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Posts posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. My job as a salesman, takes me around various bits of Nottingham-,Lincoln- & Cambridgeshires

    Quite a few lumps of old concrete can be seen, especially in the flatbits around the Fens, so here's the start of a selection of what I come across.




    This one's sat in a field, at the A141/A605 junction, outside of March. Most of the ones I see, are the hexagonal, MG/rifle slots in some of the faces. This one's obviously designed for a much bigger weapon!

    It can be seen on Google Earth. 52°35'28.73"N 0° 3'24.58"E

  2. You don't blow up a 1 tonne warhead, unless you really need to.

    Only having a 40m exclusion zone, suggests that it going BANG isn't expected.

    The photos show the combustion chamber & venturi, the question is, "How much of the rest is sunk into the mud"?

  3. Yesterday afternoon, a pair of F15s flew low over me, heading towards Waddington. Very dark grey overall. Boeing Sentry out and about yesterday & today, too. Must be the sun bringing them all out!

  4. I have a recollection of similar dumping overboard, being mentioned about the return of the Canberra from The Falklands.

    My father told me, that his father brought a nice Mauser pistol back. Father & a friend took it out to try, putting a shot into a fairly substantial tree.

    They started to try & dig the bullet out, failed to do so, then checked the opposite side of the tree & found the exit hole!

    I've just got the Kriegsmarine dagger & sheath, that he brought back, plus a cap band from an Italian submariner, plus the keys for HMS Havant's No2 magazine. Probably the only bit of that ship still on the surface, the rest being somewhere off Dunkirk.

    Got an 88mm Flak shell & cartridge case (deac), bought that some years back.

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