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Posts posted by spanter

  1. Hello as some of you may be aware the Shuttleworth Collection in Bedfordshire is providing a temporary base for the two BE2e replicas destined for Stow Maries and on sunday they will hopefully make their display debut along with a pairing of the last two airworthy Gloster Gladiators and a 3 ship formation of Hawker bi-planes (Hind, Demon and Nimrod) Full display list and information here http://www.shuttleworth.org/tickets/event-details.asp?ID=261


    Looking forward to seeing many people come to see this sight which hasn't been seen in the northern hemisphere for at least 85 years.



  2. I hope you get it back soon without the gits damaging it, have you approached the local scappies to let them know? I think people on here are miss-understanding the way I read it it was in a private field attached to your property and I know plenty of MVs that live in similar conditions on farms under lean tos or in open sheds.


    Not nice to realize someone in your local community could do this to you.


    Good luck



  3. We were invited to bring the jeep along to a help for heroes fundraiser in a pub in Bedford, who were we to refuse. When we pulled up there was a decidedly land rover theme to the day with a couple of series 1 and a #29 from the pre-production evaluation machines already there with a few more later models.



    when we got back to the airfield there was an Auster gathering for their AGM and so we took advantage and posed the jeep with a couple of D-day marked up mk Vs before we fuelled them up.



    All in all a good day lots of money raised for a good cause and really pink arms, legs and face as well.










  4. Glad to see you got some pieces out of the auction, sadly I missed yourselves on Saturday when you popped into the collection but I have been shown photos by people who were amazed at how tidy your trucks were looking forward to August.



  5. We'll be down with the jeep, WC54, parabike and halftrack, looking forward to watching you tear around the arena again Rick, but this time I'll be enjoying it from outside the arena rather than having you charge up out of the dust behind me after the prize giving, the cromwell is fantastic and sounds lurvly with a few revs.



  6. For the first few days last year the grandstand toilets were the only working ones on site and everyone seemed to respect them and all was fine once the rented ones were opened for some reason the same dumb mentality reared it's head and some idiots started trashing them but the girl who was cleaning them did a fantastic job trying to keep ahead of the mess.

  7. Aside from the one way system and the bottle neck of a road that can close at any time there were no more rules at the race course than at the hop farm, it's just even less people obeyed them at the old site but with the old site having so much camping away from the main public footfall it was easier for a blind eye to be cast with all the driving. Personally I really liked the old site but with the weather the way it is this year I think it would be massively turned over again and the new site could be fantastic with a few changes especially a viewing bank but as it has to be kept in a racing condition I can't see them happening. Will still keep going though.

  8. Hope the trip goes well for everyone and Tony I look forward to seeing pictures of Katy on the beach, willenberg were a godsend in 2004 when we had to leave the jeep outside the campsite due to a night time candle lit parade and 'bits' were liberated. Ronny was 5 minutes walk away and saved the trip, highly recommend their treasure trove of a trailer and unusually fair prices.



  9. Fantastic story Tony our WC54 has refused both attempts to get her to Normandy in the last ten years and sadly funds and work schedules have ruled out the attempt this year so good luck and safe journey to everyone completing the trip and please take lots of pictures of your pride and joys for those of us stuck back home.



  10. Unbelievable luck for the owners having just restored that engine and very brave man going in to release the pressure while not knowing the damage to the boiler, glad no one was hurt.

  11. For those people who chock their large heavy toys I learnt a lesson a couple of years ago while I was crewing a 1914 traction engjne with a couple of other people and as we went to head for a parade I went to remove the chocks under the drive wheel, the engine had settled down on the grass trapping the front one so the driver rocked the engine back under steam while I pulled it. Unfortunately we had no chain on the chock and as my finger was between wheel and wood he released the regulator pinning my left index finger, I politely asked him to rock it back again which being a steam engine meant bouncing it out of forward gear and got the chock second time round then went to the a and e with a finger 1/4" thick and with every pore highlighted in red. Luckily I still have almost complete movement of it and all our chocks now sport long chains. Taught me a lesson.

  12. Was disturbed my sister chose burgundy and white as the wedding colours partially to match the dodge, when my father was released from hospital after a minor stroke a few months ago I picked him up in the dodge as parking was amazingly expensive and difficult to get into but there was plenty of spaces marked "ambulance only" out the front. :D


    Thankyou for the comments and I'm sure any nephews/nieces we end up with will be brought up with far more vintage vehicles than should be healthy

  13. Hello I just thought I'd post a couple of pictures of my family's military vehicles we used for my sister's wedding at the weekend and was wondering if anyone else has pictures of their pride and joys 'off duty' so to speak, very proud of the vehicles as none of the played up on the hottest day of the year with some tight timescales to contend with.







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