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6 X 6

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Everything posted by 6 X 6

  1. Richard, you make some good points in your last post about speed limits and I would be the first to agree this is not a black and white issue. The thing that I have a problem with on motorways are motorists who, on seeing they're being overtaken by a lorry, speed up. You then drop back in behind them only for them to slow down again. You pull out to overtake again, and they speed up again, and so on and so on sometimes for miles. I'm sure you've experienced this many, many times. Can be very tiresome, to put it politely. I have developed a technique for ending this pattern but I think I'd better not describe it in such a public place as this forum. Some tracker systems, I would call them surveillance systems, can even tell the traffic office which gear your in. I'm not kidding that's true. Your Magnum looks pretty cool by the way.
  2. Are they allowed to do that in a public place ?
  3. I certainly don't know anything about it but I'm very pleased you posted a 'photo, it looks really nice. Thanks.
  4. Here are two well known 'photos of a LWB oilfield Constructor also in Hungary.
  5. That's because they're still round at my place and I can't get rid of them. They're eating me out of house and home and WON'T stop dancing. It's become very annoying, if I had known this was going to happen I wouldn't have joined up with this forum in the first place.
  6. Yes, Mike, I think you're probably right. It lives in Hungary and although I don't think it's owner understands English he did very kindly send me the above 'photos. Take a look a this website. http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.netlabor.hu/roncskutatas/uploads/thumbs/9555.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.netlabor.hu/roncskutatas/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php%3Fcid%3D70%26orderby%3DhitsD&h=140&w=140&sz=5&hl=en&start=608&tbnid=iS-ynntQhtfFNM:&tbnh=93&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3DScammell%26start%3D588%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D21%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN
  7. In a slightly more considered post, what I would say is that any HGV driver who feels under pressure to exceed the existing speed limits, for whatever reason, including being over sensitive about the real, or imagined, feelings of motorists held up in a queue behind them, isn't really being very professional in their attitude. If I see a small queue stuck behind me, I think, well, they might all arrive a few minutes late but at least they'll get there safely. If a long queue builds up I'll pull over when I'm able to and let them pass. A lot of drivers do this, and in some countries, is it the USA ? it's the law to do so. The question I would really like to ask you, Richard, is this....do you really think that running at 50 mph would stop, or even reduce, the number of w**kers who think nothing of jeopardizing their own, and other peoples, lives through reckless overtaking ? I don't. One last thing, have you tried stopping 44 tons at 40 mph even on a dry road ? Situations can develop very quickly on A and B roads and for that reason I shall be sticking with 40 mph even if your petition is successful. I'd prefer always to be making late deliveries than have to face the mother of some dead child in a coroner's court. PS. When are we going to see some 'photos of your gorgeous Milly Gun Tractor ?
  8. 40 mph ? I'm hourly paid, suits me.
  9. Her story is told in three parts.
  10. Although I think the compulsory air bags for bikes as illustrated in the above post are fundamentally a good idea and may go some way to reducing road injuries, the Health and Safety Directive 6754/08654/3HLKDR that in comes into force on 3rd Sept 2009 and requires ALL pedestrians to wear the exact same air bags is just taking things too far. It's just getting silly.
  11. Hey colonel mustard, You may well live in Wootton Bassett where there are more jeeps than anywhere you know of, but you also are living within driving distance of Swindon, home town of more women with enormous front bits than anywhere I know of, Diana Dors, Dolly Parton and Melinda Messenger to name just a few.
  12. I'm not sure if the British Commercial Vehicle Museum at Leyland holds the same information as Deepcut, I don't think it does, but if you can supply a chassis number, model type and in some cases sales order number (!) plus £17:63 Mr. Alan Pritchard, Archive Manager, may be able to supply you with a copy of a vehicles 'build sheet'. Expect to wait as this service is provided by volunteers. Being the BCVM it can only provide information about British made vehicles including those supplied to the MoD and the WD. If you go down this route let us know how you get on. http://bcvm.co.uk/
  13. How sad. As I write my local scrap yard is paying £220 per ton for heavy metal. Yes, that's right £220 per ton. If you imagine each chassis might weigh in the region of 7 tons then the current scrap value of these vehicles would be around £4600. There appears to be no reserve and anyone can bid including the local scrap dealer. It will be interesting to see what happens to these Pioneers and similar vehicles in the light of such high scrap prices.
  14. While we're still in the Constructor gearbox dept. could anyone tell me which way the oil migrates when the seal is leaking...I mean does the gearbox oil go into the transfer box or is it the other way round ? Thanks.
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