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Posts posted by spanter

  1. Was thinking of painting it between the star and the circle on the bonnet as I've found a wartime picture of jeeps like this, at worse it'll be a reasonably easy part to mask back up and respray, I hope.






  2. Thanks for all the replies, I have had a google about and found a thread on g503 showing someone's jeep where he had found some of this paint and it was a off lime yellow, would you do this to your vehicle to help it stand out or am I asking for trouble from people asking why is it like that?





  3. Great question as always wondered if naming carried on as a few of our airliners at work have been named in the old traditional way, the bosses forcing names of people they want to impress on them. Has anyone got a list of names from m3 halftracks as with the repaint going on we thought it'd be good to put a name on her.




  4. Hello after having the rear diff rebuilt for my WC54 by Rex Ward he explained that ep90 is what he recommends for dodge axles as no bronze in the diff and the crown wheel and pinion will break the oil film of an ag90, and looking at my worn out pinion I'm going with his advice as I always used ag90. Definitely use ag90 in the gearbox and transfer case though as sure there is bronze in there.



  5. Oh one other bit I forgot to mention these type of fittings disappeared from use once streamlined wires were used so must be before mid 1916ish as after that streamline was the way forward.





  6. Hello Gritineye, I went to the collection earlier and had a look at the Sopwith pup and Avro 504k and both of them have very similar turnbarrels fitted but without the load ratings on the wire ends, I spoke to one of the engineers and showed him your pics and he said they were very familiar to him but he thought the load ratings may be a little high for the types he has experience of. They maybe from bigger aircraft like the HP 0/400, or airships but may also be from a marine application as well. I took some pictures of the ones we have fitted and also of other ones on display in the hangars if this helps.










  7. Hello Charawacky, I turned up in time at old warden on sunday to see your two crossley's parked up they looked fantastic, it's a shame you left when you did as I was trying to convince the powers to let us push our one out for a line up, maybe another time if we can sort something out?

  8. Something very purposeful about how they look isn't there, yours looked great Chris.


    Hello Jules while looking about on the forum my brother found your advert for selling the halftrack last year, really glad we didn't miss out on it as like you say it is in fantastic condition a real tribute to how well you and Tobin have looked after it - thankyou. And she's only living a few miles down the road so hopefully you'll see her out and about.




  9. Just noticed that your M3 has M2 (short) mineracks? If they're original then you'd be able to sell them to an M2 owner, and buy a repro set of M3 racks, with cash to spare. ;)


    Funny you should say that I noticed the same and have tried to steer my uncle that way he likes the rear luggage racks as well so who knows? Cheers for the advice on the G503 forum I'll do that while the wife is having her hair done tonight.


    Hope to see you Stephen hopefully we'll have some more nice weather for a change.



    The one we picked up didn't have a for sale sign in it, we were just using it as an example of what to aim for when the owner said for the right cash he'd part with it due to some other projects. If I remember correctly the 'film hack' one was up for around 25 or there abouts, quite liked the idea of the fuel tank below the floor in place of the international's stowages did make it more people friendly in the back.

  10. Neil this one was in americas field with the staghound a bit further up the aisle which had the one for sale on the corner, the one for sale on the corner parked up next to the german halftrack had way too much work to do to make it 'right' lots of heavy corrosion on parts of the body and the fighting compartment had been extensively cut about. All the seats had been moved out to the walls and a new sheet of kick steel layed as a new floor with a set of steps attached which when moved twisted the floor to an alarming degree. It took a lot of convincing to stop my uncle from getting that one as although it was 10k cheaper than some others it needed a lot of work and as everyone knows when you buy something like this its best to try to find the best you can afford.


    Lewis shame you weren't about, just wondered if as per normal the lack of advertising meant quite a few people didn't know about the show. The halftrack might be around for the steam fayre as long as my uncle doesn't go on holiday but we'll be there with the usual Shuttleworth bits so pop over for a tea if you like.

  11. Thanks for all the kind words, my uncle has been after a halftrack for a while after turning one down 7-8 years ago for £7,500 and so he's finally gone for it. While looking at the war and peace show he had his heart set on an M5 which had been messed about an awful lot but glad the wife noticed this one and pointed it out to him, seems to be a vehicle with much less to do on it (fingers crossed) Is there any way to track back the contract number and other information to put on the data plate as it is bare at the moment?

  12. Hi finally got around to it here are some pictures of my uncles latest toy a M3 Halftrack which he test drove at the war and peace show and picked up and drove home the following weekend, some of you will recognise her as she has been on the circuit for a while.


    The day after he picked her up they went to a local national trust show in willington, bedfordshire and the following weekend took her along to the military pageant at old warden aerodrome where working liveside meant I could get a few unique pictures :D



    Of course you have to stop for refreshments somewhere





    From what Tobin the previous owner told us she is very early as she has wing mounted headlamps and her serial number is very low



    But the data plate is bare so any information as to what we can put on the plate would be greatfully received, I understand it is an Autocar built example from late 1941 but thats about it?





    Outside pub.jpg


  13. After the last show we attended with my uncles 'new' halftrack we stopped off for a meal at a local pub leaving the ambulance and halftrack out front, within 20 mins had to go out and ask people to kindly climb out of the back of the M3 after they had opened the door and jumped in. Nothing missing we could see but the de-act 50 cal doesn't fit under the tilt so was loose on the floor so now have had to come up with a quick secure lock when its demounted. People don't seem to have a lot of respect at the minute for other's property, and their response was "we were only looking mate". Didn't seem to keen on me 'opening' the door to their car just to look though. :mad:

    Hope the weapons are returned to the owner as soon as possible - just a thought has anyone tried claiming for lost weapons on their insurance, can't imagine the firms would be keen to pay proper money for replacements?

  14. Hello Ken great pictures really wish we could have seen a little bit more of the show than the ten minutes we managed it looked amazing. Thanks again with the help with the diff annoyingly Dallas say it has a later crown wheel and pinion fitted to it so won't work for our axle- so we now have a front wheel drive ambulance until I can figure something else out :-(



  15. Really great videos there, wonder how many of those vehicles are still in that condition, and bloody hell could you imagine 'elf and safety letting a convoy take place that close to the spectators now a days. Shame as it looked like no-one got hurt really close in a few places though!

  16. Ok Steve cheers for that I wasn't aware of the overfly issues but it makes sense as I haven't seen any large scale stuff at Ow since the 1/2 scale comet flew, and that scared me as they miss judged where they were when they let down over the hangars and over flew the restaurant at about 25ft desending. Still hell of a job to have :-D.

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