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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. If it was running OK before you adjusted the timing it looks as if that might be where the problem is unless it's something simple such as crossed plug leads.

    No doubt Richard Farrant will be along soon, he's the fount of all knowledge on all things QL (and just about everything else).

  2. Thanks for all your posts.


    Fulltilt's post is correct and luckily I'm not in a conservation area. The buildings that are on the web are either too massive and too long or have doors that restrict the height or have a central pillar in the door opening. I have a space 18ft by 18ft approx. for the garage which would still leave another 12ft of garden width as a hard standing for a car or other MV!


    I would build as we do on the farm, s/h telephone or electric poles for the uprights, s/h timber which has been reclaimed from old mills or factory buildings, it's been seasoned properly before original use and is often oil soaked and lasts indefinitely, obtain suitable sizes for roof joists and intermediates for cladding. We usually block wall to a height of about 5ft but can clad to ground level for light applications.There is a huge choice of cladding available, depends on how much you want to spend. If you don't want to build yourself I would recommend you try agricultural building mfrs, they have a big range of standard sizes but will usually make up any size you require.

  3. I doubt you will get an exact number but you're best bet to get somewhere near is to join the CCKW forum and check all the info on there. IIRC there are articles on there reproduced from Army Motors which may be of some assistance to you.

    Best of luck with your search.

  4. You're right about the trailer problems but there is also the problem of driving the Land Rover on the difficult route I have to take plus the difficulty of manoeuvering it in the parking area. Unless things improve it would be unsafe and obviously safety has to be the priority. Due to the pain I haven't slept and as you suggest I spent the night drinking tea and swallowing painkillers.

  5. Well the weasel is now running having replaced the fuel pump and removing the suppressor from the coil has cured the hot starting problem. Sods Law then came into play, I aggravated an old shoulder injury so this weekend's event is now in jeopardy as at the moment I have very little use in one arm:banghead:

  6. her we go again...someone who reads part of the post not it all...peoples opinions and ideas are what they have. some people know more than others about things it doesn't mean they are the only choice and it does not mean they are right..it just means they know a bit more...


    if you had read the thread I might be inclined to discuss it but since you haven't its really pointless me responding...


    For your information I have followed this thread from its inception and have had a lifetimes experience of LGV's.

    You are attempting to defend the indefensible so I have no intention of getting into an argument and will post no more on the subject.

  7. You say that there is always someone who knows more, very true, so why not listen to the wise advice you have been given.

    There is a good reason why the army didn't use them for this purpose, it's dangerous, end of story. Paulbrook has explained chapter and verse. Not if but when it rolls over the chances of seriously injuring or killing people must be pretty high and when your insurance co. look into it I don't fancy your chances. With the plans you have in hand it seems to me you would be much better advised to get yourself a lowloader,you can't put a price on peoples lives.

  8. My Weasel is fitted with full radio suppression and I have just discovered that a faulty suppressor on the generator (dynamo) results in a lack of output, ie off charge. This does not apply to just the Weasel but will affect any radio suppressed vehicle. I also suspect that a faulty suppressor on the coil may also affect starting especially when hot and I hope to be able to prove this in the next few days.

  9. Ah, US Army snow stuff.


    Think yourself lucky you only have one Degsy ( two vehicles and four snow trailers as of today ) ;)


    Thanks again for that motor


    I'm beginning to think one is too many but I've thought that before and disposed of a vehicle and then regretted it and bought something else!

    Have you fitted the wipers yet Gordon?

  10. Huh, wait 'til you get to my age Tony, I've got aches, pains and bruises in places I didn't know existed but aside from that in a perverse sort of way I quite enjoyed solving the problems.:nut:

  11. Went up to the farm this week to start servicing the Weasel only to discover that it was well blocked in the shed by trailers, a big plough and a fine selection of other ullage. A couple of hours hard labour and it was time to start the little beast only to find a flat battery, this shouldn't happen as I have a solar trickle charger connected to it and it normally starts first go even after standing for a long period. Couldn't get another vehicle close enough to it to jump start it so out with the battery charger only to find that the extension lead wasn't long enough to reach from the nearest power point so had to return home to get another extension reel, returned to farm connected charger up and left it overnight. Returned the following day, battery now charged up but now the starter decided to stick, cured that with a judicious tap with a large lump of steel and away we go. Lying down to get at all the track wheels and suspension is a no-no in my knackered condition so I had decided to put the Weasel on it's trailer to make the job easier, left it ticking over in the middle of the yard whilst I positioned the trailer, when I was getting the trailer it had stalled and wouldn't restart, a problem which I have suffered from before. I suspected the ignition coil and had one in stock ready to fit so although I knew it was going to be a bit of a b----r to change much to my later regret I started the job. The coil is fitted fairly low down on the engine and there is very little clearance but I thought that by removing the instrument panel I might gain access, this is held on by 8 nuts and bolts and as the nuts can't be seen the job has to be done by touch whilst crouched in a very awkward position in the drivers compartment. Stupidly I forgot about the capillary tube for the temp gauge and burnt my hand on said very hot tube but eventually got the panel free but as I couldn't move it out of the way enough to access the coil I had to put it back and resign myself to removing the engine side panelling. I'd had enough for one day so decided to put the Weasel back in the shed, attach the charger and attack things another day. Although it had cooled down it still wouldn't start, the fuel pump had decided it didn't want to play but a good clout and I was back in business and the Weasel was back in it's shed. Following day it refused to start, I had assumed, wrongly yet again' that the fuel pump problem was a one off but after a good tap it burst into life. The ammeter has never worked so decided to check the charging and discovered it wasn't but before ripping things apart I consulted the manual. Weasels were all built on the assumption that Radios would be fitted so they are all fully suppressed and the manual produced the info that a faulty suppressor could upset the charging, removed said item and normal service was resumed. As I have no intention of fitting a radio and as they all looked very old I also disconnected the suppressors fitted to the regulator and the coil. I also checked the output from the solar charger and that now resides in the bin. Eventually put the weasel on the trailer and greased it up and then back to the shed but not without more trouble from the fuel pump so a new one is now on order and hopefully will be fitted in time for the seasons first event next weekend. I did manage to start it once from hot so it will be interesting to see if removing the suppressor from the coil has cured the hot start problem, I will report back in due course.

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