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Posts posted by timbo

  1. In the spirit of post #1 - I wouldn't mind a Warrior to go with the OT.

    A Chally is just too big

    Don't care for the MLRS and like the Chally can't be used on the road (I know - neither can a Warrior)

    Fodens - depending on type - cannot be registered either.

    Don't like Wolfs.



    Saw MLRS in the flesh for the first time this summer and was quite taken with it. Reminded me of the Shado vehicle from the UFO TV series in the 70's. I would imagine a very unpeasant experience to be on the receiving end. The RA squaddy in charge of it said they had been kept pretty busy in Afghanistan..

  2. Thats nice to hear..........I built the five of them.


    Weren't these sold by Huddersfield Land Rover Centre when they were released ? Very pricey I would imagine. Anybody know where they are now ?

  3. The CVFs were always designed with conventional aircraft in mind, that's why they're as big as they are. The ship size is determined by the length of flight deck, which in turn is determined by simple schoolboy mathematics given a known takeoff speed and the maximum force you can apply to the airframe without it breaking. The carriers are currently fitted "for but not with" catapults and arrester gear. It would seem rather retrograde in an All-Electric Ship to fit boilers to generate steam for conventional catapults, but will MOD take the risk to go for electric catapults? There's already a UK electric catapult under development, by the way, so we don't need to buy American: http://www.janes.com/news/defence/jni/jni100726_1_n.shtml




    What was the last Brit carrier to be fitted with a catapult ? Must be a long time ago..


    Puts me in mind of the Airfix game which I think was called 'Flight Deck' though strictly that was about landing rather than taking off. I yearned for one of these as a kid but never got one. Then a colleague the other week mentioned that he still has one in his mothers attic - refused to sell it though.. He said it was actually pretty rubbish in reality..!

  4. With respect Mike it's a matter of english, Andym corrected me succinctly without any affront, by using the word ridiculous you immediately offend, -ridiculous -def. arousing ridicule-contemptuous laughter;mockery;derision.


    I'm sure it wasn't your intent but that is the way it came across, so I suggest we both move on and as Lee has said keep it friendly.






    If it is any consolation, I would say that from what I have seen of your posts if 'Steve down the pub' were yourself then that to me would represent a very authoritative source in respect of armour/ MV issues....


    Cheers !

  5. My Gut feeling is they have been told not to register MV's do to the current terrorist threats. Current intel is that they are expecting a mombai style attack According the the local Mcr Manpad team.


    But if they are so worried about this then why are the MOD selling 432s at £3.5K each !!!! Joined up thinking there..!


    I suspect the truth may be a bit of all of these things.


    Will be interesting to see if it does get any easier after todays announcements. DFT/DVLA are one of the biggest employers of civil servants and I would imagine are most definitely in the firing line for big cuts in manpower. Course that might just mean the position hardens even more..

  6. I would have thought it is a width issue,the old 1980/70’s) CVRT's were under width & the new ones are over 2.55m wide,the newer they are,the fatter they are.


    I think one of the frustrations here is the lack of a consistent approach. They could refuse on a number of grounds potentially, width, lighting or braking (although I didn't think width was an issue for Stormer and brakes shouldn't be so that just leaves lights), but they have registered all manner of things in the past (including lots of 432's with linked braking and steering and more than 2.55M wide). I think this may become more of an issue with the number of 432s and other vehicles coming out. It may be that in the past there were too few vehicles being registered for them to worry about but as more vehicles pass into civvy ownership the previously pragmatic approach starts to harden as officialdom takes over..

  7. yes they are still running them,...and they have done some interesting upgrades as well...the GR.10's are a special airplane...it sure will be a shame to see them go after 30 years of development. they are still one tough bird to kick out of the sky and can still perform manoeuvres that no other plane can


    I seem to recall one of the main tricks in the Falklands was to get the Mirage behind, then kick the vectored thrust nozzles forwards instantly losing speed so the Mirage shoots past and becomes an easy target. This was not a new principle - I'm sure I've read reports of WW2 pilots dumping flaps, gear and everything else they could think of so that the pursuing FW190 would go shooting past.


    I do wonder whether some of this advantage hasn't been lost due to the extreme manoueverability of modern air superiority fighters, Typhoon etc.. Still the only thing that can land in a forest clearing though (apart from that Russina thing that was a copy)...

  8. I read today that the army was going to cut 100 tanks. Based on the number of 432's which have already or are shortly coming out of Witham's I think they should make that target without too much difficulty !


    I'd take Ark Royal and a squadron of Harriers off their hands but I live in Huddersfield for crying out loud..

  9. Had my first experience of track bashing the other week while changing the sprockets on the Sabre. Really wouldn't have liked to do it without the proper tools...


    Anyway very late in the day and under instruction from a colleague (ex REME Chally 2 man), we got everything back together and just had to tension the tracks. Soooo.... grease gun on the prominent nipple on the ram and away we go. Pump, pump, pump, track not moving but absolutely loads of pressure on the gun... Pump even harder as clearly ram is seized from sitting around too long.. Still no movement at all.. OK lets try the other side. Same story really not happy now. Think I'll have to get the tensioners off to unseize them.


    At this point someone else turns up, takes one look at the rams and starts to snigger... Suffice to say my Sabre's tensioner rams now have the best greased pivot pins in history !!!! Tensioning the tracks took about 4 minutes.


    In my defence REME man watched me put the gun in place and didn't complain - at least I'll know for next time...

  10. Just sorting out some stuff which has been in store and have found a steel open top box/bracket containing one of the large AFV first aid kit boxes.


    The item is padded inside,approx 11"x5"x3" with a 2" extension each side ,has two tags with mounting holes at the rear and is sprayed matt green over silver.


    I'm guessing it is for a post war British vehicle but can anyone please tell me if it is specific to one type of vehicle or a standard AFV fitting ?


    Sounds like it could be similar to the one found on the rear left hand side of the Spartan. Mine is 120 miles away at the mo so a bit difficult to measure. As John says a photo would help - I'm sure it would fit other vehicles as well though...

  11. Yes if you have to do one only it would have to be war & peace but i found it does have quite a different feel to most shows, kind of Glastonbury with tanks, a lot more intense...


    From Lancashire you could do worse than check out wheels & wings at Elvington which is turning into a really good little show, and if you're happy to go a little further afield I guarantee you wont see a more impressive pyro display than the AFV Society show at Dunchurch bank holiday August weekend...


    Wherever you go enjoy it, that's the main thing..

  12. i know you are still planning for next yrs show, but 2012 being the 30th anniv of the falkands and your groups wagons having the connection have you thought about making this a "falkands show" im sure the other british army living history group "forces 80" and our selves would be able to put on some kind of center piece display between us.

    we intend to use our display at your event next yr as bit of a dry run for our falklands display.

    i know its still 2yrs ish away but i know these things take time to plan, cheers darren




    Good idea. A number of the Society's vehicles took part in the Falklands 25 commemoration so I'm sure we could get something good together....

  13. Im so very glad, that a bunch of you people, who although I have never met you, have the same feelings as I do, thereby making me feel that you must be like or near like minded and worth having a pint with when I finally get back to Blighty one day.


    Thanks guys




    Or alternatively we'll all come to Canada and have a pint with you Robin !!

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