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Posts posted by spanter

  1. Not sure if we'll make this one, Dallas have the dodge at the moment, and me and the missus are on holiday til the day before, might see if the brother can take the jeep down, but always difficult on mothers day- that saying if i can get both sets of parents there could kill a few birds.......

  2. You are right this is a P-63, larger, squarer fin is the immediate give away, this aircraft was the first of the 2 that the fighter collection at duxford owned, sadly both were later lost in seperate fatal accidents, they did have a P-39 a few years ago but this has been sold back to the us.

  3. I'm still surprised to find these dotted about inside the cargo bays of 737's at work, no-one knows if the cargo loaders ever use them but we still keep putting them back on, sure they have a Boeing part number which means at least 20x the true price :-(

  4. No can't do Haynes as I've got an appointment with walking down an aisle, and she'd kill me if I did anything vehicle related - Shuttleworth has a meet the pilots themed airshow on saturday where people can wander around aircraft, cars and people in period dress in the car park before we drag the aircraft out to fly. Was great last year but we'll have to wait til next year.

  5. Here are a few pictures of last weekends steam fayre near Biggleswade, we took over our steam engine and equipment a few tractors and a couple of cars but alas the jeep and dodge both are having brake problems so didn't make it. There was a varied military selection but obviously steam out numbered them (around 120 full size engines) and if the owner of the large Leyland 'SNAFU' is a member on here sorry for the little blue tractor packing up in front of you when you arrived :blush:







    This last Ford model T racer has the normal model t gearbox but it then has a further 3 speed gearbox, they've had it up to 50 in 2nd.


    And finally one for the great war fans




















  6. Had this happen with the WC54 on the way to normandy last year oil line had chafed through on the dipstick and sprayed oil over the head onto the exhaust manifold among other places, we were carrying one extinguisher in the cab, one in the back and two in the following jeep, and the small fire on the manifold was soon out but with a lovely chink noise as the manifold cracked in two.


    Still i'd rather pay the £400 quid for the new manifold than for a whole new vehicle, and if you think we were carrying too many extinguishers then when were your's last serviced or how old are they? Had to help some one out at the side of the road once as his extinguisher was older than he'd admit and refused to work beyond a slow drizzle, come to think of it he never offered to replace it for me, oh well.

  7. Here's a couple of other pics of Pete's Storch. The first during restoration, and the second after the first two engines were 'damaged'. Pete wasn't a happy bunny for quite a while.






    Up until recently, Pete had quite a collection of German aircraft, in addition to some British, but he has thinned out the fleet a bit. He kept the Miles Magister, Miles Falcon, Fiesler Storch and Bucker Bestmann at last count.


    Many years ago, he was a regular at model shows, flying a 1/4 scale Sopwith Pup in mock combat with around a dozen other 1/4 scale WW1 aircraft. The model flying took a back seat once he started fullsize aviation. It was Pete that took me on the two 6 hour flights over the old 8th and 9th airforce bases in Norfolk and Suffolk ( see Aviation Section of the forum ), back in 1997 and 1999.



    Sorry Steve, Peter's bestmann is in Germany now with the Klemm at Quax so 'only' the Falcon, Maggie, Storch left at OW, he has still got his R44 and Robin and gets to play with his old PT-22 so still doing ok :D

  8. Yep Peter Holloway's Storch is a very impressive looking aircraft and as he says "fuel burn of a spitfire, cruise speed of a tigermoth". The storch's Argus engine is very rare and due to the very fine tolerances inside he has had two engines unsuccessfully rebuilt which subsequently seized up and thankfully Vintech at Little Gransden are breathing their magic on this one. There is a very long queue of people trying to angle for a flight in this beastie next time we get it out I'll try to get a comparision picture of the Lysander, Piper cub and storch together to see the different approaches to the same job.


    Oh and the last combat is supposed to have been between a Storch and a piper cub with colt .45 pistols being used to force down the storch which wrecked on landing but the cub landed nearby and captured the german crew.

  9. From talking to Phil Benham and Dennis Smith last week they said it should be a two year event which is good as if it happened this year we couldn't go due to the wedding. Really enjoyed the show last year and Sarah went around with the land army again- but the steam display with the enormous crane was a real highlight for me.

  10. Had a very good show putting on a small display from the back of the WC54 then taking it back in every so often when the showers came through. Took the missus, my sister and my brother into the arena on thursday morning for the jeep see-saw and was amazed to find only one other jeep had turned up so had a bit of fun with a whole arena to myself, then tried the see-saw and discovered the brakes weren't really up to it but managed with a lot of clutch-sorry uncle-got some good pictures. Best of all was Phil Benham letting me take his half track around the site now I really want one- just waiting for the numbers to come up.

  11. Missed the race, we were camping opposite some Scammells in Monktons and tried to keep an eye out when ever they left on mass so missed the race but did see the matador towing. Great vehicles still amazes me just how large they are :shocked:

  12. All in all a good week away with no-where near as many idiots driving past at speed, arrived on the saturday to find the last years tent I put up the saturday before had been totalled by wednesday's storms but we'd brought a new one with us luckily. Some people next to us seemed upset when the marshalls started reclaiming their marked off space on saturday but the amount of wasted space was a lot better than in previous years. Always wondered about fire breaks in the camping and this year ended up next to a fire drum which was comforting. Doubt much would burn through the dust breaks anyway! Did anyone get any pictures of my fiance and sister on the land army trailer parades? P.s. lifetime ambition fulfilled thanks to my long suffering other half, I got to Drive Phil Benham's M16 on the friday evening :D Still haven't stopped smiling.

  13. Over the last 8 or so years we have been going we have had to get there earlier and earlier to get a space, thank god for annualised hours and late shifts! Last year we came down on the saturday before the show as we did the year before and found no room in the middle of big monktons but thankfully Malcolm Dunlop squeezed us in with the cadets, we struggled to get the 5 vehicles and tents in the space but managed it. When we went to leave the cadets had stood on the tow bar of my friends trailer and accidently pulled the wires out of the towing socket, that took a lot of head scratching thank god I'd taken a multi meter.

    This is the reason we went down so early not to grab loads of space but enough for what we need, there are a lot of very greedy people but the marshalls do manage to get people into wasted space from wed-thurs, always worth looking in big monktons opposite the shermans and other 2nd armoured and behind the aid station display, as these people always take more than they need and have been massively offensive to anyone who tries to use a tiny bit of their space but the Marshalls should sort it out this year.

    Hoping for a relaxed sunny week only holiday this year before the wedding so fingers crossed!

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