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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Degsy, dont worry about parking the truck.

    As regard Dr Who, I thought we had lost him at the lunch break. No such luck, even with THAT scarf he managed to catch our Gmc with Ben hur at full chat and remount...... he was determined. Just imagine how good he would have looked asride Jim Clarkes Sherman ;)


    I was expecting him to get tangled up in the damn thing and go arse over tip in the mud.:nut: I don't think even Jim's good humour would have stretched to that :nono::D

  2. Sorry, I plead guilty to parking up your truck:blush: but in my defence there was nobody near when it was put there but due to being single handed I couldn't control exactly where people parked and obviously the weather made things difficult.

    As regards the character you so aptly describe when his wife delivered him on site I had great difficulty keeping a straight face and when Jack asked you to take him I had to hide in my tent, the expressions on yours and your crews faces would have made me a fortune if I'd only had a camera to hand:rofl::rofl::rofl:

  3. I dont know about 2010, but in 2012 you did a fantastic job...well done.

    I'm sure lots of us went home feeling bad about not helping you. I still dont know how yoyu managed to supply the caterering for £20 a head......outstanding.

    I cant understand the the numbers though, when we signed up we had to pay our money x4 people £80 simple.

    Some one must have had those figures,so did some people pay on arrival or gate crash perhaps.

    Simple way round this,man on the gate who directed traffic/parking also has list of people who has paid,he then gives them meal tickets.When people go to kitchen they hand in ticket.....no ticket no food.


    I was that guy (drowned rat) on the gate and I have to say I was disgusted with the attitude of a few individuals who were very awkward and in a couple of instances abusive also with the many who promised to help but then failed to show.

    There were others (and you know who you are) who went out of your way to help and saved my weekend when I got flooded out of my tent and as I have said before the Brits were shown up by the 'cloggies' when it came to helping out Dave and his crew on the catering.

    I can well understand if Jack doesn't do it again as the event is like an iceberg, 90% of the work is never seen and the financial cost is staggering and with the hassle involved I'm surprised Jack has any hair left........unless it's a rug:D

  4. I have just sent the first part of this thread as sometimes if I make a longer entry it just disappears into the ether so to speak and does not redister on the thread at all.




    When you sign in tick the 'remember me' box, this should solve your problem.

  5. Thanks everybody for the warm welcome back greetings!


    So about the dancing girls, are they still missing? :dancinggirls:


    Last we heard of when Olaf (Enigma) finally admitted they were in Cloggyland even after all the previous denials.:D


    PS Thinking about it that could be the reason Olaf doesn't come on so often these days........after so long keeping the girls happy he must lack the strength to press the computer keys!

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