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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Hi Clive

    I think Martin means the Reynolds Boughton RB44 truck (although some

    in the Army might call it "or summat). It was a bit of a disaster.






  2. I don't think we should fall into the British way of being too self critical, whilst I agree that there are faults, well thats life, nothing is perfect.

    We did get a lot of very good publicity in the past 2 years the various 60th anniversaries and we should try to build on that but other than attending shows, RBL and charity events etc what , if any, are the suggestions as to what we should be doing. :?:







  3. One of my customers has a truck which he will dispose of free. It was used as the garage breakdown and has a crane in the back. I believe it was abonded due to broken drive shafts and is now rusting away and overgrown but it must have a lot of usable parts if anyone is interested.






  4. Putting it onto computers is yet one more of Big Brothers ways of checking up on us and ultimately sending out summonses automatically

    if you don't get your vehicle tested on time.

  5. Hi Steve

    I would suggest that you find a tester who is used to Land Rovers, ie-your local non franchise LR garage or a tester of the "old school" who understands old vehicles and will use his discretion rather than the"do it by

    the book" type of test station.






  6. Funny you should mention Land Rover wheels John,many years ago I lost

    a front wheel off the odl farm hack, a telephone engineer nearly had a

    seizure when it went between the ladder he was on and the pole, hit the bank and bounced back, pheeew :!: :shock:

  7. Hi SM

    Further to Tim's comments,in order to get a licence to own a rifle or shotgun you have to be able to prove a need ,eg pest control or target shooting and checks are made for good character and weapon storage

    security etc. This of course has no effect on crime for obvious reasons,it is just another example of the "Nanny State".






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