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Everything posted by 67burwood

  1. I think most people start out with good intentions, they have a fantasy idea in their head that they are going to restore a classic vehicle and save it from being scrapped but after buying the vehicle and taking it to pieces the shine wears off and reality sets in, it can become very overwhelming when someone realises the huge amount of work that can be required, most commonly “ Land Rover unfinished project “ luckily quite a few of these usually get sold on but lots don’t and end up rotted out and only good for a few spares.
  2. Absolutely outstanding work 👍
  3. To be honest I am happy with 90% of it, ideally and in a perfect world ( ie money no object ) I should of had new inner arches fabricated but on a budget that just wasn’t happening, like you Kevin it will niggle me that it’s not right even if you can’t see it but on the inside it does at least look better.
  4. Just don’t look to closely at the inner wheel arches, by the time the outer wheel arches and 1100/20 bar grip tyres are on they thankfully won’t be seen.
  5. Deadline to meet!! Made good progress over the last couple of days, filled, sanded and seam sealed where necessary. Applied two coats of Grey Zine primer Lastly I emptied the scrap bucket, bearing in mind this is just from the lower part of the cab, I had intended to save as much of the original truck as possible but sometimes you just can’t. Time permitting I will hopefully get the top coat of paint on tomorrow.
  6. I did once chip the thick layer of paint off the armour plate on a piglet with a ball pain hammer, noisy but affected. As for age related wear, pitting and dings I am happy to leave them, I agree with Rob it’s all part of the history.
  7. Tackled the dirty job today, sanding to bear metal. Mask, glasses and ear defenders all required, hot sweaty and generally unpleasant but a good result in the end. All wiped clean with thinners and ready for filler, need to get cracked on as back to full time work on Monday!! Just out of interest what’s everyone’s thought on wether you fill and make good all the old war wounds ie pitting on the panels and general age related wear? Obviously I will be filling the new welding joints but how far do you go, after all it is 76 years old.
  8. No I haven’t but thanks for the suggestion, I will add it to my list.
  9. Looking good 👍 always impressed with the workmanship and know how you feel with sore knees and aching back!!
  10. Everyone’s feed back has been much appreciated. Full steam ahead filling, sanding and painting.
  11. WOW!! I’ve just looked at your website and that’s one hell of a project. looking forward to following the rebuild, although it’s in pieces it looks fairly complete.
  12. It was also a nice surprise for the wife 🤨
  13. It was like unwrapping a very big present, plus if it wasn’t covered half of it would have blown away.
  14. Hi Kevin No not yet, I’ve also got a WOT8 manual that covers a lot of the WOT6 and have been offered a parts book but still on the hunts for a WOT6 manual Seamus
  15. Thank you for your rallying support, it’s a lonely road welding and grinding 😂
  16. Welding complete!!! , well.. lower part of the cab anyway, no doubt anyone following this blog will be board senseless with my posts, welding, grinding, welding grinding etc etc... I was beginning to feel the same way. These are the last few pictures of the repairs before I order the industrial size pot of filler that will be required to make it look nice.
  17. Thanks Jon, do you know if it can be thinned for spraying?
  18. Thank you Pete, I will ad them to the list. I used trade paints before and wasn’t impressed.
  19. Satin is probably a good option as I know only too well how the Matt finish easily marks. I will also give the above suppliers a call to get some prices.
  20. PAINT QUESTIONS ?? this is probably a stupid question but what finish would my wot6 have left the factory in? Matt , semi gloss ( satin ) or gloss I’ve spoken to a local paint supplier and quoted BS 381C298 which they are happy to mix to any of the above finishes, also cellulose or 2 pack. they have quoted £153 + vat for 5lt , sounds expensive but I’ve nothing to compare it to. Any advice would be welcome
  21. Light at the end of the tunnel... Taking full advantage of the on going lockdown and have nearly finished the welding on the cab 🤥 , well 3/4 done away , had my first noise complaint!! Luckily it was only from the wife so that doesn’t really count😬 Having recently replaced my gas bottle with a hobby weld one I am burning through it like there’s no tomorrow, has anyone else noticed this over the BOC bottles? admittedly it is a smaller capacity but it’s disappearing fast. finished making the last of the body mounts, as the previous 3 it’s not pretty but it’s strong and won’t be seen once fitted. Was very pleased with myself and welded it in place, so pleased that it had extra weld just to make sure, that was a mistake ! Double checked my measurements, lined it up but still made a boo boo.. didn’t re check the height 🤨 small amount of swearing later I had to cut it, move it and re weld ( not showing those pictures ) Lastly, formed the corner panel with the aid of the gas bottle
  22. Still looking for a Wot6 manual if anyone can help, no real rush it would just be handy to have one.
  23. Day 43 of the rebuild🤨 Starting to make steady progress on the passenger side step 1, cut off the large rusty bit step 2, stare at it for a considerable time step 3, repeat step 2 step 4, drink tea and convince yourself you have a plan!! step 5, finally do some work Cut out a rusted section of panel next to the door shut repair panel formed New panel fitted for welding, it’s been joggled , nibbled , fettled and whittled but now it fits. clamped and welded in. I was starting to get board with lots of welding and lots of grinding, I needed a new approach so I turned that classic movie The Karate kid for inspiration!! I’ve now adopted the Mr Miyagi technique “ weld on , grind off “ , “ weld on , grind off “ ............it’s been a long day, what can I say, it amused me 😬
  24. Finally!!! Drivers side welding complete 🎉🎉 So.....passenger side 🤔 worst than the drivers.... 😢 😢😢 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ok, so there’s a lot to do, crying finished, time to press on and stop staring at it. Started small with the top section of the rear panel, having already done the drivers side I decided to change the method of fabricating and welding, I’ve taken advice from forum members who have commented on this blog and given me some good ideas, I’ve also borrowed a new tool!! Never used a joggler before but what a handy tool, also copied Robs idea of using my empty gas bottle for bending the sheet steel, I had previously used a scaffold tube in the vice but the bottle is a smoother roll Old steel cut out and edges cleaned new panel joggled and holes punched for spot welding fitted , clamped, welded and gone over with the grinder had mixed results with the spot welds on the top rail, the angle iron is thicker than the sheet and didn’t penetrate well before the hole filled with weld, any advice would be welcome.
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