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Posts posted by Brooky

  1. Theres a series of New Top Gear articles in the "Event" section today. They list the value of an MB/GPW at £85,000 (!)


    Whatever makes them think that - has a jeep sold for £85K recently - if so it must have had some provenance.


    Trouble is that ill-informed rubbish like that forces prices up.


    But it was the one that Churchill drove ashore on D Day with Patton in the passenger seat and Monty sat in the back towing a trailer with the Glenn Miller band in :D

  2. I sometimes think that the registration number the vehicle was given when it left service is part of the vehicles history

    A "new" are related plate has nothing to do with the vehicle past

    My Series 1 Land Rover is 1955 but was registered in 1964 and carries a B plate (and has done so for longer than the vehicle was in service

    Just my thoughts!

  3. Hi Brooky, I appreciate you know better than I, and I stand corrected, But, previously, I have been given to understand V765 can be used for this as it has a section where an owners club or the like can confirm the identity of the vehicle


    The V765 scene is to reclaim a registration number the vehicle was first registered with that was never transferred to the dvla computer.

    So a barn find can have its original number reallocated. It is quite a torturous procedure and does include a club looking at the evidence. Again very strict rules about what is accepted

    Plenty on the dvla website

    In this case the vehicle is on the system with the correct date of manufacture. It is therefore a reasonably simple process to get an age related number

  4. Not a V765 application, that is to retain an existing number that does not exist on the DVLA database

    As the vehicle exists on the DVLA database and has the correct d.o.m on the V5 it is a simple process to get an age related number

    Write to the DVLA and explain what you want to do

    If you trawl the Land Rover Series 2 club forum there is plenty of info on there on how to do this

  5. I'm still hopeful that CMV will pull it together. It always had the better look and the popular take on vehicles, but was always a bit fluffy. MMI had the better journalism and more interesting articles, but it was hit and miss on what they covered. Together it could be an awesome magazine, but I get the feeling its still finding its feet. The last few issues havent held the same level of interest.

    Fair point, but after all these years shouldn't have found its feet?

    Mind you the same goes for all the Heritage Magazines, how many pictures of a stripped down traction engines or Atki Borderers do we need?

    The best in my book is Steam Railway, a good balance of history, preservation, photography and news

  6. Been following this thread with interest and now feel its time for my two pennorth

    CMV has really gone downhill ( have subscribed since day 1) too many ads, poor sale and wanted, incorrect captions. Occasionally there is a gem of an article but generally feel it has been dumbed down, with little detail

    The MVT Windscreen is a bit like the curates egg, good in places. Yes it does have some good articles and archive stuff but it is a club magazine and as such does have a fair amount of area news and such like.

    In my humble opinion none of the present offerings are a patch on Wheels and Tracks (again have the full set)

    Maybe one of the problems is that the subject has been done to death and there is nothing new to say or vehicles to investigate, or perhaps people with skill and knowledge to write about the subject.

    I am seriously considering cancelling my subscription


    something like this


    Surely plenty of old low loading trailers about, one with a detachable swan neck would be ideal

    Plenty being used by traction engine owners and better than modifying a skelly

    Would have to be tested and plated but could be run as private lgv and have a word with Walker Midgley for insurance (again used by the traction engine boys) My beavertail is insured through them

  8. If there was a perfectly legal way of running without submitting to a test, it might be worth it. Particularly if it avoided being tested by somebody like we used to have at Ipswich who would go out of his way to fail you even if it meant making faults up. You really had to know the testers manual to get through.

    There was also the time the tester, a much more helpful chap, gave me the opportunity to adjust a headlamp beam during the test. He was so helpful in fact, he attempted to do it himself, dislodged the screw and the headlamp fell out and smashed on the ground. ''Oh, I'll have to fail you for that'' he said.......


    Different to the experience I had yesterday with my beavertail transporter

    The guy could not have been more helpful, allowed me to adjust a headlight and change a bulb

    The test itself was fairly painless

    During the conversation he said they test to a minimum standard

    By the way it failed on a track rod end and front brakes but I have no problem with that, get it fixed and in for retest

  9. I think I'm a way off dealing with the DVLA yet, but I'm definitely open to as much advice about dealing with them as possible; I've seen a lot of stories of things not working out as expected... they can be quite difficult to deal with at times. (I should note, I'm also getting advice elsewhere too, from someone who's also had a lot of dealings with the DVLA. Kapri on Rods n Sods, in case you know him.)


    The RLC isn't on the V765 list, and neither is the Bedford Owners and Enthusiasts Club, as far as I can tell. But I'll get a V55/5 ordered anyway; that way, it might be here by the time I get it done enough to start figuring out the paperwork nightmare. :D




    Yes! :laugh:


    (As for further updates on what's been done on the truck: half of an oil change. It was black as the night, stinks of petrol, but at least was still liquid and there was plenty of it. Half-filled a 25-litre plastic hydraulic-oil drum that was laid on its side as a drain tray. Then managed to drop the filter when I finally got the housing to break free of its crust... Sploosh. Black up to my wrists...


    Waiting on a new oil filter to turn up at the parts place. I'll be getting that at 0930 Friday.)


    It doesn't have to be a nightmare

    The Military Vehicle Trust or the Historic Commercial Vehicle Club should be able to help


    Please just don't try for registration without getting some advice from a subject matter expert. Otherwise it will end in tears and all we will see is posts about how poor the DVLA are

  10. Yeah, it'd actually surprise me a great deal if it was the original engine. The truck doesn't actually have a logbook, nor show any signs of having plates on it; apparently it was pretty commonplace just to drive them around on trade plates up until the mid 80s or so, so it may never have actually been registered.


    I'm hoping to gather a decent amount of evidence for when the truck was first introduced into service, and suchforth, so that I can -- when I have it running -- send off the relevant forms to the DVLA and get its first registration. (Which would mean I'd be the first registered owner; trippy. :D)


    Waiting to see whether the RLC Archive can find an ERM for it; if so, then I can hunt down a copy of the B vehicle card, for the date into service.


    A word to the wise

    I suggest that you enlist the help of a club to get the first registration sorted

    The DVLA can be a funny animal to deal with and the paperwork you provide them with may not be the paperwork they want.

    This will only lead to frustration and delays

    Part of the V55/5 scheme (get one on order from the DVLA asap, it cant be downloaded) requires a dating letter from a club that is authorised and recognised by the DVLA. I don't think (although I will be proved wrong) the RLC museum is listed

    Plenty of info on the DVLA website (look for V55/5 scheme)

    Please feel free to pm me to discuss (I was MVT verification officer for three years)

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