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Everything posted by gritineye

  1. Still good spotting though...just been out and fired up Forceful, nice day for a drive but got visitors coming.....:-(
  2. Gosh And golly, Looks like you may be right Nick, have you seen XSK 460 lately? Please don't tell us you spotted the jib through the rear cab window in post #389?......:shocked: Unless Andy Fowler comes up with something better pretty quick, you may have just snatched the HMVF Scammell spotter of 2009 award at the last minute!..:clap: Bother, must update the index soon.
  3. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/attach...1&d=1256056847 This picture clearly shows that the original (point loading) body mounting brackets are left unused in this picture, the number sevens are almost pointing to the first two, two more pairs can also be seen. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/attach...1&d=1256056847
  4. I reckon might have got it right this year..........:cool: Cas didn't mind too much getting her pressie early...called her Gertie ..:kissoncheek:
  5. Happy birthday Nick, I do hope you had a nice day, because it's past your your bed time now young lad.........:yawn: ..Oh all right then, just this once..:-D
  6. It looks pretty strong and 'loadspready' to me http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/attachment.php?attachmentid=14855&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1256056847
  7. Had pykies next to us a few years ago at W&P, no MV in evidence, Transit, unruly kids being obnoxious the lot. They only stayed one day, the word was they were asked to leave, job done. At GDSF I had a confrontation with a large aggressive pykie family after a tiny splash of my beer landed on one of their kids head, after shouting sorry a few times as aggressively as I could the prospect of a bashing diminished somewhat, and I went after my so called mates who had predictably scarpered, phew...:sweat: A few of these types will get in any large gathering, it is their living after all, and they are good at it, you can't blame the organizers. Both shows are amazing and well worth a visit at least once, the chances of meeting pikies or trouble are very slight and the chance to enjoy yourself immensely should not be missed.
  8. I would assume the armoured body imparts a lot of stiffness, and reduces point loading on the frame, almost eliminating the need for one.
  9. Well I had missed that bit Lee, that means it is easier to do that than via Photobucket etc. For me anyway... thanks
  10. A couple to start with, anyone recognize their vehicles? Mines there, a few more of these belong to forum members.
  11. I've never had a reminder so I must have logged on more often than I thought, but if someone doesn't look at their emails or has just lost interest the links will be lost anyway. Last time this was discussed Jack said either way was OK with him.
  12. Just found this, it may help us to remember. How do I follow/stop following my stats? You can follow your stats if you want to receive an email once a week with your latest stats. Log into your Photobucket account. Click Stats in the secondary menu. The Stats page displays. Click Follow your stats. You are subscribed to your stats, and emails are sent to your email address on record once a week with your stats for that week. Use the Click here to unsubscribe link in the weekly stats email you are sent to stop following your stats and stop receiving emails.
  13. Just a thought, but this problem is likely to occur more often as members come and go, so would it not be a good idea to say in the FAQ that the preferred method of posting pictures should be to upload directly from members computers, and explain why? Although the photobucket method allows for text and pics to be mixed, and can make threads easier to understand, remembering to log on every 90 days is not uppermost in my mind a lot of the time, and I'm sure most people who post pictures would like them to stay there.
  14. Hilarious, way better than the firms do I just went to...:rotfl::rotfl:
  15. Not if it is a capped nut and needs undoing...:sweat:
  16. The Guards Armoured Division was reverting to their normal role as an infantry division. They held a “Farewell to Armour” parade on the airfield, which was part of our camp. Quite a lot of our men were allowed to watch this parade. I, unfortunately was on duty at the Main Gate. Field Marshall Montgomery took the salute at the parade. According to my mates who saw the parade, they had never seen so much “bull” in all their time in the army. Apparently the Guards tanks had the entire wheel bolts painted white with the nuts painted red. The first six inched of the gun barrel had been burnished until it gleamed like silver. Every tank dipped its gun barrel in salute as it passed the saluting base. I suppose the tanks then suffered the same fate as ours-dumped in the Atlantic. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/s...a1097813.shtml
  17. :thumbsup: You're getting there Andy, we're all looking forward to the imminent official removal of the words 'rust bucket' from the title of this thread!
  18. I get the same large and very expensive card from a firm I deal with, it hasn't changed in 10 years, it doesn't matter it's just marketing. Despite my first comment the W&P one has had some thought and effort applied which is a much nicer thing altogether, so a merry Christmas to Rex and the team from me.
  19. http://www.hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?t=1176&highlight=rolls+valve+seats
  20. Come on Robert, keep up....................:-D http://www.hardyspicer.com.au/torsional_vibration_2006.asp
  21. This chap tells a very fascinating and detailed tale of his childhood and then his wartime experiences in Shermans. All the more interesting to me because he lived very near to where I was brought up. http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/13/a1097813.shtml
  22. They must be a bit miffed, are any of those in the picture on here?
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