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Posts posted by timbo

  1. sad to see it went to the scrapper,todays scrap is tomorrow's treasure.




    That's what I keep telling my missus ! She's yet to be convinced...


    It is sad but I do find it morbidly fascinating looking at some of the photos of post war scrapyards filled with all kinds of wonderful treasures that would today be worth millions (literally !)...


    Of course the paradox is if they'd all been saved then they wouldn't be worth as much or be half as interesting.


    Still a shame when things survive as long as this but then get scrapped..

  2. Not read it and would agree it is a shame, but not entirely surprising given recent history..


    After all there are still a minority of people there who are prepared to plant car bombs so I'm not sure throwing things at military vehicles, ex or otherwise, would strike them as unreasonable..


    Maybe that will be the real test of peace in NI, when vehicle enthusiasts and more controversially re-enactors can travel around with impunity. Some way off yet I suspect..

  3. Lewis


    Seriously nice looking vehicle, if the pics don't do it justice then it must be really good - certainly puts my old shed to shame !


    One suggestion made to me was to put paraffin into the fuel tank - seemingly it absorbs any water present. Sounds like your problem may be more to do with foreign matter though.


    My Spartan came out in 2004 and I've never put fuel in it - just starting to sound a bit rough now though so probably need to sort it this year..!



  4. dont think i would recommend old brake fluid!


    Actually I've heard of old brake fluid being suggested before as a way of preserving rubber and stopping it cracking/ drying out etc... Obviously need to be pretty careful round the paintwork but I used it briefly on some suspension bushes and it seemed to work. Then I got bored and gave up !!

  5. I was wondering, if the German tanks were all running on diesel fuel what was the use of them capturing the American fuel dumps in their Ardennes offensive?


    All US vehicles were running on gasoline so capturing those dumps could not have been much use to them. I know they could fuel their soft skins but they were not much use if their tanks were without fuel.


    Or were the German tanks multi fuel?


    Of course their real mistake was to drive their M48's (I think ?) up hill towards the fuel dumps allowing Telly Savalas to roll burning fuel drums down at them and blow them up !

  6. Robin


    Posted this in MV chatter a few weeks ago and had a few replies so if you search in there you should find it. From what I remember most of the replies were pretty inconclusive about where these vehicles ended up but certainly they are pretty rare on the collectors circuit..


    Cheers !

  7. Hi timbo,


    yeah it was me who got the Scorpian at Withams.


    It went for 14 and a bit, plus Gordons bit as well.


    Have not collected it yet, as they deactivated the gun and just before collection, discovered the grenade launchers were still live.


    Will post some pictures once its delivered.




    Thanks mate - will look forward to the pics...



  8. The chap who advertises frequently in CMV often has CVRT tools and CES for sale. His no is 07971 223707 and hes Rotherham based.


    His prices aren't cheap but they're not extortionate either...

  9. I too saw Andrews conversion a few times when it was WIP, and it was not an easy job. He of course didn't do it for economy but for the (relative) uniqueness of running a privately owned diesel CVRT.. It looked to me like a heck of a lot of work, involving fabricating one-off bulkheads etc (but to the correct patterns), and I'd be amazed if it was cost effective from a fuel saving point of view..


    Stunning job when finished though, seriously bling !

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