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polecat paul

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Posts posted by polecat paul

  1. Here's one of the FMA Pucara's captured at the end of the Falklands War. It is now on display at the North East Aircraft Museum, and the bullet holes are still there to see.








    It looks in very good condition, is it permanantly kept outside?, will have to come up for a look around

  2. 14th May Britain's ambassadors to the US and the UN summoned back to London;

    Thatcher warns Britain that a peaceful settlement may not be possible;

    SAS attack the Argentine base on Pebble Island and destroy supplies and 11 pucara aircraft;

    3 Argentine skyhawk aircraft are shot down by sea harriers

  3. 7th May Britain extends total exclusion zone to 12 miles off Argentine coast;

    de Cuellar discusses peace proposals in New York with British and Argentine delegations


    Something very interesting i found as well!


    3.30pm: French President, François Mitterrand, talks to his doctor; “ I had a difference of opinion to settle with the Iron Lady. What an impossible woman, that Thatcher! With her four nuclear submarines on mission in the southern Atlantic, she threatens to launch the atomic weapon against Argentina — unless I supply her with the secret codes that render deaf and blind the missiles we have sold to the Argentinians. Margaret has given me very precise instructions on the telephone …. I have been forced to yield. She has them now, the codes. If our customers find out that the French wreck the weapons they sell, it’s not going to reflect well on our exports.“



    Courtesy of "The Falkland Islands – History & Timeline"

  4. 5th May-HMS Exeter, a Type 42 destroyer, is ordered to proceed to join the Task Group.

    HMS Cardiff, another Type 42, is ordered to proceed to Gibraltar for maintenance and storage.

    Emergency meeting of full British cabinet debates Peruvian

  5. 4th May British destroyer Sheffield hit by an exocet missile, and subsequently sinks - 20 die;

    First British sea harrier piloted by Lt Nick Taylor is shot down over Goose Green;

    British forces begin bombarding Argentine positions around Stanley

  6. 3rd May-Two Lynxes from HMS Coventry and HMS Glasgow attack 2 patrol craft. The Coventry flight sinks one of the craft. The Glagsow's flight targets the Alferez Sobral and launched her two Sea Skua missiles. One of the missiles hits the bridge structure of the Alfrez Sobral, killing the commanding officer and several ratings.

    Fog descends over the Carrier Battle Group's operating area.

    The Argentine warships pull back to operate in shallower water, where submarines could not follow.

  7. May 1st: Task Force entered the Exclusion Zone. Vulcan bomber ‘Black Buck’ attacked the runway at Port Stanley. First air attacks by Harriers on Argentinean positions on the Falklands. SAS and SBS landed on the islands.


    (Sorry Late in Posting)





    2 May 2012-General Belgrano is sunk by HMS Conqueror without knowledge of cancellation of Argentine pincer attack. Peruvian President renews the peace initiative; new British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym holds talks with General Haig in Washington.

  8. April 30th - President Reagan terminates Haig’s peace mission, declares US support for Britain and imposes economic sanctions on Argentina.


    The ‘maritime exclusion zone’ becomes a ‘total exclusion zone’ with the approach of the task group.

  9. April 25th: Royal Marines and SAS retake South Georgia.


    With regard to the langings on South Georgia, 'D' Squadron 22 SAS were landed and aborted on Fortuna [glacier] as a result of the helicopter crashes on the Glacier. However 17 troop of D sqdn landed in force at Grass Island in the Sound, leading to Port Leith. Reconnisance took them into Gritvyken and troops from Mobility Troop joined them. The rest of the sqdn were on HMS Antrim [who], with a few RMs [Royal Marines] belonging to Antrim, landed at South Georgia and stormed the garrison there, going through a minefield to do so and taking the garrison by surprise by their speed of advance. The Union Flag was hoisted by the D Sqdn SSM Lawrence GALLAGHER (who later died in heli accident with 21 others). The South Georgia Islands were not recaptured by Royal Marines - that was a press filibuster by HM government to draw attention off the SAS involvement. I know - I was there. It was the factor that the Royal Navy yet again had the right Captains, both brilliant and brave, in command on HMS Endurance and Antrim with the combination of 22 SAS Commander Major Cedric Delves (Oi/C D Sqdn 22 SAS).





    (Agree about the weather, i went over there for the 25th anniversary and we had all 4 seasons every day we were there!, very nice place though, in fact my wife and myself contemplated moving there we got to the stage of negotiations to buy a property on pebble island!)

  10. South Georgia


    South Georgia IslandsOperation Paraquet was the code name for the first land to be liberated in the conflict. South Georgia an island to the south east of the Falkland Islands and one of the Falkland Islands Dependencies. In atrocious weather the SAS, SBS and Royal Marines forced the Argentinian garrison to surrender. On the 22 April Westland Wessex helicopters landed a SAS unit on the Fortuna Glacier. This resulted in the loss of two of the helicopters, one on take off and one crashed into the glacier in almost zero visibility.[73] The SAS unit were defeated by the weather and terrain and had to be evacuated after only managing to cover 500 metres (1,600 ft) in five hours.[74]


    The following night a SBS section succeeded in landing by helicopter and Boat Troop, D Squadron, SAS set out in five Gemini inflatable boats for the island. Two boats suffered engine failure with one crew being picked up by helicopter and the other crew got to shore. The next day 24 April a force of 75 SAS, SBS and Royal Marines advancing with naval gunfire support, reached Grytviken and the forced the occupying Argentinians to surrender. The following day the garrison at Leith also surrendered.


    (courtesy of Wikipedia)

  11. Sorry havent updated this since the 18th , we got broken into on friday and so have been sorting out the mess from that!!


    20th April: British Government War Cabinet orders repossession of Falklands



    April 21st/22nd: men from the SAS are inserted and then extracted from South Georgia.

  12. Keep going Paul, I'm still checking in daily. Its bringing back all the knotted gut feelings & memories....

    "Hope they've got all the kit they need....hope they make it ashore ok.....hope the politicians don't foul it up....etc etc"


    Do I recall correctly that at the time we were having trouble getting small arms ammo ?....something to do with it being made in Belgium & they refused to supply ??? anyone else recall such a report at the time ??




    There is stuff that i,m finding out doing this that i didnt realise had happened , so learning curve for me to!!

  13. 14th April Argentine fleet leaves Puerto Belgrano;

    Haig returns to Washington to brief Reagan;

    Squadron of ships carrying Royal Marines and special forces sent to retake South Georgia rendezvous with Endurance;

    Expatriate Chief Secretary Dick Baker is deported by the Argentines

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