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Posts posted by timbo

  1. That last clip is my kind of train - wish I could get my hands on that lot..!


    Shunting is just about the most dangerous occupation on the railway, clambering in and under rail vehicles weighing many tens of tons and trying to couple and uncouple them..

  2. Now at home and just watched this. Great stuff - that geodesic structure was amazing and looked very strong once assembled. Not surpising the Wimpey had a reputation for taking lots of punishment.. Going to see if I can find the documentary now..

  3. Nothing to laugh at there mate..


    Have been meaning to do a CVRT myself for some time but have one of the real ones to finish first. Think I might have a better chance of finshing a 1/35th one.


    If you get a glass cabinet don't do what i did and get one with a halogen bulb in the top which gives off loads of heat, result being a very droopy FW190...!

  4. Aah chris your're putting me to shame and the xmas hols aren't even over yet. To be fair it looks pretty good considering what itr started out as..


    Negotiating for a pass out for Sunday and if achieved I hope to be sorting my track rams once and for all as well as finishing off the fuel filter, rechecking engine and gearbox levels, and will probably have a quick check of all the hub levels as well (as I've not done this yet). Then yippee doo I should hopefully have a reasonably well sorted (mechanically at least) Sabre and can start on the cosmetics and the 3000 thread repairs I need to do..!

  5. As I understand it there is also now a 'new' variant being built, sort of a Spartan with a Scimitar turret on top - so what the heck will that be called..!? Maybe a Scimitan or a Sparmitar. Must surely begin with S whatever it is !!

  6. Tim,


    No photos from that tender with your Spartan - but it looks like it could be the same one.


    (also pictured here http://www.marcusglenn.com/vehicles.htm)




    No worries - the 654 states 4/6/04 for release from ABRO Stirling as was, so Iguess the timing is about right..


    That photo from Marcus' website was my first view of it - tbh never having bought a military vehicle before I just thought the scheme was a bit unusual, which it is ! Thankfully Marcus is a top guy and gave me lots of help, as well as free bits such as a full set of spare roadwheels, filters, and various CES bits, which in restrospect was flippin good of him.. I still buy bits off him, sometimes even if I can get them cheaper elsewhere - service like that is worth paying for.


    Hmmm that jig looks pretty good - didn't Adrian B make one of these for Dave Arnold ? Wonder what a CVRT one would cost - and could it be adapted to fit all the variants ?



  7. Fab link Chris..


    Time lapse on a normal day at the shed for me would involve arriving, spending at least an hour and a half grubbing about trying to find the bits I need, quick cup of tea, refind the bits I need having put them down and forgotten where they are, spend one hour undoing 2 bolts due to their lack of accessibility, nother quick cuppa, finally remove the part in question, spot of lunch and gossip about latest withams tender, refit part, spend 30 mins looking for bolts as forgot where I put them, fit bolts, nother cuppa, repack car, change into spare clothes and put working clothes in bin as that is now all they are good for, head for home and look forward to next trip...


    By comparison with this vid my rebuilds move in geological time !!

  8. I know extreme has one and we have one, any others around?





    Actually I think Dan (Extreme) has two..


    AFV Society has three in total I think, two on loan and one belonging to a member. Not sure of others as can't remember how many more have come through the sales but it must surely be low single figures I think. Of course you don't always get wind of this stuff and it is amazing where vehicles crop up but Stormer still pretty exclusive at the moment so enjoy (and enjoy the consequent lack of parts availability and info too)...!


    Not sure if you have had chance to drive yours much yet but they come very highly recommended as a driving experience compared to J60 powered CVRT..

  9. Changed oil and filters (gearbox and engine) on the Sabre at the weekend as well as the air cleaner oil. Didn't get time to do the fuel filter sadly but that will be one for next time. My mate (ex REME Chally 1 and 2 man) was amazed at my diligence compared to what happens in the field.


    Bit different when you're oaying for it yourself though !



    Sorry meant to say PAYING of course....

  10. Changed oil and filters (gearbox and engine) on the Sabre at the weekend as well as the air cleaner oil. Didn't get time to do the fuel filter sadly but that will be one for next time. My mate (ex REME Chally 1 and 2 man) was amazed at my diligence compared to what happens in the field.


    Bit different when you're oaying for it yourself though !

  11. This question reminded me that somewhere I have a copy of Marshall Cavendish' The Falklands War - all 14 parts in the original folder. Have had a quick nosy but can't find the picture in question..


    Interesting article on CVR(T) suggesting that more of them would have been useful, but they weren't sure how much good they would be so only took a few.


    Also gave the anecdote of the commander who jumped down and sank to his knees in the muck, while the Scorp sat there quite happily, thus demonstrating the low ground pressure...


    Couple of interesting pics but no number plates, I'm afraid !

  12. You often find that there are limitations on what use it can be put to. If I remember rightly there are statutes covering this - the idea being that the land might be needed at some point in future for the tracks to be relaid. Of course there are plenty of examples of housing estates being built on old railway lines but I think that's the theory anyway.


    I think this is why they are often turned into cycle and footpaths, because they then have some use but can be relaid with relative ease...

  13. Howard and Chris


    Thanks for info. Will watch with interest. I do quite fancy building a replica of one of my own vehicles but I'm finding it pretty difficult to spend any time on the real ones at the moment, never mind plastic & resin ones..!




  14. I think this is potentially part of the problem with vehicles that don't get used very often and owners who don't know too much. The reality is that some people will figure that a vehicle is 'good enough' for what they want it for..


    I have some vehicles which, whilst runners, stil need quite a bit of work to get them up to scratch as they've sat around for a long time. Difference is I would not dream of passing them off as anything other than what they are...

  15. Sidewinder.....

    I'm not trying to do AA out of a sale here by any means.....they have some great subjects & plenty of accessories to go with them....but if you're looking for something REALLY detailed, & REALLY special, & are not in too much of a hurry, then you might consider waiting (& saving up) for the KFS 1/24th scale (half inch to the foot) FV432. This is a forthcoming release for 2011.


    By really detailed I'm talking about metal tracks, a complete & fully detailed interior that you can actually appreciate with the naked eye due to its larger scale, working hatches & door, lift off engine decks & a complete lift out power pack.


    To get a feel for what I'm talking about have a look at the others in the same range on www.kitformservices.com (click Military Range in the left side bar menu) The 432 is not there but you'll get the idea.


    Howard @ KFS


    Hello mate


    You got any plans to do any CVRT's then ? I know AFV Club do the 1/35 Scimitar and Scorp, as well as AA doing the variants in 1/35 and the Scimitar in 1/16, but would be good to have some larger scale variants, esp with the later style headlights (the AA ones all come with the sealed unti jobbies)...


    Happy to help with reference pics if it gets mea discount..!



  16. Was with 8(F) in early to mid 80's in Coventry. Great days in particular the summer camps - managed to get one week in Gib which was great in the mid'80's still a big miltary presence back then.


    Seem to remember the uniform was pretty much the same as the RAF uniform of the time.


    I also remember being the quickest at stripping a Bren - wouldnt have a clue now though...!

  17. I would've thought £1,500 was about right for new track, but like a lot of this sort of stuff it really depends on timing. This sort of stuff tends to come and go so if you happen to hit a lean patch you'll pay more.. Road wheels are a case in point - couldn't move for them a few years ago - now they're like rocking horse poop..!


    £4K pretty steep by anybodys standards though - unless you're an african govt of course !!!

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