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Posts posted by antar

  1. Nice pix antar, that reminded me of my first introduction to the very desirable Martian Artillery Tractor, which was was climbing inside one that had been sunk in a big wet hole on Slab Common for recovery training, sitting at the wheel and imagining what it would be like to own one. This started a train of thought that has led to many years of fun!


    My first introduction to MV's was an Austin Champ and from their they just got bigger and heavier, driving the Artillery Tractor was great as you had the 12 seat cab. We used to go to off road events and shows with a full cab, everybody chipped in for the fuel so the 4mpg was like doing 48mpg !!!

  2. Below is a picture I took at L Jackson and Co in Doncaster during the mid 1980,s, it is a bren carrier in a wooden packing crate stood on its side. The photo was taken through a pair of sliding doors on a warehouse on which the handles were chained together so that you could not get in the warehouse. Someone else had prised a couple of boards off the crate before I got there.


  3. The Artillery tractor went to a guy called Eddie Bennet who was the keeper of Swanage Pier, the last time I saw it was when I drove it to Hilton Park services on the M6 to meet Eddie who then paid me and carried on down to Swanage in about 1987. Eddie had not even seen the truck, he bought it on my word, asked me to brim the tank (100 gallons of petrol) and said he would pay for the truck and the fuel when we met ! Trusting Times !!!


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