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Posts posted by ltwtbarmy

  1. 7 hours ago, Jessie The Jeep said:

    My gut feeling is the markings are from a previous civilian owner. The star is the wrong way around on the hood, the circle around it is very thin, neither of which I've seen on wartime vehicles. Also the US and number on the side of the hood, I haven't seen like that before, or in that font style.

    The question is........if you keep sanding, are there further layers and markings to uncover. I'd be tempted to get good square on photos of them all, trace them all so you have a fullsize template and record of them, then keep sanding to see if there are more genuine markings further down.

    Although given the number of paint layers shown in the pictures I tend to agree that these are probably previous owners’ attempts at markings, the star pointing that way is definitely no proof that it isn’t original. Despite it being the wrong way round, it did happen in wartime, in theatre, that markings were applied in ways, sizes and locations which were not as the higher ups intended. An example of a star applied in wartime is shown here, 4th jeep on the right, courtesy of http://www.dday.center/preserving-history-1942-jeep-restoration-project.html


  2. Is it me, or is that frame number actually TL 46508? Engine number is interesting, reading as 3HW 56508. Am I right in thinking that would be the original engine for the frame if I’m reading that frame number correctly? Also, did anyone else notice the spurious 7 stamped above the 0 on the engine number? Wonder what happened there? Someone in a hurry to get to the NAAFI wagon for their tea and bun?

  3. 7 hours ago, Zero-Five-Two said:

    Many thanks for the help, but I've got one coming from forum member Marvinthemartian, he had one in the back of the shed.

    No problems, glad you’re sorted. If he does find them, I’ll get one or two for myself, and presumably, he’ll put the rest up on ebay as he has in the past.

  4. On 10/31/2020 at 6:38 AM, ltwtbarmy said:

    You’re welcome! I’m still looking to see if I can turn up anything else. I have emailed someone who had 8 in stock when they took down their listing, so will see. Fingers crossed! 

    Ok, had a response and the guy’s going to look on Monday. If he finds them, he’ll let me know, and I’ll pm you his details. He was asking for twenty quid each at the time, but that was in 2018. Fingers crossed!

  5. 7 hours ago, Zero-Five-Two said:

    Well spotted, thanks, bagged that one, need one more for the full set

    You’re welcome! I’m still looking to see if I can turn up anything else. I have emailed someone who had 8 in stock when they took down their listing, so will see. Fingers crossed! 

    A few years ago (lordy how time has flown), I bid on and won a full extinguisher, in mint condition, all for 99p. I asked the seller if he happened to have a bracket, and he said yes, but unfortunately had already posted the extinguisher to me, apologised (yes, HE apologised!), posted the bracket (NEW!) and absolutely refused any extra remuneration .........my one bit of luck in a long time! I used paypal and sent the guy some money anyway because he was so nice, and deserved much more than the 99p he got for the extinguisher.

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  6. 55 minutes ago, David Herbert said:

    The LVT is an LVT3 not 4. The British army got some post war and operated them until the 1960's. They are easily identified by the cab windows being right at the front unlike the LVT4 where they are about four feet back. They have basically the same power train as a M5 Stuart light tank with two Cadillac V8 engines with Hydromatic transmissions in the sides of the hull roughly amid ships driving forwards to bevel boxes, then into a controlled differential unit that combines the drive and then shafts out to the final drives and sprockets. The track is like Stuart track but with scoops to give propulsion in the water.


    Thanks for correcting me on that. If they haven’t been removed I think there were more than 20 dotted around the area.

  7. 1 hour ago, Rootes75 said:

    Some very interesting photos there.

    Thanks, there was loads more stuff in the area. I had photographs of an italian army fort further south and across the main highway, artillery positions, a blown up Ford F30 truck which was 20 yards away from the anti tank mine pictured above, but unfortunately the computer it was all saved on was appropriated against my will by some locals when things blew up over there. I remember that my survey guys had camped near the blown up truck on top of a small mound which had a rubble wall around it. Remembering the old army trick of booby trapping an abandoned Laying Up Position, I went to the location, and sure enough, right under where they had parked their truck, was the mine! When they took me to the location after my insistence and a lot of piss taking at my keenie meenie approach, they nearly crapped themselves when they saw what I found. The area was right on the edge of a minefield which had supposedly been cleared in the 50s, but some were obviously missed! I suddenly became a lot more popular after that incident!


  8. On 2/6/2009 at 11:56 AM, Kuno said:

    Tripolis was not defended by the Axis forces. The last stand was made south of Tripolis at az-Azizia. Might be that some tanks were lost there but not near Tripoli.


    I remember a shooting range in Cirenaica. Bizzare thing - Amphibious tanks in the middle of the desert 😉 They were riddled over and over by bullets - the British planes from el-Adem AFB...

    I was on these ranges in 2009. South of Ajdabiya and north of Ojala. I think they were LVT4s and apart from them, there were also some ex Malta Garrison Bofors L/70s all of which were used for target practice. I will trawl through my files and post pics of the most accessible items, and also ordnance which I came across in the area. I never went anywhere near the amphibious vehicles which were up on the hills in the area although they seemed to be much more intact than the ones I photographed. It was just too dangerous given the amount of ordnance lying around. The ordnance I photographed was located in the southernmost fringes of these ranges, in the area we were actually working in constantly, so actually had to be removed and was disposed of in one massive explosion, which unfortunately (or fortunately), I wasn’t present for! 




















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  9. On 6/29/2020 at 1:23 PM, LarryH57 said:

    Guys have any of you had any issues with Frosts or other brands fuel tank sealant?

    A friend of mine said a mate of his had the sealant peal away and it blocked the fuel supply.

    Would that be a common thing or perhaps a fault of the person who applied it. What stops it pealing off?


    Following the instructions to the letter and using the stuff provided in the appropriate measures stops it peeling off.

    If the tank isn’t degreased thoroughly and cleaned with acid properly, the sealant won’t adhere or cure, pure and simple. It’s actually in the instructions which come with the stuff.

    Most probably, the degreaser and acid weren’t applied properly and for long enough and/or weren’t removed totally before putting the sealant in. When the sealant cures, it’s so hard that you can’t even break it with a sledge hammer (yes, I tried), and forms a tank within the tank. 

    I have done five tanks with no issues so far and all to be used with fuel that has 10% minimum of ethanol in it. The one tank I didn’t do with POR15 was too far gone and had holes the size of 10p pieces appearing when I started using the acid, and therefore discarded and replaced with a new tank. 

    This is not second hand information, but first hand so you can take MY word for it.

    With regards to your question as to whether all tanks need POR15, the answer is no. As in the case Richardfv432 stated above, if the rust is gone after the first cleaning, and there are no holes, then you’re sorted. Had a Bentley T1 tank the other day, just steam cleaned it, and it came up pristine, so it went back in after blowing out all the fuel lines and replacing the flexible hoses to get rid of the crud in there. 

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