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Posts posted by spanter

  1. Yesterday a shipping container was opened at the shuttleworth collection near biggleswade and inside we found a RE8, Sopwith Snipe and a Albatross DBa from the vintage aviator in New Zealand, they will be on display today at our flying evening and hopefully will fly with us for.the rest of the season before joining the RAF museum at hendon.


    Pictures and more here.







  2. Sounds familiar our halftrack was finished at half 2 in the morning when the low loader was coming and we did the final paint touch up just before it turned up- not quite on the same scale as yours but it allways helps to have a deadline. A shifting deadline is always easier though. Hope it all goes well for you.





  3. Yep had a quick google but work filters are causing a few issues did find some interesting pictures of a south african example, that diagram is great though. If you wouldn't mind taking pictures of the armories example that would be fantastic, thankyou.


    Some of the stories that Fred comes out with are amazing one of them I can remember at the moment is when he was driving for the Royal Horse artillery where he drove for sixteen hours in blackout conditions following the transmission light on the vehicle in front with a ten minute stop every two hours and when they got to the firing position he rested his eyelids and was treated to a boot in his back from the commander telling him to drive again, when he pointed out they hadn't been there five minutes, they pointed out the fifteen empty shell cases on the floor and he had never stirred while they had been fired off. He also tells a story of how to correctly feather the throttle of a Cromwell so that when it lands off a jump you get a smooth landing.:D






  4. Hi I'm on the lookout for some images of the driver's position in a Sexton as a friend of mine is writing up his history and drove them in 1949 (as well as comet/cromwell and many others) and he could do with an image to put in his book. He's not selling the book but is trying to write down things while he remembers them just in case anyone may find it interesting. In the first draft he did I've learnt a hell of a lot about steam ploughing (he was routinely helping out on a steam ploughing engine at 8 years old) and so would like to know the next few stories to come out from his memories.


    Hope someone can help him out.





  5. Cheers Snort, here's some more piccies now I've figures out how to resize them.




    There are more pictures of vehicles stuck but after running up to stop people getting stuck after they had driven through warning tape to many times, I just pulled out a beer and watched, wasn't so funny at 2:30 am when a load of drunk french men got two jeeps beached and were using a dodge and its winch to pull them out while parked up between peoples tents, amazed no-one got hurt. Still was a good week with lots of stories and interesting people we met.














  6. We arrived on the 14th with the jeep, halftrack and dodge and after walking the route to our pitch on Monktons we had a bit of a squelchy time driving on to the pitch but no dramas, we were camped up by the arena marshalls and it seems we were surrounded by some of the worst roads on the site. We set up our tents but by monday we were wondering if it was worth calling the low loader to pick us up on wed due to all the roads being nearly impassable to most MV's due to idiots forcing their way through ticker tapes and barriers and acting surprised when they got bottomed out. Glad we held on as spent more time in the arena than ever before and picked up runner up in the prize giving for the ambluance. Congratulations to Mark for his prize with Shrek.


    Here's our halftrack finished at 2am before loading to the show.


  7. I won't be at War and Peace. It's too far and too expensive! We may get to an Old Warden show late in the year. They need all the support they can get right now.



    Yep they do need any attendance they can get, the next airshow is sat evening and the forcasts arn't great but they are better than whats come before, hopefully it'll be a good one with a decent crowd if not the first sunday in august is another military themed one so our bits and pieces will be there.


    Stopping the drift now as I said before great pictures and there's nothing quite like driving around an old airfield with aircraft and vehicles of the correct period to make the hairs on your neck stand up.



  8. Still looking forward to the show and as its the first time we have had some armour with us it should be fun with the soft ground! Quite happy my sacrificial tents are still standing as seen them in some of the pics, the really cheap one is missing the water proof hanky off the top so might become a beer cooler as I bets its soaked inside by now. See you all on Saturday.

  9. Very nice pictures considering everything Steve, you're lucky to get any bits of an airshow completed, I'm yet to even prop swing anything this year as each time we're due a show the weather cancels it for us. Heres to hoping for a far better end to the season it's been the worst one I can remember on too many levels.


    If you and Peter pop down to the war and peace mud bath stop by and say hello.



  10. This is why I stay with friends as a group and we can keep an eye on all our vehicles.


    We also stay as a group but camp either side of one of the roads as it give you a chance to look over two camps without them being too big, it's amazing how many times you have to walk over and ask people to stop poking/climbing/picking bits up although it does help camping with a 6 year old German Shepherd dog called Ben who can be a bit intimidating at first!


    Hope everyone on site is starting to dry out and nice to meet you Markheliops on sat, hope that once you get Shrek down those narrow roads to your camp the ground has hardened up a bit.

  11. As it turns out someone had ingeniously snapped the float arm, so had created a loop with what was left then hooked two corks on the loop just like a bodge you'd do in your toilet cistern, so maybe a new one is a better idea, oh well I'll add it to the shopping list. Thanks for the reply Mike but I've been warned that corks need to be sealed with shellac before being put in fuel but the modern shellac is not what it used to be!





  12. Hi having just had the fuel tank repaired for the WC54 I've been told the cork float on the sender unit has seen better days is it better to replace the whole sender or can you just buy replacement cork/plastic floats? Sender unit is working fine but now its been out and dry for a few days I guess the cork will have dried out so replacement may be on the cards.





  13. Get earlier every year don't they, on the 14th we are coming down with the WC54 and halftrack on a low loader, will they have to be unloaded at the booking in point or can we go to our pitch or is it weather dependant? Just asking as normally we drive everything down but the halftrack has changed a few things :laugh: also any hints on loading a halftrack (front wheel drive engaged I guess).





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