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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Hi Pete, thanks for your help on this, with only 8 miles recorded on the unit and in view of where it was found I suspect it may have failed just after fitment and was replaced before the jeep was issued to a unit and that would account for it being left on the back of a shelf. The owner has said he will keep it if it only has a low value but I will speak to him again and try to persuade him otherwise. Thanks again.

  2. Have been to see the speedo in question, it is definitely a Waltham counter balanced and is showing just 8 miles on the odometer. It is missing the clamp and nuts and appears to be seized, is it worth buying and what would be a fair price.

    I am not trying to profit by this and I have no use for it myself but just want to see it go to someone who needs it.

  3. What would be the value of an NOS unboxed Jeep speedo? I have been approached by a guy who found one some years ago on a shelf during demolition of part of a building that had been used for assembling Jeeps during the war. I have not seen the item as yet but suspect from what he has told me that it could be manufactured by Waltham. Thanks in advance for any help.

  4. I'm just finishing the restoration of my GMC 353 winch fitted open cab, can anybody give me any ideas on hood numbers and what number sequence they used. I've found an Engineers unit who were stationed near me in Somerset in the run up to D-Day so I'm ok with that but can't seem to find a definitive list of hood numbers, can anybody help please.


    There is no list of hood numbers, your only hope is to find another truck with a chassis no close to yours and which still has it's original hood no and then make an informed guess. I would suggest you join the CCKW forum, you may get some help on there as that's where all the experts reside.

  5. My son is doing a drainage job and in the middle of the bog that is the field is an ST4. Apparently it was abandoned there years ago when the fan belt broke whilst playing in the bog. Before you ask , no, the owner won't sell:(

  6. Jack will pay for Cola and beer next time we see him. :beer::coffee::banana:


    That would be a first:wow:........I won't hold my breath:D


    I've just remembered though we did once get toast and coffee at Beckett Towers.

  7. Met an A T S driver/mechanic at a show yesterday and what a character she turned out to be. At 92 years old she is still very active although she uses a mobility scooter to get about and only stopped driving at 88 when her sight deteriorated and she voluntarily surrendered her licence. She was full of humour as she talked about her experiences moving ammunition around the country and delivering vehicles to storage dumps in the south of England prior to D-Day. One thing that came out during the conversation that surprised me was that she and her colleagues also delivered American vehicles. She is soon to attend a driving day which I think is going to be at Oulton Park and apparently arrangements are being made for her to ride in and possibly drive a wartime truck once again, she is looking forward to this with great excitement. At one point she became very emotional and said that her generation had not fought and won the war to see the way this country had now gone especially with regards to immigration, a subject I am not going to comment on. I always find it a very emotional and humbling experience to talk with vets but it was particularly interesting to meet this lady.

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