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polecat paul

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Posts posted by polecat paul

  1. As i have already had a message regarding my position as a moderator from a fellow member i thought i would put people in the picture, as of today i have stood down because i just havent got the time to dedicate to the position

    I will still be posting on here and i hope that the forum carries on going from strength to strength :-D

  2. I also was at school when it was going on, and i thinkit was because of the war that i joined the paras in 1989, i,m actually off there in november with a guided tour operator i can,t wait, i have also met Simon Weston on a number of occasions and he truly is a great bloke.

  3. Hi to all, been some time since i have posted on here but beens i was moderator for this section i thought i had better post something

    MP's uniforms in the 80's comprised of barrack room trousers and number 2 shirt they also wore a white belt not sure of the name of it they're evening duty dress comprised of the above but with combat jacket worn over the shirt boots were usually the ammo boots which were highly polished.

    The number 2 dress was usually worn when escorting prisoners or attending offical engagements. :-)

  4. first of all new site... :beer: after a while... :cofee:....then ..... :sleep:...dream about beltring :banana: :beer: :red: :beer: in fact lots of :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: end of beltring week :cofee:....get home to wife... :flower:....tell her what i've brought... :-o :nono: then hopefully.... :hug: and look forward to next year... :-D :tup:

  5. Right i'm probably going to rock the boat here but this is my personel opinion,when it comes to ww2 stuff i,m afraid i start to yawn especially when JEEPS are mentioned but that is my personel opinon so to read a magazine that has such a broad range of subject matter on varied vehicles is in my book very good,it's a case off you can't please all the people and for those that complain please give the editoral team a thought if they filled it with just world war info and articles what happens to the youngsters who want to start in this hobby,is it a case off forget post military vehicles they must get themselves involved with much older vehicles? :shock:

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