVLA specifically state that they do not accept information sourced from the internet. As IMPS DVLA Liason officer I (and the FBHVC) am having a hell of a battle with them as they have said in the past we cannot use 'books and the internet' as source material. Hopefully they are coming around to the fact that there are no other sources of dating information but they still reject dating letters apparently at random because all their clerks seem to be singing from different hymn sheets. Everything gets passed eventually but it is incredibly frustrating when, for example, for an applicant with a jeep to receive a rejection letter asking for export/import documents, a dating letter written in English on club headed notepaper (which the applicant has supplied as I do not write dating letters in any other language) and stating that our source material consisting of both books and website (which DVLA could check) is unacceptable when the same sources have been accepted in previous applications.

    This company appears to suggest that they can sort out the paperwork for any vehicle and as they obviously cannot have detailed source material for every type of vehicle I would be most interested in how they claim to provide information acceptable by the DVLA or are there two different standards being accepted by the DVLA?


    Agree with the above

    I think they may be able to help with some things but not everything!!

    The website does look a bit "amateur" and I think they are making claims they cannot carry out

    Particularly like the same day dating letter claim!!! A robust inspection procedure in place there then!!

    I do stand to be corrected though!

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