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Posts posted by timbo

  1. Hi all,


    How does a Clansman PRC351 fit into a non-FFR (GS) Lightweight Land Rover ?


    Has anyone got any pictures of this set-up ?


    Many thanks




    Can't help on pics but I'm sure I've seen lots of stuff on this topic on the EMLRA forums...

  2. Sadly only 1 challenger in attendance and that made enough of a mess of the grass..! They drove it back and forwards a few times and demonstrated the speed of the turret traverse and gun elevation - pretty impressive even just going a few yards..


    The afv society are based in warwickshire and specialise primarily in cvrt's. They brought along a diesel scimitar, scorpion and a spartan.


    Final vehicle was the Royal Artillerys MLRS which I have to say was pretty cool...


    I didn't take any photos - mostly due to crowds.. Good do though - watch out for it next year..



  3. You are correct although Warrior not CVRT.


    I was with the AFV Society boys at Tolson Museum last Sat for the David Brown thing - the army had also brought along an MLRS and Chally 2. Talking to the RA guys they had driven the MLRS from the factory through the town centre at 5 in the morning - must have given a few people on their way home after a night out a bit of a shock - 'did I really just see a 28 ton tracked missile launcher drive past !!'...



  4. I did bid online I've been bitten before on low bids having nearly everyone accepted and at that time I nearly bid on an MJ which would have been o.k. for throwing all the bits in the back but it would have killed me on the pennies front. It was bad enough having to explain to the missus anyway it could have been a cold night and Christmas. Brrr


    Errrmm, yes I can sympathise with this - I'm now the (not so) proud owner of 6 possibly knackered J60's..


    Never mind - hopefully I'll get one decent one out of them !

  5. Not really an MV event as such hence posted here but there will be a few vehicles from the AFV Society plus an MLRS and Challenger 2 at Tolson Museum in Huddersfield on Saturday 19th June for the 150th Anniversary gala of David Browns (as well as tractors they also make AFV gearboxes !)..

  6. Yes, I'd love one, but they are MASSIVE and 'overwidth' ....


    Now now Chris don't you know there is now a forum for that kind of thing !!


    But yes they are massive - until you see one in the flesh difficult to appreciate how much bigger than cvrt they are. I suspect for that reason and parts availability they won't actually go for that much but I stand to be corrected..

  7. Adrian


    You've already done more in restoration terms than most will in several lifetimes so you should feel quite entitled to take it a bit slower.


    Enjoy the family - the tanks will always be there if you want them but kids grow up in the blink of an eye !!



  8. I will get me a chieftain one day...even if it is just to fire her up and listen to that lovely sound...


    Went to Chipping Steam Fair at weekend and saw the Chieftain there together with Melvin Cordwells Cent. Have to say the Cent sounded lovely but the Chieftain sounded like it was about to blow up - put me off one actually. Then again if thats all it takes to dissuade me I'm almost certainly not committed enough I guess ! Looked impressive though.


    Was also amazed by the mess they made of the ground - people can tell you this stuff but until you see just how much destruction those tracks cause it's hard to believe..



  9. What is the going rate for a running Chieftain? I cannot afford my dreamtanks ( Tiger 1 +2 Panther ) But a Chieftain may suffice...:cool2:


    There is one going for auction at the end of June in Brian Boys collection in Lancashire. I think it was the one sold by Withams earlier this year. Pretty sure it was bought from Withams for £13kish (plus vat of course)...

  10. Does anyone know if these wonderous beasts will ever come onto the private market if so any idea as in near or far future and what would the price tag be ? :nut:


    Eventually maybe but not for a long time. If Chieftain is anything to go by price tag will probably be quite cheap (relative to what you get) but buying it is only half the battle - then you have to store it, find spares, fuel it and transport it....

  11. Nice vehicle and I would say well worth £12.5K. Having said that these are never going to be as easy to shift as, say a Scorpion or Sabre, but then they are not rare or unique vehicles in the way that a Stallion is (in relative terms anyway).. Ultimately though any vehicle is only worth what someone will pay for it and this does give rise to some anomalies - just look at the rock bottom prices that Stollies make these days, and is one Scorpion really worth the same as 3 good 432's ?


    Some people also like vehicles with a bit more history to them and my understanding is these were not particularly successful vehicles in service so maybe that puts some off...


    Whatever you buy just make sure you enjoy it !



  12. any leads on parts you can give me would be welcome and your thoughts on a dilema i'm facing with regard to authenticity versus practicality, ie :- do i put a flathead v8 petrol engine in or go for a ford deisel as a few wise old hands have suggested ?[ATTACH=CONFIG]27260[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]27258[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]27257[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]27261[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]27259[/ATTACH]


    2 more pics to follow


    Nice pics - as for the motor this will surely be known for evermore as the 'heliops dilemma' - whatever you do someone will probably moan so just be true to your own principles and you can't go far wrong..!



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