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Posts posted by spanter

  1. Went down earlier to claim our little bit of kent for the duration, amazed at how much had been grabbed by 10am, had a quick drive past of Lee's camp, looks very impressive, then back up to Bedfordshire for tea and biscuits-roll on next saturday.


    Was also amazed at the 6-7 mile long queue on the M25 to use the dartford bridge at about 1pm as we sailed past the other way, bet it was bloody hot just sitting there

  2. Cheers for the advice, I haven't done the adjustments (feeler gauges at work) yet but the master cylinder is correctly adjusted as per the TM but I'm a little worried about the wheel cylinder as we tried to free the brake off by driving back and forth while exercising the brake before we realised the flexi had collapsed.:blush: Didn't see anything in the TM about releasing the back right to create an air gap but if it helps I'll try anything. Will try and have another go this week hopefully with the help of a friend who used to own a champ and is a good mechanic.


    Cheers Steve.

  3. Hello when I took the ambulance for its MOT this week it all passed fine but as I went to drive away the front left brake seized on. We traced it back to a collapsed flexi line, so clamped it off and got it home on three. I've now replaced all of the brake flexi lines, bleed the brakes off and now have very squeely left brakes and a pronounced pull to the left under breaking. The squeeling disappears with a good hard push on the brakes but the pull to the left is still there. Any ideas? Do I have a big problem or is it a case of simple adjustments?

  4. Yes we know what you mean with the commentator,we seem to have a problem in the last few years with having the 'right' ones. Brian used to be our display co-ordinator and helps out sometimes, stay with us we'll get there again. The Guy with one arm who's name completely escapes me at the minute was a good commentator but he still got plenty of things wrong but styled it out better! If you know of anyone who wants to have a go please let me know and I'll pass their details on.



  5. I think money is short for everyone, public funding or not, and we all need to make sure we support our museums in any way we can.


    Different museums have different strategies and constraints on fund raising, but at the end of the day if people don't support the museums in one form or another they may not be around for future generations.


    Shows are one way of supporting any museum, and this weekend I urge anyone reading to consider attending or displaying, whether it's at Duxford (Military Vehicle Show), Shuttleworth (D-Day Air Display), Debach (Airfield Open Day), or any other museum. We all need all of the help we can get.



    Thankyou Lauren that is what I was trying to say and you said it far better than I could of done, it wasn't a dig about funding directed at IWM, people seem to think Shuttleworth have a bottom less pit for money, no-one has that any more. Hope the show goes well.



  6. Hello I thought i'd have an attempt to explain a few things, this wasn't a last minute appeal for people, I was just letting people know of a show they could take their vehicle to, pay nothing to get themselves in and have a free airshow. We have been working hard to get the collection to allow people to come to the airshows and not pay as after all the money that comes in from the gates has to keep the collection running all year- not helped by public money like the IWM.


    I would love Shuttleworth to host a MV show but trying to find a weekend which doesn't clash with an event on site or elseware is getting very difficult, and I agree Mick the Collection does have very few MVs. With only 2 M20's, a WOT2, a Hillman, A 1912 Crossley T5, Triumph Motorcycle and a Hucks starter it would be a poor show, but the Collection's bread and butter is aircraft and with this they do have a few more military exhibits, which is probally why it hasn't been attempted before.


    I would love to go back to Debach Steve as we went a few years ago and found the place amazing with fantastic atmosphere and on the sunday watch out for the Hammond circus taking off to come to Old Warden, when we last visited Maurice did an fantastic beat up of the field.


    So please don't think Shuttleworth are money grabbing but historically they have had car clubs come to the airshows for their club meets and happily pay to get in so (this still happens) so trying to get them to lose a small amount of revenue on the off chance some more public come in to see the vehicles has been very difficult.


    I hope all the shows have record attendance as in this climate they all deserve it, even if it is just so that all the people in the background get to see how successfull all their hard work planning the events have been. One year we might make it to Duxford as one of my friends volunteers there and keeps saying how good the show is, but on the one show we did attend we were pushed out to the back of the field between the land warfare hall and the AAM by a load of civilian Rolls-Royces, not quite what I expected at an MV show. I have been told this doesn't happen any more.


    Hopefully this has explained a few things, and you haven't got too bored reading this and if you want to go to a show with a varied display come along who knows you might like it.


    By the way there should be some re-enactors on site doing some set pieces with our aircraft and equipment as in previous years, I'll try and put some pics up if I get a chance to take any, have a good safe weekend everybody.

  7. Standard Adult admission £25... Wow... that's 40% more than the W&P Show:shocked:



    Yep and at £25 it is only 92% less than for duxford's september airshow where children (5-15 year old) cost £10.80 -At Shuttleworth they are free, sounds quite good value when you consider that you are parked on site, can sit by your car, have free entry to a large landscaped garden for the wife or in-laws, free entry to a large playground for the kids, and also free entry to a very large bird of prey centre as well as the collection and any visiting vehicles.


    As a plus we have about as many toilets on site as W&P but for less people and they are kept clean! :shocked:

  8. Just a quick reminder to anyone who would like to come and bring their vehicles to our airshow on sunday.


    Just to clarify the position, we've been told that all WW2 vehicles have to be pre-registered. In return the vehicle and driver will get free access. Any additional adults have to pay the standard admission fee.


    Given the short timescale, we'll accept emails.


    If you know anyone who's interested, please ask them to email me at andrew.ogden@shuttleworth.org


    I need to know their name, address, contact phone number, email address and details of the WW2 vehicle that they're bringing.


    We need them no later than Thursday otherwise they won't get their pass in time.


    I hope to see many of you for a great show.

  9. The only leaded aircraft fuel easily available is 100LL (100 octane Low Lead) this will destroy your valves due to the higher octane content, we've found this with Ford model T engines and Ferguson tractor engines at the airfield. Another fuel we can get is a form of 80/87 octane but it only comes in the country in very small quantities for use in some of the older aircraft when the Moth club and a few other operators clubbed together and got some produced.(Very expensive).

    From the little research I've been able to do Lead content was high in the 20's and early 30's until people started to go insane in the fuel plants and the amount was then reduced and wasn't put back up to a large amount until the 60's onwards. Like Basil says military engines were made to run on poor quality fuel so unleaded will be ok.. for now.

    Governments worldwide want the amount of bio-fuel in unleaded petrol to be increased, the problem is as I understand it the cheapest form is Ethanol, good for octane bad for natural rubber diaphgrams in fuel pumps, we shall see.

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