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polecat paul

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Posts posted by polecat paul

  1. 12th April 200 mile maritime exclusion zone around the Islands declared by Britain to prevent Argentine reinforcements and supplies reaching the Islands from the mainland;

    British submarine Spartan arrives on station off Stanley;

    Haig returns to London

    The destroyer ‘Antrim’, the frigate ‘Plymouth’ with M Company, 42 Commando, sailed from Ascension to recapture South Georgia.

  2. This thread has me hooked. Brilliant idea....please keep it going to the end.


    Me & a couple of others at the place I worked at the time were reservists & had it gone badly could have been recalled (gladly)....I remember during every BBC radio news update you could here a pin drop in the workshop while blokes gathered around the radio for a 'listen in'.




    I,m pleased to hear that your hooked ,i will carry on to the end i promise!

  3. 7th April Reagan approves Haig peace mission;

    British Government announces it will impose a 200-mile exclusion zone around the Islands on 26 April;

    Liner Canberra is requisitioned at Southampton upon her return from a world cruise;

    Britain freezes $1.4 billion in Argentine assets held in British banks

  4. 5th April Aircraft carriers Hermes and Invincible sail from Portsmouth with other ships;

    Carrington resigns and is replaced as Foreign Secretary by Francis Pym;

    Junior Foreign Office Ministers Richard Luce and Humphrey Atkins resign

  5. very good day out, got a few bits (as you do!!!) was very suprised to find a complete (apart from hat) Royal Observers Corps officers uniform, I rescued it from the ignomy of being turned into a WW11 RAF uniform




    PS, did frighten a few stall holders when I walked by, cant think why!!!


    Will have to show Andy how to put a beret on properly!!

  6. More news regarding the show!


    We have now changed to a bigger more secure site which is next to the old Park Hall camp in oswestry, There were a few concerns on the old site regarding security and the fact that we couldnt charge the public to come in (public park!), where as the new site the public will be charged a few quid and all money made is being donated to SAMA Wales, who's chairman will be visiting over the weekend!.

    We have now got conformation that the Shropshire yeomanry will be bringing a stand and 3 vehicles(2 landys 1 scorpian kindly donated by Donnington) we are waiting to hear if the Welsh guards recruitment team will be in attendance also a request has gone in to RAF Shawbury for a helicopter to be on site. We are hoping that this has got the makings to be a good show, any Militaria trader who wants to book a stand please pm me (very cheap rates)...............so if you havent got your booking forms in be quick!! the Powys and Mid Wales club will be in attendence at Hack Green this sunday promoting the event so please pop over to say hi

  7. As far as I know, the neck cord was a standard fitting to all the pre-68 wooly pullys......but when the green version appeared around 1970, the cord disappeared.....possibly because the neck fitting was improved within the knit design....


    However, some individuals did continue to fit a drawcord to the neck for whatever reason, although strictly unnecessary on the newer design......usually a boot lace or similar.....:)


    When i was serving we found that the neck of the jumpers did sag slightly hence why alot of us fitted an old lace to pull it tightup to the shirt collars

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