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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Crikey Kyle


    Have you not seen Kelly's Hero's.


    Silk stockings for the broads, cigarettes, booze, perfume cause there ain't nothing, nothing too good for our boys. And not forgeting the post!! :tup:


    Oh, occasionally they would put personal kit, jerry cans, helmets, sleeping bags, rations, ammo for sidearms, cam nets, tool boxes and most things they couldn't fit inside - which was nearly all they had.



  2. My forum name - Markheliops stems from when I was flying helicopters. You may have all noticed the name heliops has absolutely no connection with any MV.


    My real name - Mark is included.


    Everyone knows me as Markheliops on here and many other internet sites to which I am a member.


    I chose the name because it's fun, it reminds me of days gone by and basically, couldn't think of anything else. :dunno:


    Nothing to do with wanting to hide behind a screen name so I can make dodgy comments about other people or organisations.


    I am PROUD to belong to HMVF and as such will be proudly flying the HMVF flag (when they arrive) :whistle: as well as my HMVF vehicle plaque showing my real name Mark Hart and my screen name Markheliops.


    I am who I am - and I am Markheliops. :tup:

  3. Mrs Hardyferret / N.O.S


    Happy Birthday to you both. Have a great time - unless you had a great time last night in which case - have a great but quiet time today.


    :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:



  4. I suspect so mate. When I removed the rear wheels of the WLF, although the outer nuts were VERY tight, once loosened, some of the inner nuts were only hand tight. :shake:


    Couldn't tell just be looking at them.


    Theres a moral there somewhere.



  5. To be honest Tony - never had the need to criticise the forum -


    I'm just happy to be here. :banana:


    I think the mods do a good enough job and I for one do not have any complaints.


    Members have - as you stated - the right to criticise and make suggestions - and that is only right.


    Non-members do not. >:(



  6. Man - do I get the hump. :angry:


    Not sure who is criticising the forum but whoever it is - s-d off. :argh:


    I love being part of this forum - I like the people on it - I like the topics discussed - and I like the feel of being part of something unique.


    What I don't like is being asked to furnish my details just to please some unknown quantity who want to criticise the forum. My full details are on my profile and I have no reason to hide my particulars.


    If members want to show their real names on screen - please feel free as it doesn't matter a hoot what name you show to me.


    To be honest, if someone wants to think the forum has less credibility because we happen to use screen names - then so be it. I would hate to think we have to change what we have been doing since the beginning because someone starts having a kick at the forum.


    I didn't join the forum to be credible - I joined it to participate in discussion and share my passion of MV's with like minded people.



  7. Hi all.


    Seasons Greetings. :-D


    Unfortunately this time of year brings added pressure - Drink Driving.


    "Come on, just stay for another."

    "Oh dear, can you pop out and get me some eggs."


    We in the Emergency Services get to see the results of Drink Driving and the instances increase over the festive period. 9 times out of 10 it's the innocent people who end up getting hurt.


    I have no reason to imagine anyone on this forum would intentionally drink and drive but sometimes it's all too easy to have a heavy night and drive the next morning because someone needs something or an emergency pops up (forgot the turkey) :roll:


    We are all grown ups here - well most of us are - so please take a second to think of the consequences of driving when you should really stay at home or catch a lift.


    You can kiss goodbye to the MV hobby for at least 3-5 years. May as well sell your pride and joy because you won't be able to insure it. Possibly lose your job which could lead to loss of house because you can't pay your mortgage. Other half on your back so she leaves - that's not a bonus by the way -


    Worst case scenario - You could kill someone.


    Already, we (The Fire Service) have seen an increase in Road Traffic Accidents in the past few weeks and contrary to popular belief - they are not boy racers and youngsters.


    They are middle aged adults who should know better.


    So please be careful out there.


    Have a great Christmas and Best Wishes for 2008. ;-)




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