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Posts posted by timbo

  1. It is possible, but there's enough track around at the moment so it's not economically viable.


    Nice to know it can be done if needed. These things seem to ebb and flow. My limited experience if you can't find it, give it a few months and eventually it will turn up. Guess we will be OK with CVRT bits for few years yet while they remain in service.


    I did hear that J60's are becoming increasingly rare though, so if anybody wants one....!

  2. There have been lightweights at this value in dealers for some time now, but they do seem to be creeping up on the private market as well now. Inevitable eventually I suppose, no more to come out and a lot were used and abused in private hands....


    I shouldn't worry about selling it provided you enjoyed it and didn't sell for below market value at the time. At the end of the day you can't keep everything on the offchance it goes up in value (well some people probably can but not me !)...

  3. Had a great time at the show and well done to all involved at pulling out the stops to make it great weekend. The Alvis guys put on a cracking display and the line up of all the CVRT variants was great. Would have been good to see more on the move, if your short of drivers throw us the keys. :cheesy:


    The blisters from hauling chains around the arena are going down now, Dave needs to grease the chain tensioners if its going to be repeted again. :D The missus loved getting the chance to drive teh Drops on sunday while Grumpy and me dragged the exploded CVRT about.


    Plenty of ideas for next year, bigger better more.



    Sadly only had one vehicle running properly this year - for next year am determined all CVRT's will be properly up and running so happy to oblige with a drive.. The only key you'll need is for the padlock. Watch out though - they're addictive!


    Some more ideas. Samson winch is now connected up so could do some recovery demos..


    Biggest ever private gathering of CVRT'S ? Must have been halfway there already this year.


    Road run on the Sat to drum up interest for the rest of the weekend..

  4. To get back to the original question I would imagine this would be a very difficult vehicle to value. On the one hand it's rarity would suggest a high value, but is it not true that people don't tend to want one off vehicles since they are very hard to get parts for and as a prototype it won't have any operational history....

  5. There you are then owt to keep you happy:D




    Vickers VIB one of two brought back from Australia in the 1980s by A.F. Budge


    I note the fire extinguisher to hand.. Was it a runner then ? And where is it now ?

  6. I have now watched the two Crusader 80 / Spearpoint films.


    It's pity that:


    Herr Reinecke was more interested in the Orange Forces (2 US Armored Division "Hell on Wheels") than the point of the exercise, 1 (Br) Corps, who only got any airtime toward the end of part 1.


    He only found tanks and a handful of APCs to watch. Recce is even more fun than you saw, swanning about in CVR(T)s in traditional cavalry stylee all year, not bound by the limits of the 443 training areas.


    Some points. This film is the first time I ever saw M60A2s (with 155mm dual purpose gun/missile launchers firing Shillelagh ATGMs) on the move.


    Notice how every unit had a single British vehicle at the back? That was an umpire, provided by 3 Armd Div, which deployed in our entirety to umpire the exercise. Even the attack helicopters had a Lynx tagged on at the back.


    I'll be following the links to other exercises and see if I can see me in any of them.


    Alien old chap I am getting my sandbag ready to be pulled up even as we speak....


    You simply cannot have too many recce tales esp where CVRT concerned.

  7. A few more pics below (hopefully!)


    These are courtesy of and copyright Ratty..!


    Please note in the arena pic there is no mud flying around or drifiting going on !


    If you think the pic of the pyros looks like the Scimitar is blowing up that's because it pretty much is. Mr Baker has been repainting the scorch marks this week I understand ...












  8. I beleive my M10 came out of Pounds yard a good few years ago ,it seems one of the few lucky survivors !! and as for the high prices that the corperate companies ask for there redundent vehicles , there only worth what some one is prepared to pay !!!! , i wouldnt want a ex corperate vehicle myself.


    Slight tangent but wasn't it Pounds that ran a bulldozer deliberately through a rare 19th century navy ship a few years ago when they got wind of a possible campaign to try to preserve it ?


    Lucky survivor indeed..

  9. Thanks for that ! Well misses is briefed about my potential 56 ton beast and her response was youd better let me have a go in her ! Ahhh thats the spirit i thought ! well next week its map in one had and surfboard in the other and looks like im off to the west country to look at the wee beastie if all goes well inspecting and test run i shall be scratching my head about getting it home ie haulage costs and movement orders (gulp)


    A couple of summers ago I spent some time chatting to Dave and he seemed like a nice guy and he has run Chieftains for a few years so should know the ins and outs.


    i like them but unusually for this thread I think they sound like theyre being strangled ! Good luck all the same - these fantastic beasts deserve to be saved...

  10. No particular beef with this but you have to remember these people are first and foremost trying to make money.


    The prices they want for their old kit seem to be ridiculous but then most of this stuff doesn't sell but sits in a field until it is no use to anyone but the scrapman...


    Wouldn't touch anything corporate with a bargepole myself but I suppose it does stop vehicles being scrapped (at least in the short term).

  11. Dave Smales of Dinscott MV Collection did have one for sale. Yes it has been used for corporate work but I would say is tidier than most that have done this, working turret traverse for eg..


    Also the Peter Boys one didn't go in the auction so in theory should still be for sale. As it reached £23K in auction but didnt meet reserve though it is prob quite pricey. Since this was bought from Withams for £13K less than 12 months previously this seems a bit steep but then it might have had a bit done to it.


    Don't believe the Withams mantra of 'this is DEFINITELY the last one ever'... I suspect there are a few more to come but you might have to be patient.

  12. Hi, never heard of this event. Not too far away. Does this mean we can bring our postwar Landies and display next year!! Life is great, lets all enjoy it, no matter what period or vechicle.

    P.S. Great video, well impressed.



    I did put a post on the EMLRA website about it but probably should have been more active. There were some really nice landies there including Tobys VPK, a s2a lightweight (getting rare now), and two VERY nice 80 in series 1's..

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