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Posts posted by Topdog

  1. We have just fitted a new downstairs loo in the house. Now the dust has settled, there comes the important stuff; namely the fixtures and fittings.

    Fortunately, Val wanted a light pull with a bit of weight in it. 'What about that bullet on your desk' sez she!

    A few minutes later, we have a .50 cal round with the nose drilled through and a bit of lead in the base, dangling in the lower throne room....

    Whatever next.





  2. The problem I have with just a 'donate' button is that loads of folks will not bother and it will be funded by the loyal few. I also think that this will revenue will fall off rapidly over time and we will be back to square one.


    The problem with members only is that it might put off new joiners until they realise what benefits are available.

    Just a couple of thoughts from me. apart from that - sign me up to Pathfinder.


    Realistically, if the total cost is shared between the membership then it will be manageable.


    See you all at W+P



  3. Gary,

    A vehicle should display a tax disc as failure to display - even nil rated, is a £60 ticket but a lot of MV owners dont bother. Personally I do as it helps smooth things over in event of a stop. There is no paper work to prove mot exempt unless you wish to carry a copy of the regs exempting your vehicle or a copy of the V112g. I can mail you copies if you pm me your details.

    If the vehicle is already registered with dvla then you can apply for new paperwork. 5 weeks does seem a long time, are you sure the previous keeper sent it off ok?

    Hope this helps.


  4. Student house. Normality stops at the front door. For a long time we had a motorbike engine acting as a shoe tree.


    Dont remind me. I rebuilt my Honda CB 200 engine on the dining room table while my mother was away. She went spare when she found out and that was years later.

  5. There are some people, at work for instance, that may view our hobby through doubtful eyes. Whispered comments "He's a bit eccentric".


    My wife and I were tidying up the house prior to having some dinner guests round later tonight, when she heard me carrying something heavy upstairs.

    "Are you ok love?" she asks.

    "Yes thanks, just putting a machine gun up in the loft"

    "Ok" She replies, not turning a hair - completely accepting it as normal.


    It would have made no difference if I had said "Another machine gun" either, as there are several up there.


    So the question is......... What is normal in your house?

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