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abn deuce

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Everything posted by abn deuce

  1. A few more of the many Women who served French caption Deux infirmières militaires (Army Nurse Corps) sur celle de droite on voit l'insigne des ANC sur le col de sa chemise, posent pour la photographie, accoudées à une Jeep GPA Amphibious. Trois soldats sont assis à l'arrière du véhicule.de gauche à droite : Lt V Bartholomew, MM2/C L Artzie (le conducteur de l'US Navy) , Lt G Cox, Lt H G Blything (nurse) et Lt C Ludkins (nurse). translation Two military nurses (Army Children's nurse Body) on that of right-hand side l' is seen; badge of the ANC on the collar of its shirt, pose for photography, accoudées with a Jeep GPA Amphibious. Three soldiers sat with l' back of the vehicle from left to right: Lt V Bartholomew, MM2/C L Artzie (the driver of l' US Navy), Lt G Cox, Lt H G Blything (children's nurse) and Lt C Ludkins (children's nurse). French caption Personnel féminin débarquant d'un LCM sur un ponton, nous sommes sur Utah Beach. Au centre un membre du 1st ESB (arc de cercle bleu jusqu'à la visière du casque lourd). Remarquez le marin à gauche, il est assis sur la p013026 à l'embarquement du même groupe sur le LCM. translation Female personnel unloading d' a LCM on a pontoon, we are on Utah Beach. In the center a member of 1st ESB (arc of blue circle jusqu' with the visor of the heavy helmet). Notice the sailor on the left, he sat on the p013026 with l' loading of the same group on the LCM
  2. Jimmy at Utah Beach French caption Un GMC SWB de la A Co du 13th Field Observation Artillery, VII Corps US débarque du LCT-525 sur un ponton (Modules NL) servant de débarcadère accosté à un causeway à Utah Beach Le LCT-525 fait partie de la Flotilla 4, lors du D-Day, il transporte 57 hommes et 20 véhicules de la C/44th FA Bn à H+220 sur Tare Green (Utah Beach) Ici nous sommes encore sur Utah Beach, les marins sur le RF font partie du 2nd Naval Beach Battalion. La photo a du être prise autour du 10-15 juin 1944 Translation A GMC SWB of has Co of the 13th Field Observation Artillery, VII Body US unloads LCT-525 on a pontoon (Modules NL) being used as accosted unloading dock with a causeway in Utah Beach The LCT-525 belongs to Flotilla 4, at the time of D-Day, it transports 57 men and 20 vehicles of C/44th F Bn in H+220 on Tare Green (Utah Beach) Here we are still on Utah Beach, the sailors on the RF belong to the 2nd Naval Beach Battalion. The photo one has being taken around the 10 June 15, 1944
  3. Can anyone supply details on the rockets? mounted on the Sopwith pup?. How they were fired.... what range ?Thank's
  4. Yes its a 1/2 or WC 13 Dodge interesting mounting of a 37mm anti-tank gun . I dont think the chassis would take kindly to the gun actually being fired. There was another simular rig of a 57mm ?? I think , mounted facing the rear with an armour shield on 3/4 ton WC Dodges used as a stop gap
  5. True , very same working conditions They did the jobs that had to be done while the men were being sent to Combat...... were they were not allowed to serve with the exception of Nurses who were of course within miles of the front lines
  6. a Morris light recon. here. French caption Un véhicule blindé Morris Light Reconnaissance Car MK II (4x4) baptisé " CAROL ", le 4 juillet 1944, devant le Monument aux morts et l'église N D des Labours de Norrey en Bessin. Remarquez le 40 (côté avant à droite-sur la photo-un peu en dessous de l'anneau de levage, sur le blindage partie inferieure).40 blanc sur fond bleu soit HQ Royal Engineers (R.E) d'une British ID ou HQ Royal Canadian Engineers (R.C.E) de la 3rd Canadian ID. Le même lieu a été photographié, avec un autre blindé, voir ici : translation An armored vehicle Morris Light Recognition Because MK II (4x4) baptized " CAROL " , on July 4, 1944, in front of the War memorial and l' church NR D of the Ploughings of Norrey in Bessin. Notice the 40 (front side with right-hand side-on the photoone little in lower part of l' ring of lifting, on the shielding lower part) .40 white on blue bottom is HQ Royal Engineers (R.E) d' British ID or HQ Royal Canadian Engineers (R.C.E) of the 3rd Canadian ID. The same place was photographed, with another armoured tank, to see here
  7. a couple of photo's of remote control Goliath's French caption Des soldats britanniques du personnel de plage avec trois mini-véhicules tactiques chenillés. Il s'agit de tank allemand miniature, téléguidé par fil et bourré de 60 kg d'explosifs destinés à abattre des fortifications adverses. Codifié : SdKfz. 302 "Goliath E-Motor" (E pour électrique, deux moteurs un par chenille) de la famille Ladungsträger (engin porteur de charge) utilisé comme mine mobile anti-débarquement, autre nom Springer En arrière plan un camion AEC Matador et à gauche un Dukw. Le mini tank Goliath est visible également sur la p012602 à Utah et p012970 secteur Omaha French caption Des sapeurs américains manipulent des mini-véhicules tactiques chenillés dans une pâture. Tank allemand miniature, téléguidé par fil dont on voit le rouleau sous le capot ouvert et bourré de 60 kg d'explosifs destinés à abattre des fortifications adverses. Il s'agit d'un "Goliath E-Motor" (E pour électrique, deux moteurs un par chenille) " utilisé comme mine mobile anti-débarquement, autre nom Springer Nom allemand : SdKfz 302 de la famille Ladungsträger (engin porteur de charge) voi r : p012602 et p012953 La censure a maquillé les casques des soldats mais on reconnaît l'arc de cercle blanc des 5th et 6th Engineer Special Brigade (ESB) du secteur d'Omaha Au pied d'un blockhaus et de piles de sacs de sables épars, un tank allemand miniature, filo-guidé et bourré de 60 kg d'explosifs destinés à abattre des fortifications adverses. Il s'agit d'un "Goliath E-Motor" (E pour électrique, deux moteurs un par chenille) utilisé comme mine mobile anti-débarquement. Nom allemand : SdKfz 302 de la famille Ladungsträger (engin porteur de charge) autre nom Springer construit à 2650 exemplaires environ, d'une efficacité douteuse
  8. Sorry I missed wishing these two a Very Happy Birthday , Hope they had a good party
  9. Another photo of "WAVES" WAVES Seamen 1st Class Billy Ikard and Barbara A. Patterson moving a battery cart into position next to a R5D Skymaster aircraft, Naval Air Station, Oakland, California, United States, circa mid-1945
  10. Found this photo of "WAVES" while searcing for new WWII photograph's thought it might be of interest . WAVES Seamen 1st Class Martha Harrison and Lorrain Taylor working on the #1 Pratt & Whitney R-2000 engine of a R5D Skymaster aircraft, Naval Air Station, Oakland, California, United States, mid-1945
  11. Very Nice , so fresh from the Factory , I understand about the cost of doing prints no matter the size when your doing a large number the price is always a problem .
  12. Just found this thread while looking for a thread about "WAVES" Women serving in the Military Very Nice Models have you completed any more since you posted last time?
  13. Great Photo's Tony B how about posting just a few more under each vehicle type ?
  14. a photo of a half track being loaded in Britain for the Normandy invasion
  15. is this the photo you had linked to earlier ? from landings in Italy.
  16. Thank you Pop larkin I wish I could read/ understand more of it by myself but since I dont have the talent to learn French quickly I will depend on the Forum member here that already can . Thanks again for your help.
  17. Great War Truck yes I think your correct , there are more photo's of the mulberry harbours most are bare views nothing but structure.
  18. Yes I agree Rick W that is the usual reason for the duels being used on the front as it makes for very stiff steering so they were used on a limited basis
  19. as far as I know length of the introduction is not limited , Yes Do post any Photograph's you have of your "TOY'S". You were quite right in asking about the correct type of oil in your other posting . With the range of experience and vehicle types I m sure you will have an answer soon .
  20. CCKW Dump truck French caption Libération de la Basse-Normandie pendant l'été 1944, en secteur américain. Chargement de matériel en zone portuaire, sur un 6X6 GMC
  21. French caption Ces sapeurs de la C Co, du 202nd Engineer Combat Bn de la 3rd US Army déblaient la route avec un bouteur pour permettre l'approvisionnement de Coutances
  22. French caption Le lieutenant G. Cooper, cameraman du Canadian Army Photo and Film Unit, rencontre son beau-frère, le capitaine R. Muller d’Ottawa. Photo prise le 11 juillet, rue du Général Moulin à La Maladrerie (100 m plus haut à gauche l’entrée de la prison Beaulieu). translation Lieutenant G. Cooper, cameraman of Canadian Army Photo and Film Links, meets his brother-in-law, captain R. Muller of Ottawa. Photo catch on July 11, street of the General Mill with Maladrerie (100 m higher on the left the entry of the Beaulieu prison).
  23. perhaps only the troops are Canadian ? I was guessing from what i could read of the caption , perhaps some one can translate it? corrected the missing translation now
  24. French caption Photo prise d'un étage d'une maison rue de Bayeux à Creully. De nombreux véhicules dont une ambulance Humber au premier plan, des civils et des militaires, un drapeau français sur une façade à gauche. Creully a été libérée le 6 juin par les canadiens débarqués à Juno mais des troupes britanniques débarquées à Gold y font leur jonction. En bas à droite un panneau FDS avec une Croix-Rouge, Field Dressing Station poste de soins de campagne canadien translation Photo catch d' a stage d' a house street of Bayeux with Creully. Many vehicles of which a Humber ambulance in the foreground, civilians and soldiers, a French flag on a frontage on the left. Creully was released on June 6 by unloaded Canadian with Juno but of the unloaded British troops with Gold make their junction there. In bottom on the right a panel FDS with the Red Cross, Field Dressing Station posts care of countryside Canadian
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