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Posts posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. The Argentinians, are Sherman Repotenciado, Gualeguaychú, Entre Ríos Province.


    " the late 1940's, Argentina bought nearly 450 M4 Sherman's from Belgium in many british variants, over 250 of them were the Firefly version, with the long barrel 17pdr gun.In the late 1970's, the Argentinian Army needed to modernize their armoured units. The TAM project was under way, but the border crisis with Chile required an urgent reinforcement until the TAM was operational and the Army ordered the modernization of 250 Shermans, mainly the Firefly version then in service. This program included a new engine and a new armament. Many versions of M4 in the argentinian service were used, and the Repotenciado (Lit; Upgraded) was born. Most of the Sherman Repotenciado are the british Sherman Hybrid Firefly IC, but it`s not the only version. The principal advantage in using the Firefly was the easy adaptation of the internal configuration to the new 105mm ammunition storage.

    The modifications included the french Poyaud 520 diesel engine, french made 105 mm cannon, built under license in Fábricaciones Militares Río Tercero, and other minor improvements. These included a rear modification of the turret, with a counterweight for the new longer and heavier gun, four smoke grenade launcher, storage baskets and new positions for radio antennas. In the hull, the modifications was more extensive, the engine compartment was redesigned for the new Poyaud 520 diesel engine, the suspension was revised and upgraded, and the tracks are rebuilt. This project begun in 1976 and finished in 1978, just in time to be deployed during the border crisis with Chile, in december of that year.

    A total of 252 Shermans in many versions are upgraded to 'Sherman Repotenciado' standard and the last vehicles stayed in service until 1994, when all the TAM VC medium tank were completely active in the I and II Brigadas Blindadas (1st and 2nd Armoured Brigades). Even now, in 2002, a few (12?) 'Sherman Repotenciado' are still in service for support roles with the URDAN mine roller.

    Five 'Sherman Repotenciado' were transfered to Paraguay in the mid 80's."


  2. Thanks for posting. If I send you a PM, can you let me have a good copy of the pic? By the way, if you google "Panzers in Wales" on Pathe News you get a bit of movie of it in the background of a visit by German officers in 1961. Film also includes a less lucky brother well on the way to being destroyed by gunfire on the range.


    Found them on t'internet mate, so that's the best I can do! Just Google imaged Castlemartin & that's what came up. I've tried every permutation of search terms, but that's been it!

  3. Spent a very nice week in Dubrovnik, a few weeks back.

    Here's a few photos of potential interest to military buffs.


    The Imperial Fort, that dominates the hilltop above Dubrovnik, has been turned into the "Homeland War" museum. Plenty of weapons on display, interesting to see an old MP40, stillin service in the early 90s.


    "Sagger" ATGW. Surely past its "best before" date a decade or two before?


    Mostar still bears many scars!


    Improvised armoured vehicle, by the old harbour in Dubrovnik.


    Nameplate on said vehicle.



    Ain't quite "Iowa" class, is it?

  4. <p>


    If you visit the Batterie Todt museum at Audinghem on the coast below Calais at Cap Griz Nez make sure to walk past the little café outside (great steaks and moules - plus a weird outside loo) and go down the road to see the other casemates.The road arches round to the left. Continue along and you will come to the wreck of one casemate on your right. There are three. One is a bat sanctuary in the woods to your left, but the gun port has a viewing platform. Amazing fungi in the woods around it as well. <strong>The one on the road was completely destroyed by a Tallboy bomb</strong>, worth looking at the destructive power. The third, reached down a path on your right, which is nearest to the coast; is amazing. It has original German graffiti and murals in the lower accommodation and magazines. This is quickly vanishing due to modern graffiti artists work - so don't delay. There is a picnic site as well. It's all free access in a country park of sorts. MB




    That casemate was destroyed by an internal explosion. An unfortunate local decided to take a look inside, after the Germans had departed & managed to ignite the magazine.</p>


    There are 4 casemates in total, each mounted a single 38cm gun, the same type that were mounted on the Bismark & Tirpitz.</p>


    I took these photos from the ferry leaving Boulonge, long lens & magnified, so poor quality.</p>










    Interestingly, the three surviving guns, were shipped to Norway, post war, for use in a Norwegian coastal fortress, <font size="4">Battery Nötteröy</font>, staying in use until the late 1950s.</p>





  5. Norton%201916%20ministro%20Guerra%20passa%20revista%20camions%20Entroncamento%20Junho.jpg

    "Major José Norton de Matos, ministro da Guerra, passa revista aos caminhões do Depósito de Comboios Automóveis do Entroncamento, acompanhado pelo general Fernando Tamagnini de Abreu e Silva, general-comandante da Divisão de Instrução de Tancos, do coronel Guilherme de Passos, comandante do Serviço de Transportes, e do tenente eng.º Homero da Paz dos Reis, em Junho de 1916."

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